Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

Michael Jackson Estate Addresses Controversial ‘Leaving Neverland’ Doc

The Michael Jackson estate has issued a statement on the film “Leaving Neverland,” which premiered at Sundance on Friday morning (Jan. 25). The documentary was screened at Park City, Utah’s Egyptian Theater. The Estate issued its statement about 12 hours after the film debuted, taking issue with what it calls “the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death.”

Dan Reed’s film follows two accusers, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, as they describe intense and graphic acts they say Jackson committed against them, as well those they say the pop icon coached them to commit on him. Robson met Jackson through a dance competition at age 5, and alleges the sexual abuse began when he was 7. Safechuck was cast in a Pepsi commercial starring Jackson around age 8, and the alleged abuse began after months of close friendship.

Jackson consistently and wholly denied any wrongdoing when alive, saying he would never hurt a child. As an adult, Robson was one of Jackson’s staunchest defenders, along with the likes of Macauley Culkin and Corey Feldman. Jackson died in June 2009.

Read the Estate’s statement in its entirety below:

“Leaving Neverland” isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge. The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.

Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait.

For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefitted from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice. Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money – millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.

– The Estate of Michael Jackson

I wish Janet and Jermaine would speak up because they worked with Rob$on after MJ died.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Poor Janet, she probably thought she was doing a good thing inc Wade in her MJ tribute. How was she to know at that time, years later that he would try all different schemes to make money out of Michael <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LeavingNeverland</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jo &#8226; CaledonianKitty (@CaledonianKitty) <a href="">January 26, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Well this con artist has jumped on the bandwagon too for $$$$$.......:stop: Here is the background on him

'Michael Jackson called me Rubba Rubba boy in bed and I now realise he abused me'
EXCLUSIVE Michael Jacobs-hagen was just 14 when he joined the singer on a string of tours but now he's a dad himsef he realises he was abused






Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Some of these media outlets are just using this slanderous film to bash Michael Jackson. l know this because some of these websites are not allowing the posts l make in defense of Michael Jackson with attached collaborative evidence to appear before the public.
Not going to lie... when I first heard of this documentary, I assumed it would be forgotten quick, since it appears to be the same old garbage regarding Michael, and the general consensus appears to be that he was innocent nowadays.

But reading the rave reviews, I'm just saddened and grossed out. It's obvious isn't genuine exposé, but a cheap cash-in on today's political climate. Dan Reed is nothing more than a fraudster trying to make a name for himself by smearing a dead man, not a hero trying to do the morally right thing. The amount of holes he appears to have completely ignored to create something "shocking" makes him no better than an Internet troll. :stop:

Funny how, checking social media, most of the people outraged over Michael because of this documentary and acting all melodramatic are quite young, probably 20-somethings barely old enough to remember his death, let alone the trials and exoneration. No wonder they're won over by this excrement; they're simply uninformed.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

A big news site here in Finland released an article that focuses on the statement released by the Estate. I hope people read that.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Out of intrest if anyone knows was it "accidently" not mentioned about safechuck been a umbrella holder in budapest. If it was what was the excuse.

This is very tiring. Im sure we thought his type of crap was over with. It never ceases to amaze me how there is such a vile obsession by the media and establishment to destroy mj. Such a witchhunt that no other person has ever faced. The frustrating thing is the gen public are clueless to this .

Excellent tweet by frank. Im no fan of his but at least hes not flipped over this.

That german kid by his own admitance only met mj once. Although we shouldnt be surprised going by the stories he has been selling in the previous months. Rubba rubba. Couldnt he be more original!!

Hope the kids are ok dealing with all this.

Good ole daily fail front cover pic of mj and safechuck. Remind me to stay away from sunday paper newspaper reviews on the t.v.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

This is very tiring. Im sure we thought his type of crap was over with. It never ceases to amaze me how there is such a vile obsession by the media and establishment to destroy mj. Such a witchhunt that no other person has ever faced. The frustrating thing is the gen public are clueless to this .
Nah, it happend before but we probably have to go back to Anne Boleyn or something :).
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I had seriously never heard of this guy. So he's joining Robson and Safechuck? So the only thing he speaks the truth about is that MJ called him Rubba Rubba, a nickname of some sort and then fabricated all kinds of lies around it. That short letter is just that, a letter to a friend, nothing bad there.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Well yeah lol.

What were saying about these peoples obsession with child abuse. Dan reed quoted in a l.A times article sounding like a nambla member about how wade enjoyed anal sex cause it was mj the kop how could you not enjoy it!! Infos on kop board but i cant copy and paste. Rayvon.. the pro mj tweeter picked it up
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I had seriously never heard of this guy. So he's joining Robson and Safechuck? So the only thing he speaks the truth about is that MJ called him Rubba Rubba, a nickname of some sort and then fabricated all kinds of lies around it. That short letter is just that, a letter to a friend, nothing bad there.

Theres a thread in the trial section about him. Con artist who by his own admittance only met mj once. Mj called everyone rubba. Sneddon tried to use this during the trial.everyone laughed
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">They did. Thriller, BAD tour in Brisbane (but Joy could have filmed that), BAD tour in Japan, TWYMMF clip, Heartbreak hotel Brisbane, TII small clip Smooth Criminal <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">January 27, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Any chance for the MJ State/Sony/MJJ Productions/CBS to pull this shit?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Theres a thread in the trial section about him. Con artist who by his own admittance only met mj once. Mj called everyone rubba. Sneddon tried to use this during the trial.everyone laughed

Haaha, silly Mike. Did he ever say what it means?

And lmfao with these sources trying to bring it as news and what not. They really don't give up do they.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Mjs nickname was rubba head. It came from that. Everyone got called rubba nephews etc etc. Sneddon tried to make it out as sexual. Looked an idiot when it came out that mj called everyman and his dog rubba.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Now years after his death, they come out of the holes, they need money and the public
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Mjs nickname was rubba head. It came from that. Everyone got called rubba nephews etc etc. Sneddon tried to make it out as sexual. Looked an idiot when it came out that mj called everyman and his dog rubba.

Hahaha that's fantastic, that actually made me laugh too. I can imagine the faces at the courtroom and what a freaking idiot that Sneddon was eh. And may he RIP, the other kind of RIP.

So he just met Mike once, that surprises me a little because the letter come across as if they were good friends for a while. Shame on him for doing this, and he's now trying it again? I probably should take a look at that trial thread.

One thing is for sure, I'm very greatful for this forum. I otherwise wouldn't have known about the more recent things, actual facts. This shows the difference with just being obsessed fan that will always believe in their idol, and fans that actually do research. This makes us very educated on the matter while the people that just watch TV will feel disgusted by anything they see or read, even whej they have no idea that it's already been debunked.

People absolutely think that we support him no matter what, but if it were to ever come out he did do things, which I'm 100000000% sure of isn't the case, the man couldn't hurt a fly or bug, we sure as hell wouldn't go to these lengths to support him anymore. People seem to ignore that.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bill Whitfield's post on Instagram <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; extraterrestrial (@nonamejustheree) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No I will not be supporting the Michael Jackson film. I’m landing in SLC for Sundance right now.</p>&mdash; AARON CARTER (@aaroncarter) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Snoop Dogg's instagram post from yesterday. Strong statement, thank you <a href="">@SnoopDogg</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Petschi (@OneLove4Michael) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">@tajjackson3</a> We have been in Utah protesting and I just wanted to show you how awesome these two protesters are. <a href="">@SirenLovesmj</a> and her friend and fellow MJ fan Brenda were passing these out on Friday and Saturday. The first image describes your GoFundMe and has a scannable link! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">27. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

In Spain they are crucifying Michael... I don't know how the media can put the things two liers as the truth. In a El Mundo, a national news paper I woke up this morning with this: "Michael Jackson Rey del Pool y pederasta (ya sin la menor duda)". Translated: "Michael Jackson was a child molester with no doubt". I don't want to put the link because I don't want to give it more views to this rubbish... I am so angry and sad...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So people are getting their facts from a movie now? I wonder how they feel about the documentary showing the great alien invasion of ‘96. I think it was called Independence Day.</p>&mdash; Brett Barnes (@IAmBrettBarnes) <a href="">27. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This man is a fantasist who has sold repeated fake stories - including fraudulently claiming to have evidence Jackson was murdered. Also been caught selling fake autographs. But the media will never report that. <br><br>There’s no coming back from this. MJ is done. The crooks have won. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Charles Thomson (@CEThomson) <a href="">27. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My family and I have known Wade and his family since he came to America. Don’t tell me a 4 hour one sided hit job that you watched is more reputable than people who actually knew him and saw his interactions. This is all about money and the desperate need to be relevant again.</p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Imagine having to put up with this bullshit, about one of your relatives, for decades. I don’t know how this family keeps soldiering on. They can’t get any justice. Five-month trial ending in acquittal, plus a 10-year FBI investigation that found nothing - and still it goes on. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Charles Thomson (@CEThomson) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Michael Jackson is the reason why I’m in the field of work that I am in. He gave me inspiration of that “dreams really do come true.” <br><br>Incredibly hard to see his name brought up with all these accusations. Fans like myself, continue to do the humanitarian work like he taught us. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; John Muto (@johnjunmuto) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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Prince's Friend from Heal LA
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Can you imagine the crowd eating this movie up reacting to Tom Sneddon back in the day. Lol, they would probably praise him for being brave and adversarial. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad to see.

The "blind fan" dismissal is absolutely pathetic. There are many many artists whose work I enjoy but I won't defend their qualities as a person, and there is nothing stopping MJ from being in that category just because he made good music. But shock and horror, the facts don't support it, so I will defend him as a person. Meanwhile so-called critics see a biased hit piece and scream "blind fans!!!" when they get called out on their rave reviews. Yeah they're the blind ones alright! LMAO
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I had seriously never heard of this guy. So he's joining Robson and Safechuck? So the only thing he speaks the truth about is that MJ called him Rubba Rubba, a nickname of some sort and then fabricated all kinds of lies around it. That short letter is just that, a letter to a friend, nothing bad there.

The letters are fake. I am totally sure. Michael Jacobshagen sold a lot of fake signatures by MJ on ebay etc... German TV exposed him in 2017.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Wai-wai-wait, Aaron Carter? The one who claimed MJ gave him drugs? Maybe i've missed somethin'?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

The letters are fake. I am totally sure. Michael Jacobshagen sold a lot of fake signatures by MJ on ebay etc... German TV exposed him in 2017.
Of course they are. The guy was caught on things like this so many freaking times.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Mark Lester defending Mike on UK tv on Friday morning. They bring up his comments about sperm donations though :(

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

The letters are fake. I am totally sure. Michael Jacobshagen sold a lot of fake signatures by MJ on ebay etc... German TV exposed him in 2017.

Actually, I think this could be excellent news for MJ! Jacobshagen's claims should be very easy to refute, because of his history creating fake letters and false stories about MJ. The fact that the Mirror and Sun have jumped on this so quickly with no research should help to show that Robson and Safechuck are 'birds of a feather' they are all just fraudsters, who can easily fool the press. It will certainly show that the press are extremely easy to fool where MJ is concerned.
At some point the Estate are going to have to come out from behind their computer screens and start debunking these allegations and draw attention to the lies of Wade and Jimmy. Preferably on tv.

I was of the opinion of not drawing too much attention to this doc, but it&#8217;s already getting widespread attention and it hasn&#8217;t even aired on tv yet.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJFam</a>... a very important video from Geraldine Hughes. She saw the film. This is what she has to say. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#StopLeavingNeverlandNow</a><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Believing Neverland (@believenvrlnd) <a href="">27. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My new post-finally!-is up. <a href=""></a> A large chunk of this was an old post I started last year, but with updates to talk about the Leaving Neverland controversy. I wanted to include a lot more, but it's getting late and I'm going to have to get off the computer</p>&mdash; Raven Woods (@emailraven) <a href="">26. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">More from the Estate &#10084;&#65039;&#128081;&#10084;&#65039;<br>To the worldwide MJ fan community:<br> <br>As some of you may already be aware, last night the Estate issued the following response to the salacious fantasy that… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Melanie321 (@Mellie4Justice) <a href="">27. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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The Estate of Michael Jackson

....The Estate has heard from many of you inquiring about what further actions the Estate will take. The Estate is continuing to explore its options in exposing the obvious bias and agenda of the filmmaker in telling the story of these two admitted liars.
Thank you all for your continued support for Michael’s legacy, and for everything you are doing online to educate people on the truth about Michael Jackson. We’re all in this together for Michael.