Honouring Michael


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
I thought it would be nice to start a NEW thread where we could show HOW we honour Michael :wub:

Yeash, I've given Michael a 'special place' in my :heart: and my NEW life but that doesn't mean, I don't have a spot anymore where I honour Michael...


It would be nice to see how YOU guys HONOUR Michael :angel:

I haven´t bother to see how I can upload photos in the computer
I don´t have pictures of Michael but he said heal the world..
some textilies,wallhangings on the walls are bought from Red Cross and catshelters.
I bought ecologic sheets with print "Love is forever"from a catshelter,mittens, shawls,tights, t-shirts socks, pillowcases from catshelters too
Plates, bowls are from Red Cross
I donate things I don´t need and I sign petitions .

The last 3,5 years I´ve learned about so many organizations I hadn´t heard about before ,Aavaz,Greatergood network,Aspca,Human society.Defenders of wildlife,The cove and takepart animals, Animals of asia,Walk free In defence of Animals,Center for Biological Diversity,Animals Australia, Dirty gold,Earthworks,International fund for animals,Force Change, catorganizations etc
I wish I could donate to all of them but at least I can support them by signing petitions and spread the word.
There are something I can do to help and it keeps me busy from thinking how things could have been

I sow sunflowers in the summer,plant trees,donate money´and think even more than before about how to save energy and such things.
WOW, Mist :ciao:

Of course, I don't ONLY honour Michael with a 'shrine' you know...

I buy a lot of ECO stuff... I don't waste food... I control the 'overuse' of Electricity and water... I don't mess with it...
I love to 'recycle' instead of buying new expensive stuff...

I also honour Michael in helping people and cultivating my talent to the highest degree :cheeky: