Evidence tainted in Michael Jackson death investigation

I knew it was too good to be true, all this homicide stuff!!! So just like we always thought, Murray was the cover for MANY people who were involved he may get manslaughter but that's about it. People will speculate forever more and there will be theory after theory but nothing will ever be proved because they made sure from the very start that the evidence would not be found!!!!! So P*ssed off!!
F*ck! This pisses me off!!!
I better see some justice for Michael! Ugh!
I knew it was too good to be true, all this homicide stuff!!! So just like we always thought, Murray was the cover for MANY people who were involved he may get manslaughter but that's about it. People will speculate forever more and there will be theory after theory but nothing will ever be proved because they made sure from the very start that the evidence would not be found!!!!! So P*ssed off!!

I agree, I think it was all orchestrated that way from the start, ie MJ had not been officially confirmed dead, he was supposed to have later died in the hospital that is what they told us, only we know now that wasn't true,hence they didn't close it off as a crime scene. It will be difficult to prove anything.
If you think Jackson was murdered, then I'm sure everyone will take the possibility of tainted evidence rough.

However, if you think Murray was wreckless and unethical in his conduct, I'm not too worried about the evidence because it appears they are really going full force with this investigation (it's not cheap to run investigations of this magnitude) and this issue in Hollywood and sports is a LONG time coming. I believe Murray is going to be the face for this issue, and it certainly looks as though he's going to be doing a few years in prison. I wouldn't count on a life sentence, but he's still going to be spending some time in the joint and hopefully there will be stricter rules and regulations put on the dishing out of prescriptions and harsh penalties for the passing around of drugs not meant to be used outside of a medical facility.
If you think Jackson was murdered, then I'm sure everyone will take the possibility of tainted evidence rough.

However, if you think Murray was wreckless and unethical in his conduct, I'm not too worried about the evidence because it appears they are really going full force with this investigation (it's not cheap to run investigations of this magnitude) and this issue in Hollywood and sports is a LONG time coming. I believe Murray is going to be the face for this issue, and it certainly looks as though he's going to be doing a few years in prison. I wouldn't count on a life sentence, but he's still going to be spending some time in the joint and hopefully there will be stricter rules and regulations put on the dishing out of prescriptions and harsh penalties for the passing around of drugs not meant to be used outside of a medical facility.

Well he may do some time, as he has admitted the propofol, although the amount he has admitted wouldn't kill him, his defence will say that Michael administered a higher amount, and if they can't prove otherwise, he could get off. He won't be going to prison for a few years if he is in on it, and he'll get a massive pay off, he might get some time, he may end up coming to a sticky end either by suicide or murder which they'll blame it on a mad fan, so all MJ fans get tarred with the same brush
Well he may do some time, as he has admitted the propofol, although the amount he has admitted wouldn't kill him, his defence will say that Michael administered a higher amount, and if they can't prove otherwise, he could get off. He won't be going to prison for a few years if he is in on it, and he'll get a massive pay off, he might get some time, he may end up coming to a sticky end either by suicide or murder which they'll blame it on a mad fan, so all MJ fans get tarred with the same brush

Yeah I'm waiting for him to be killed and the blame put on a fan only because the media seem to be laying down the lines for that by mentioning him being in hiding and having security from death threats, who are the people such issuing death threats - as to my knowledge its not the likes of us - but all Michael fans will be tarred with the same brush if they get someone mad to kill Murray and then say it was a 'crazy fan'...
Yeah I'm waiting for him to be killed and the blame put on a fan only because the media seem to be laying down the lines for that by mentioning him being in hiding and having security from death threats, who are the people such issuing death threats - as to my knowledge its not the likes of us - but all Michael fans will be tarred with the same brush if they get someone mad to kill Murray and then say it was a 'crazy fan'...

I remember hearing once the media saying that Michael had the most delusional fans than any other celebrity this was during the trials, I felt self conscious about saying info in his defence at the time for a while, and I think now that this was to discredit anything the fans said or info they had gathered to demonstrate MJ innocence. Yeah.. so I wouldn't be surprised if he is murdered and they blame a mad MJ fan
Someone from the LAPD must have been recruited by the conspirators! I remember we were all shocked that the family was just able to go to the house so soon and start taking Michael's things. But then if the family was suspicious from the beginning, why would they taint a crime scene? That's the last thing they would want. It just didn't make any sense! LaToya's been suspicious from Day 1. I wonder if she was doing her own investigation (since she had cop training from that show) and that's why she went to the house quickly to gather up his things.

Well, evidence from the house might not be permitted now but there is still those raids on Murray's office, the pharmacies, the suspicious phone records, etc. I know that they found propofol in the house, but it was also discovered where Murray bought/obtained the propofol.

Can someone break down the evidence (from what we know) from inside the house vs. all other evidence collected?

As for the delay in interviewing key witnesses. . . . possibly talking about the bodyguards/security here? The LAPD is run by a bunch of ignorant people. Who wouldn't interview everyone that was in that house that day right away? That's the only thing that makes sense to do, right? To try to figure out the TRUTH!!

Excellent point!!
Didn't think of that!! :clapping:
John Lucas
If you think Jackson was murdered, then I'm sure everyone will take the possibility of tainted evidence rough.

However, if you think Murray was wreckless and unethical in his conduct, I'm not too worried about the evidence because it appears they are really going full force with this investigation (it's not cheap to run investigations of this magnitude) and this issue in Hollywood and sports is a LONG time coming. I believe Murray is going to be the face for this issue, and it certainly looks as though he's going to be doing a few years in prison. I wouldn't count on a life sentence, but he's still going to be spending some time in the joint and hopefully there will be stricter rules and regulations put on the dishing out of prescriptions and harsh penalties for the passing around of drugs not meant to be used outside of a medical facility.

good post.

the toxicology results will hold a lot of weight in court....i'm sure this evidence will be included. thats if it even gets to court because i'm sure murray would prefer to cop a plea bargain than risk whatever punishment may be handed down by a judge.