Diana Ross


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I did not find a thread with her. Can`t believe it. Anyway she has now her analyse on the chartmaster-site. Impressing.

Ah, Ms. Diana Ross...
When I was young I used to pretend to be her. I was a huge fan of hers as a child but I honestly loved her as a style icon rather than a singer. She had this very unusual beauty that was mesmerizing to me and she looked faboulous in her 40s more than any other time in my opinion. In terms of her songs, I liked some of her old stuff but I was never a fan of her voice.

I have to admit, I am interested in knowing what her true relationship with MJ was, but I guess it was ever changing as the years passed and they grew older and had other responsibilities. But it does seem like MJ loved her very much, at least in the earlier part of his life. I am not one of those fans who speculate and get caught up in stories. The one thing I do know is that as long as she is alive DR will never ever reveal anything to fans. I can still wish though...