Does Michael actually sing in “ brand new day”?


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2021
He gets a credit for this song and it gets played a ton but I can never single out his voice. He is clearly heard in Rockwell’s track and there he doesn’t get any credit at all.
I haven't heard that song since I was a teen when I watched The Wiz

You can easily tell Michael sings at around 1:11 and around 2:03 with ad libs within those 30 seconds or so
I'm positive he doesn't appear on the single version which is played on the radio. He does appear on the extended version.
Thanks, I've been wondering this too, about Brand New Day and Be A Lion as well... I think I remembered having ripped the song from the VHS in the past and there was no doubt that MJ was head and Brand New Day, but I couldn't hear him on the album or did spend enough time searching.

Regarding Be A Lion, he's only heard in the ending starting from approx. 3:45 , and this is on the album too.
(There a sentence like "Come on, be a lion" that is said shortly earlier and I though it could be MJ but it's actually Diana Ross.)
He does appear on the extended version.

Was the extended version released anywhere? Or do you mean the movie version?

Edit: Jus re-checked... MJ's line "Hello world ! Like a different way of living now !" is different in the 7:49 track on the cd. It appears around 2:00, MJ says "Hello world !" but the Diana Ross sings "It's like a different way of living now !" ... so there is still more MJ in the movie. (not check the other part (yet?) ... well it's confusing since they are repeating switching lines, may I just skipped of MJ's parts)
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