Blue Skies - Unreleased Song (?) For Sale (FAKE)

I'm very skeptical of that April 1995 date, that was just before Scream was released as a single.
The HIStory album was done by that point and was basically being prepared for release.
Could be another Throwing your life away situation but very doubtful.
Right now I'm doubting the veracity of this

Let me ask Damien
I'm very skeptical of that April 1995 date, that was just before Scream was released as a single.
The HIStory album was done by that point and was basically being prepared for release.
Could be another Throwing your life away situation but very doubtful.
I guess this is a new way of scamming
Ok so this is a scam.

1) The CD writing was clearly done by a digital marker on a stock image
2) The song is so shit there is absolutely no way this was produced by Brad Buxer.
3) This is the same seller who was selling GYWOOM but it might be an impersonator considering the only reason why that song was for sale was to get his money back, also the account joined today 💀💀.
Sorry guys Blue Sky is FAKE
The discord user JAMESTHEGOD deceived me with these snippets and the sale of Ebay
Damien listened to many Unreleased songs in the copyright office and made notes of each song, on Twitter he usually shares part of his notes when asked about a certain song.
ohhhh ok (that's really cool) also why was my reply in Spanish?? I ain't never been able to type in Spanish
wait. I just remembered a song. I have to post it here or I will not be satisfied.
I'm so sorry I just had too.
Heyyyy guys. Sorry bout that. I made the drums to this😅 This initially started as a joke but turned into something serious. My Apologies.