Compilation of Stacy Brown's Lies

That is a good idea. In fact, we should have compilations of all the major players lies, so that when they write something new, we have a list showing how the new lie contradicts previous lies.
That is a good idea. In fact, we should have compilations of all the major players lies, so that when they write something new, we have a list showing how the new lie contradicts previous lies.

I've done:

Matt Fiddes
Mark Lester
Scott Thorson
Arnold Klein/Jason Pfeiffer
Rabbi Boteach

The people involved in the allegations, MJVindication/VindicateMJ is a good resource, but it needs to be made more succinct and easier to scan/read.

Diane Dimond's lies are so exhaustive it would be hard to keep up.

It is VERY useful though, because merely by compiling all their stories together, you can easily find the lies and contradictions and things fans have forgotten or they hope fans have forgotten.