Post Your Favourite MJ Picture of the Day

Re: Your fave Michael Jackson picture of the day

You see, I just don't know with this one. Is this the sort of thing you girls like? Sometimes I can tell and sometimes I just can't.
Either way, he's just angelically beautiful 🥰
That is definitely the word - angelic.

I don't see Michael himself as an angel or an earth angel. I find that whole thing slightly ... odd. But 'angelic' as a way to try to capture his beauty, allure, appeal, aura, whatever - it does the job very nicely. ❤️
Re: Your fave Michael Jackson picture of the day

Has this been photoshopped? Because I don't remember ever seeing a black top for Bad. There was silver, red and blue. Don't remember black. Although it would be awesome if it was legit. It looks fabulous. He always looks Wow! in black.
OK, I just found a gif with the black top. So presumably it's legit. Do we know which leg of the Bad tour it was? Presumably quite early on as it's the 'simple' version of the top with just the strap going across his torso, not loads of straps going down his arm. I'm quite intrigued. It looks fabulous.
lovely photo! Somehow it did not show up. Trying it here
Exactly. I can save it to a document on my chromebook or into my little slideshow and it will show up, as expected, but not into my reply here. Gah! Me and chromebooks. We don't get on.

But, yeah, lovely shot of Michael. Being glorious, as usual. Pretty face. Beautiful eyes. Radiant smile. Sexy hair. Oh my ...
Has this been photoshopped? Because I don't remember ever seeing a black top for Bad. There was silver, red and blue. Don't remember black. Although it would be awesome if it was legit. It looks fabulous. He always looks Wow! in black.
Blue was never used
OK, I just found a gif with the black top. So presumably it's legit. Do we know which leg of the Bad tour it was? Presumably quite early on as it's the 'simple' version of the top with just the strap going across his torso, not loads of straps going down his arm. I'm quite intrigued. It looks fabulous.
The black top was used on the first concert of the Bad tour