We’re almost there on American bandstand 1975?


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2021

Above link claims it was performed but I can’t find a video of it

I did find this performance of “just a little bit of you” which is definitely from the same show

Awesome performance btw, non stop dancing
I would love to see that video and how it compares to the dinah shore appearance.

I love the above video posted. he was so fluid and loose. his speed matched the tempo, which made it more exciting. this was before he began disco dancing while filming ‘the wiz’. he had already developed a move set unique to him.

out of the two songs, I definitely prefer ‘we’re almost there’. though ‘cinderella stay awhile’ is probably my favourite from that album. I also liked ‘cupid’ from that era as well. jolly music 💜

the host dick clarke has always been good to him. it’s interesting that he already described michael as a songwriter..