Dr. Conrad Murray Writing Tell All Book While In Jail!

Let's face the cold hard truth here. Protecting Michael has never been Katherine Jackson's priority when money is involved. When Joe was terrorizing and beating him like a slave she didn't care and letting his murderer off the hook shows she still doesn't care. Not at all!

You got that right!

I mean, look how fast she signed that "deal" with Howard Mann, which INCLUDED Michael's 3-children. Mother didn't think twice about signing Michael's children up with the porn king. And attaching herself to Melissa Johnson's FAKE Heal The World Charity, when she thought that she could gain financially from that association.

In my opinion, it's ALWAYS "how much can Mother get, and how fast can Mother get it." NOTHING else matters!
I thought that that $100 million restitution was asked by and then dropped by MJ's Estate. How can MJ's family decide on that?

The executors gave an estimate to the judge, but they had nothing to do with withdrawing restitution.
"Jackson's estate estimated the singer would have earned at least $100 million if he had performed his "This Is It" concerts planned for London's O2 arena. Murray might have also been found liable for Jackson's funeral expenses, which totaled more than $1.8 million. Murray's attorneys said he had nowhere near the money to pay either amount, and he filed paperwork last month indicating he is indigent."

"Deputy District Attorney David Walgren told the judge handling the case that he was withdrawing the restitution request after speaking with Jackson's mother, Katherine, and attorney for his father, Joseph. Walgren also consulted with an attorney for the singer's estate and a court-appointed attorney representing the interests of Jackson's three children, a transcript of the proceedings shows."

DA spoke to Katherine and obviously to Oxman, as he was Joe's attorney that time, they wanted restitution dropped. After that DA consulted executors and kids Ad Litem.
All credits for dropping the restitution goes to Katherine and Joe at first hand, and then it is not hard to guess who is behind Katherine's back whispering to her ear.
The executors gave an estimate to the judge, but they had nothing to do with withdrawing restitution.
"Jackson's estate estimated the singer would have earned at least $100 million if he had performed his "This Is It" concerts planned for London's O2 arena. Murray might have also been found liable for Jackson's funeral expenses, which totaled more than $1.8 million. Murray's attorneys said he had nowhere near the money to pay either amount, and he filed paperwork last month indicating he is indigent."

"Deputy District Attorney David Walgren told the judge handling the case that he was withdrawing the restitution request after speaking with Jackson's mother, Katherine, and attorney for his father, Joseph. Walgren also consulted with an attorney for the singer's estate and a court-appointed attorney representing the interests of Jackson's three children, a transcript of the proceedings shows."

DA spoke to Katherine and obviously to Oxman, as he was Joe's attorney that time, they wanted restitution dropped. After that DA consulted executors and kids Ad Litem.
All credits for dropping the restitution goes to Katherine and Joe at first hand, and then it is not hard to guess who is behind Katherine's back whispering to her ear.

But why the Estate didn't ask for restitution? They paid that $1.8 million for Jackson's funeral and those $100 million from This Is It would go to Michael Jackson (now his Estate), not to Michael Jackson's mother and father. That is what I don't understand. Why would restitution money go to his family and not to his trust (to his Estate)?

And now this book will damage Michael Jackson again meaning it will damage the Estate.
and then it is not hard to guess who is behind Katherine's back whispering to her ear.

My parody of RANDY JACKSON!

No Mother let's go after AEG, that's where the big money is, no sense wasting our time with Conrad "Empty Pockets" Murray.
So the restitution always go to the family of the deceased?

Because I remember watching the trial, lawyers from the Estate calculated that MJ would have earned at least $100 million from This Is It concerts. From that number came the asked restitution.

The Prosecution and Judge Pastor made a REQUEST of the Estate for a calculation of loss of earnings from the This Is It concerts. The money collected from Murray would have gone to KJ and the kids not the estate.
My parody of RANDY JACKSON!

No Mother let's go after AEG, that's where the big money is, no sense wasting our time with Conrad "Empty Pockets" Murray.

But the really sad part here is that I'm sure Randy didn't have to spend a lot of time talking Mother into going were she thought the money was. I hope not one Jackson get's a penny from AEG and I hope Murray bashes them 10X's worse then he surely will Michael.
But why the Estate didn't ask for restitution? They paid that $1.8 million for Jackson's funeral and those $100 million from This Is It would go to Michael Jackson (now his Estate), not to Michael Jackson's mother and father. That is what I don't understand. Why would restitution money go to his family and not to his trust (to his Estate)?

And now this book will damage Michael Jackson again meaning it will damage the Estate.

They didn't pay funeral costs from their own money, it was taken from MJ's money which belongs to his kids, charity and so called mother. They are not beneficiaries of the estate in any way. I'm sorry, this is the best way I can explain the whole thing. Maybe someone else can explain it more clearly.

Funny that if Katherine and Co get any money from AEG, it all goes to Katherine and the kids, nothing to trust, and guess who controls kids money if they get anything out from AEG?
They didn't pay funeral costs from their own money, it was taken from MJ's money which belongs to his kids, charity and so called mother. They are not beneficiaries of the estate in any way. I'm sorry, this is the best way I can explain the whole thing. Maybe someone else can explain it more clearly.

Funny that if Katherine and Co get any money from AEG, it all goes to Katherine and the kids, nothing to trust, and guess who controls kids money if they get anything out from AEG?

When I say The Estate (I mean Michael Jackson's money not Branca and McClain's own money). The Estate paid the funeral from MJ's money of course. And 100MIL from TII would go to MJ (now MJ trust controlled by the Estate to pay the debts and to earn money for the kids and Katherine). That's why I find it wierd that restitution would go directly to the Jacksons and not through MJ's Estate.
You got that right!

I mean, look how fast she signed that "deal" with Howard Mann, which INCLUDED Michael's 3-children. Mother didn't think twice about signing Michael's children up with the porn king. And attaching herself to Melissa Johnson's FAKE Heal The World Charity, when she thought that she could gain financially from that association.

In my opinion, it's ALWAYS "how much can Mother get, and how fast can Mother get it." NOTHING else matters!

Exactly! Mother should think about changing her name to Money.
When will Michael be able to rest in peace? All people seem to do is want to drag his name in the mud. I thought he suffered enough in his lifetime and it continues now in death. I didn't know Michael but I don't think he would want his children going through anymore than they have. All he did was protect them and that it was his family should do as well. His family should honor his memory and not have people through more dirt at it. Just my opinion.
When I say The Estate (I mean Michael Jackson's money not Branca and McClain's own money). The Estate paid the funeral from MJ's money of course. And 100MIL from TII would go to MJ (now MJ trust controlled by the Estate to pay the debts and to earn money for the kids and Katherine). That's why I find it wierd that restitution would go directly to the Jacksons and not through MJ's Estate.

What you say makes sense, but I think the restitution money is intended for the victims who are still alive (Katherine and the kids), not Michael.
I don't understand what the restitution amount has to do with Michael's earning potential. Is not as if Michael shared his earnings with Katherine and now with Michael dead Katherine is losing that money. Sometimes I believe she's getting more money now than when Michael was alive.
I don't understand what the restitution amount has to do with Michael's earning potential. Is not as if Michael shared his earnings with Katherine and now with Michael dead Katherine is losing that money. Sometimes I believe she's getting more money now than when Michael was alive.

The restitution was based on what MJ would earn during the 02 concerts only. This was the time that Murray would've been working for him. Murray prevented MJ from going on the tour to earn money because he killed him. Murray stopped MJ from earning 100 million dollars because he killed him. The reason Katherine is involved is because she was named in his will as the caregiver of his children, so she would benefit from the restitution because she is considered a victim too.
I don't understand how Katherine could sit through that trial and listen to what Murray did to MJ, how Murray abandoned MJ and how Murray recorded MJ under the influence and planned to blackmail him yet she refused restitution. What is wrong with her?
The restitution was based on what MJ would earn during the 02 concerts only. This was the time that Murray would've been working for him. Murray prevented MJ from going on the tour to earn money because he killed him. Murray stopped MJ from earning 100 million dollars because he killed him. The reason Katherine is involved is because she was named in his will as the caregiver of his children, so she would benefit from the restitution because she is considered a victim too.

Thank you.

Maybe I didn't explain myself correctly. What I'm trying to say is that whatever amount Michael was going to earn doesn't mean that Katherine was going to benefit from the full earnings. I understand she's a part beneficiary of his estate but I'm really confused with the estimate of what she feels she should get.

If she wins the case, the children's portion will go to a trust account, right?
This is disgusting news and I fear a despicable future lies in front of us.

Can someone remind me how come that a convicted criminal is able to profit from his own crime? Or is it because he's not really describing the crime itself but the relationship he had with the victim?
If she wins the case, the children's portion will go to a trust account, right?

As far as I know, no it doesn't go into kids trust. Katherine will control the kids portion as she is their guardian. I leave up to yourself to think where that money would end up.
As far as I know, no it doesn't go into kids trust. Katherine will control the kids portion as she is their guardian. I leave up to yourself to think where that money would end up.

But that can't be possible. The children will end up with nothing from that money if they win the case. I thought in cases where children were to receive money, they money will go into an acct until the children reach certain age. This is greed at its max.
But that can't be possible. The children will end up with nothing from that money if they win the case. I thought in cases where children were to receive money, they money will go into an acct until the children reach certain age. This is greed at its max.

i think any amount awarded to the kids goes into trust till they are 18. kj gets her amount to give to her kids
but not the same trust as in MJ's will?
Katherine sets up a new trust for kids and who has a control over it?

Not that I think there is going to be any money for any of them, but in case this happens, wouldn't k be in charge of taking care of kids money? Kids Ad Litem is court appointed person to look after kids affairs in estate issues or is she looking after kids affairs outside of estate dealings, am I right here?
I thought she might not do anything outside of the estate affairs as she didn't step in when K sold kids to Mann.
Katherine will get nothing.. she will lose the AEG suit and since she refused restitution from Murray she won't get anything from him either.
Personally id think the kids money would go into a trust that cant be touched until the kids are 18. same as if there was no will
Personally id think the kids money would go into a trust that cant be touched until the kids are 18. same as if there was no will

Who decides how much is going into that trust, who controls it and who is going to start that trust for the kids?
Personally id think the kids money would go into a trust that cant be touched until the kids are 18. same as if there was no will

Yes, I agree.

Into a trust, collecting interest, no need for anybody to "bleed it dry," oops, I mean no need for anybody to oversee it. That particular trust would oversee itself until the children are of age.

Which would be a good thing, because in my opinion, Mother would certainly find a way to divert those monies to her "cubs" and the children of her cubs. Which I believe is standard practice in the Jackson family. That's one of the reasons "some" of them are having such a hard time dealing with the disposition of Michael's will.
Who decides how much is going into that trust, who controls it and who is going to start that trust for the kids?

what damages are awarded to the kids goes into the trust and its sealed until jr is 18 when he can get his %.the court would make an order for the trust to be set up imo.