How much procent will the estate get from the "Michael" album?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How much money will the estate (his children and Kathrine) get and all others involved ? 80% ?
The Estate signed a $250 million deal with Sony for 10 projects in 7 years.

If I'm not wrong according to Michael's will it should be:

40% MJ children
40% Katherine
20% charity
Sony will earn from the sales.

Of course SONY is not PAYING money to release MJ, sure they make a lot of money too.
yup..and don't forget we didn't get to see the real contract.
Based on the various articles, Sony can get 0 or tens of millions for these 10 projects, it's up to them-maybe they'll sell few more TV's, have a look on all that Sony LCDs in the BN teaser. Iam wondering how much harmless (?) subliminal messages will be in the next projects :D
if a CD is sold for 10 dollars

5 could go to SONY

5 to The Estate

But I don't know how it really is. maybe it's 8 to sony and 2 to the estate.
Um, are you just guessing? It does not work that way, for an album worth around 10usd, artist usually gets around 1 dollar.
On top of 250mil, the estate will get 20% from the sales? Sounds a little too good...
maybe they only get 50 cent

We don't know.
if a CD is sold for 10 dollars

5 could go to SONY

5 to The Estate

But I don't know how it really is. maybe it's 8 to sony and 2 to the estate.
it's like: (for 10 dollar CD)

3$ for the shop
2 to 3$ for Sony/Epic
2$ for production/shipping etc. costs
2$ for the Estate (40% for MJ children, 40% Katherine, 20% charity AFAIK)
(1$ for the artists)

everything rounded and remember Sony invests money into promotion (hopefully)
and there may be special conditions/contracts for the artists