Do we like MJ for his music or just his vocals?


Proud Member
Oct 30, 2022
What's your favorite song from your least favorite era?

Far too often I see it. That a song is junk. Or sounds dated, or is just bad. Well I like em (almost) all. I agree with MJs sensibilities 99.9% of the time. I can't really say I tolerate many songs just cause he's on them. And I think he brings the best out of (most) collaborators and interpreters. And even if he doesn't, there's probably still a better version waiting in the wings. His taste in production and music, all hold up. It's not the most complex compositions/writers songs
Good question !
To me it's always been the song, the compositions. Mike's work is 90% made of compositions, writings, directing musicians & engineers and then applying his crazy beautiful voice
Both go hand in hand really but I guess you can say that another artist that covers Michael does not have that uniqueness in their vocals.

MJ was able to elevate an average track into a great one with his voice alone.

Michael for the most part of his career released consistently high quality music.

He's not exempt from criticism though and he's got a number of stinkers in his catalog, just like every artist.
I really appreciate Michael's musical vision, I love a lot of his songs, but his amazing unique style is my favorite part. I like his beat box, his grunts, screams, his drunky eyes and all other things, that makes him different from other people, that makes him Michael Jackson šŸ˜Ž
While both go hand-in-hand and MJ deserves his flowers for songwriting and production, his voice was one in a trillion. I confess a level of bias because Iā€™m a super fan, but he made any song better just by singing on it.

Take ā€œYou Are Not Alone.ā€ Itā€™s not a standout song by any means, but his delivery sells it.
As a kid I was very much into Kung Fu films from the likes of Chuck Norris, Van Damme and Bruce Lee and my ultimate silver screen hero was none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. They all looked bad ass, muscular and darn cool for a little boy like me. Yet Michael had absolutely no problem nestling himself into my brain and it was certainly not because his muscular physique.
Since I caught Jacksonitis early on I can't say it was the voice that fist got my attention either, it was probably the swagger in his movement, his eye catching costumes, his curly hair and the bad ass image he created for himself during the bad era. The way he wooed Tatiana in TWYMMF was the coolest thing I had ever seen. It was probably the first time I realized you don't need to kill dozens of people with your fists to get a girl :unsure:

I only realized the beauty of his voice much later.