I feel like i am stuck in life, in trying to find a nice person to be with

Jan 17, 2004
I love this forum and its people and i am ok with posting something like this. In the past i've received good and well meant advice, so i immediately thought of posting it here.

So i am almost 34, i still feel young...hell 34 IS young, but i feel like i am stuck in life when it comes to finding a nice lady to be with and you know, maybe eventually get into a serious relationship. I am not ashamed to say that it's been since February 2008 that i haven't been in a serious relationship anymore. I've tried dating...well barely, just a bit and when the particular lady wasn't interested or already seeing someone i just gave up for months and months.

But it's definitely something i miss and crave for more and more. The simple but oh so important things when you are seeing someone nice. Sitting on the couch together, cuddling, watching a movie, holding eachother. It feels like an eternity, actually kinda is, that i've done that. Last time i've done that was in 2007 and that relationship ended on February 2008th. I still loved her, hell i was fully in love with her but she had started to see me more as a brother or great friend. But i miss that stuff, being close to a woman. So naturally you'd think i'd do all i can to make this happen, but not at all. Oh in 2014 there was one time that i had befriended a girl and she had been giving me all kinds of signals, so one evening during a movie i put my arm around her but long story short...she was giving me false signals and thus false hope. All very unfortunete, but ah well.

Despite my brother constantly telling me i really should sign up with at least one dating site, i just don't do it. I also don't really go out a lot. I go out three or four times a day for my dog and i do groceries shopping of course. I am someone who really manages very well on his own, but that way i won't ever find a nice lady to be on my side. No friends anywhere close means no going out for me either. But i feel it's time to quit with that nonsense and put some actual effort into it. But where do i start? Thinking about how long it has been really lowers my self esteem, it really does and that in turn makes me just decide...nah....it's ok like this. I am not even necessarily looking for a serious full on relationship, just someone nice to be with and we'll see how it goes from there.

Any kind of advice will be greatly appreciated.
A woman that is sweet, kind and friendly and with a bit of luck not a Mike hater, haha. A woman that loves animals, because animals will always be a part of my life, mostly dogs. Someone who isn't very arrogant, someone who enjoys the little things in life. Someone who isn't out for the riches but is happy if she can just manage well...because at the end of the day money is only money and it sure isn't everything. Someone who just like enjoys things like watching a movie/show together, that enjoys cuddling, being affectionate and so on. Someone who isn't 100% focused on sex, cause of course it's nice but in no way is it the most important thing if you ask me. Someone who takes me for who i am and maybe who knows..make me a different person, just a bit. Someone i can really talk to , have a good conversation with and someone i can count on if i need advice or help and of course vice versa.