Did Michael Really Hate Britney Spears?


Proud Member
Apr 19, 2019
There a thing going around that Michael really didn't like Britney. i mean if he didn't i find that kind of weird he let her be apart of the 30th anniversary show in 2001 and the fact that she been defending him.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

No Michael didn't hate Britney. I don't know who came up with that rumor but whoever did needs their Internet disconnected.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

Fake news. Karen Faye made that up. She is crazy.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

I thought Karen Faye was better then that. another "friend" of MJ i can no longer trust. boy Michael should of been careful who hung out with. ridiculous. :no:
Michael Jackson did not hate Britney Spears.

You can see, for example, his behaviour towards her when he received from her the ‘Artist Of The Millenium Award’ in 2002 (August).

He smiled at her and at one point he even said to her “Britney Spears, you look wonderful!” (which looked as an act of flirt towards her).

The legitimacy of such a Millenium Award (if it actually exists or not) is of course a completely different discussion.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

Karen Faye must had and still has a big crush on Michael. she need to face the fact Michael didn't like her that way and only as an make up artist and friend. Michael liked women in his life but she wasn't one of them. she needs to stop lies and stop being jealous that Michael didn't like her that way.

I understand Michael was an very attractive guy but face facts he didn't like some women.
I don’t know about him not liking her but I will say that their duet was one of the stranger ones I’ve ever seen. Michael being high and Britney looking bored did not translate well to the stage.
Snek;4285948 said:
I don’t know about him not liking her but I will say that their duet was one of the stranger ones I’ve ever seen. Michael being high and Britney looking bored did not translate well to the stage.

Michael would have been better off singing TWYMMF with Beyonce or Whitney Houston. They are/were singers just like Michael was. Britney is a terrible singer and it was embarrassing listening to her weak and terrible voice next to Michael's strong and great voice.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

Michael would have been better off singing TWYMMF with Beyonce or Whitney Houston. They are/were singers just like Michael was. Britney is a terrible singer and it was embarrassing listening to her weak and terrible voice next to Michael's strong and great voice.

Britney at the time was one of the biggest pop stars in the world,riding off the success of two massive studio albums (...Baby and Oops!) and was about to release her third successful album Britney. So naturally it made sense for this duet to happen at that time. There was a Whitney duet already scheduled for the 30th Anniversary Special (One Day In Your Life) but (potentially) due to time constraints it never happened. Beyonce was also still with DC3 (Destiny's Child's best lineup) and this show was two years before Beyonce went solo. I don't know if in that moment Beyonce would have been comfortable doing a solo performance but who knows. At this juncture it's quite irrelevant to have these discussions about long-since-passed events and think about what could have been because it didn't happen.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

He said in an interview, that he doesnt even hate Eminem instead of he did. (Just Lose It video)...
Michael was/is always L.O.V.E, with no hating.

So, Britney, who was inspired by MJ... I guess he loved her so much!
As Usher, Timberlake, Luther Vandross, 98 Degrees, Chris Rock, and all the other people he invited to the 30th celebration and other concerts.

I guess he tried so much to love everyone he meet or doenst, he always forgive the people who hurt him.

idk anything about God and religions and stuff, but to me MJ was a new version of Jesus... He, since his childhood, always gave us LOVE, everythig was about LOVE.
LOVE for the people, animals, planet, universe.

And as Jesus, MJ had his cross to carry, his Judas to betray him, and his Romans to try to punish him...
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

No Michael didn't hate Britney. I don't know who came up with that rumor but whoever did needs their Internet disconnected.


Fake news. Karen Faye made that up. She is crazy.

And this.

I thought Karen Faye was better then that. another "friend" of MJ i can no longer trust. boy Michael should of been careful who hung out with. ridiculous. :no:

Karen Faye is not better than that. She is a nutjob, IMO. Her favourite sentence starter is "Michael told me". I really, really wish that fans would stop asking her about what and whom Michael did or didn't like. She was his makeup artist (not even a good one at that) and she did not know him or understand him, as deeply as she thinks she did. Plenty of times, she hurt his feelings with garbage that she said to him and she has not respected his dignity or his privacy, either, since he passed away.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

He said in an interview, that he doesnt even hate Eminem instead of he did. (Just Lose It video)...
Michael was/is always L.O.V.E, with no hating.

So, Britney, who was inspired by MJ... I guess he loved her so much!
As Usher, Timberlake, Luther Vandross, 98 Degrees, Chris Rock, and all the other people he invited to the 30th celebration and other concerts.

I guess he tried so much to love everyone he meet or doenst, he always forgive the people who hurt him.

idk anything about God and religions and stuff, but to me MJ was a new version of Jesus... He, since his childhood, always gave us LOVE, everythig was about LOVE.
LOVE for the people, animals, planet, universe.

And as Jesus, MJ had his cross to carry, his Judas to betray him, and his Romans to try to punish him...

Oh please don't use that comparison. Michael was no Jesus or God-like deity. He was a human being with imperfections and flaws who happened to have superhuman dancing and singing skills that will never be reproduced in any lifetime to come,but don't make this comparison. It's outlandish and delusional.
Michael wasn't Jesus at all. yes he lived on earth like Jesus. he tried to live like Jesus. but he wasn't Jesus. he even said it himself. he was a human being just like the rest of us. I said this a lot of times and even Michael even said it. but fans don't wanna listen that why we have people who think the fanbase is nuts.

Michael believe in god. so he tried to be godlike as much he could. he even from a family with faith.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

Oh please don't use that comparison. Michael was no Jesus or God-like deity. He was a human being with imperfections and flaws who happened to have superhuman dancing and singing skills that will never be reproduced in any lifetime to come,but don't make this comparison. It's outlandish and delusional.

I'm really sorry for sounding disrespectful. As I said, it's my ignorant opinion. I don't know anything. Just know I should and deserve to rescpetc you all, I'm really sorry for my behavior. I missed a great opportunity to be silent

He was as godlike as he could, and I agree that we all should try to be, and I think he did his best to extinguish the hatred in his life.
What about us? Sometimes we appreciate hatred in our lives, hate something or someone. It's like a life balance, duality of stuffs.

I guess he just hated sony a little, until to learn in his heart to forgive them.

Again, i'm really sorry for my last behavior, will not happen again.

Mikky Dee;4286010 said:
Karen Faye is not better than that. She is a nutjob, IMO. Her favourite sentence starter is "Michael told me". I really, really wish that fans would stop asking her about what and whom Michael did or didn't like. She was his makeup artist (not even a good one at that) and she did not know him or understand him, as deeply as she thinks she did. Plenty of times, she hurt his feelings with garbage that she said to him and she has not respected his dignity or his privacy, either, since he passed away.

Michael Jackson had Karen Faye as his personal hair/make-up stylist for more than 25 years (since 1982), which shows that not only he was fully satisfied with her abilities on his hair and make-up, but also that she was important to him in difficult, dark periods.

Like, her emotional support to him during all those early mornings during the trial period in 2004-2005 (when they even used to pray together).

Or, from the release of the ‘Thriller’ album onwards, when tabloid reporters (during the shootings of his music videos) used to hound her and offer her money in order to reveal more behind-the-scenes information about Michael Jackson or about the music video itself, but she always refused.

His long-time guitarist Jennifer Batten said about her also this:

“… Michael’s relationship with Karen was that of a mutual love, respect, trust, and a deep spiritual connection as well. That’s why he wanted her around year after year …"(Jennifer Batten)

Or, what the make-up artist Barry Koper said about her:

“… She [Karen Faye] was much more than Michael Jackson’s make-up artist. She was a close friend, a shoulder to lean on, someone that Michael could laugh with and share special moments …" (Barry Koper)

Many other certain events, or quotes about her, also prove that she was very important and close to him and also that she knew him and understood him deeply.
While I don't agree everything Karen Faye has done. I have to admit she has been supporting Michael since the beginning. she probably liked Michael but Michael only saw her as a friend nothing more then that.

so shoutout to her for that. other then that she needs to stop saying things Michael probably wouldn't said because she don't know for sure. if she gonna talk about Michael at least give us the TRUTH. not lying to make it sounds something you want it. ugh. >_
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

I'm really sorry for sounding disrespectful. As I said, it's my ignorant opinion. I don't know anything. Just know I should and deserve to rescpetc you all, I'm really sorry for my behavior. I missed a great opportunity to be silent

He was as godlike as he could, and I agree that we all should try to be, and I think he did his best to extinguish the hatred in his life.
What about us? Sometimes we appreciate hatred in our lives, hate something or someone. It's like a life balance, duality of stuffs.

I guess he just hated sony a little, until to learn in his heart to forgive them.

Again, i'm really sorry for my last behavior, will not happen again.


It's okay. just be careful. it's okay to not like someone or something. there's different between hate and dislike. sometimes it okay to have haters because it shows you doing something good. though you have to be careful because sometimes haters are toxic.

Michael didn't like a few people in his life. but he mostly loved everyone. you had to get under his skin in order for him to not like you. Michael forgave people. and your right we should too. i really don't hate anyone unless they do something that got under my skin. other then that i'm more of a lover not fighter like Michael.

Michael was a respectful man. that's not saying he didn't snap sometimes when people try to use him for wrong. we all have feelings and emotions. Michael was strong. very strong.

hate is a very strong word. i try not to use the word hate.
Re: Did Michael really hated Britney Spears?

Plenty of times, she hurt his feelings with garbage that she said to him and she has not respected his dignity or his privacy, either, since he passed away.

When did she hurt his feelings? I know about the thing in 03. was anytime she did? i don't know her personally all i know she his make up artist.
While i'm am not a big fan of Britney. I do like some her music. my mom do too. I have a best friend who is a big fan of her. even if Michael didn't like her that wouldn't be right for him to do all that stuff and she defending him.

Michael never hated it anyone unless they did something to make him dislike that person. for example. eminem music video hurt it Michael feelings. he sue him not because he hated him but because he hurt it his feelings.

Michael said it was silly that he did that and that his music video wasn't good. and that it wasn't right for him to make fun of other artists.

see? this is how you get under Michael skin. anything that had anything to do with hate made him upset. i'm not sure if he forgave him. but he was very upset with him after that music video was release.

i'm gonna be real i do like some of eminem early songs and music videos but what he did to Michael was wrong. i'm not a big fan of him but i do like some of stuff as well.
i'm gonna be real i do like some of eminem early songs and music videos but what he did to Michael was wrong. i'm not a big fan of him but i do like some of stuff as well.

Yeah, Im a big fan and follower of the most of his art, and I do agree about not only Just Lose It, but also every song he made by his alterego Slim Shady. Bullying is not ok to me.
I'm happy about the artists who really didnt care about what he did, joke is only a joke, but bullying is too dangerous to play in a joke.
Yeah, Im a big fan and follower of the most of his art, and I do agree about not only Just Lose It, but also every song he made by his alterego Slim Shady. Bullying is not ok to me.
I'm happy about the artists who really didnt care about what he did, joke is only a joke, but bullying is too dangerous to play in a joke.

I think it okay to make a joke out of something but it a way you do it. though everyone feelings is different. I think he had made the video different instead of the false lies Michael probably wouldn't been upset about it. Michael was a type of man who did take jokes but when it came to the fake lies etc he didn't found any of them funny. for example weird al with his two covers of eat it and fat. thoses type of videos and covers Michael were okay with. he found both of them very funny and were friends with him.

though nowadays people get offend by everything now. there use to be a time were you could make a joke an nobody got mad about it. nowadays you tell a joke everybody is ready attack you and put in jail etc. I think in my opinion our socially has became too sensitive thought that's not saying sometimes people take jokes too far. like what eminem did to Michael.
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