Stand By Me...The Inspiration of Michael Jackson (must see vid***)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

someone made this video and shared this with me on you and i thought it was amazing and inspirational, here's what she wrote when she sent me this video

The song itself is inspirational, its uplifting
and makes you feel as if you can accomplish
This is a song that is fit for someone who is
all those things and more, Michael Jackson.
I thought to myself as I heard this song
that I could get a message out about Michael.
That I could paint him in some way as the giving,
kind soul that he is, instead of how the media
perceives him.
And I do believe that Michael has taken his rightful
place amongst all the angels in heaven, including
Ghandhi, Dr.King, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa.
These people went above and beyond their call of duty,
often taking incredible amounts of criticsm and hate,
but they did it because they wanted to make a difference.
They wanted change. They wanted love to win over hate.
They wanted equal rights and equal opportunities for
everyone. They didn't care if you were sick, weak,
poor or rich. They did what they could because they
cared deeply for our very own existences.

Life is not predictable. Life is short. We don't know
what tomorrow holds. All we have is today. There are
special people who walk amongst us, who are here to
remind us of this precious gift of time that only
God has given us. These people are angels, sent by Him,
to continue to spread his message, they are His hands
at work. They walk humbly, but with love, and only when
they are called upon, will they preach to the world.
They are often laughed at, ridiculed, casted out of
society as "strange" or "eccentric".

But, it is when they are no longer here, when we no longer
here their voices, or feel the touch of their love, or
see the good that they do, that we miss them. That we
understand them. That we are sorry.
And when the guilt settles in, and the grief begins, a
special kind of feeling creeps up inside. It begins to
take over and we realize we miss them because we love

You don't know a good thing until its gone.

We had them all, Mohandas Ghandi, Martin Luther King,
Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, and Michael Jackson.

The world is a better place for having had them in it.
Without them, no love would exist. I realize now that
God gave us these people for a reason, but they were
only here for a period of time. He needed his angels
back. We can only hope that their work will continue
on through all of us, and the pattern will continue.
Eventually, the world will be restored to the beauty
it once was.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality."
-John Lennon
Beautiful video. This is my favourite song and the song I want as my wedding song, it fits so well with this video. I welled up so much.
thank you so much :flowers: i'm going to follower his footstep to thw world to help more in this world that's my gold in need that's what i'm going to do :yes: thank you so much