If you could listen to one song for the first time again, what would it be?


Proud Member
Jan 31, 2012
Let’s say you’re struck with partial amnesia, and you get to experience one MJ song for the first time again. What song would you pick?

Personally, I’d say “2 Bad.” One of MJ’s most underrated rhythm tracks, from the immaculate production to the hidden harmonies. It’s a masterclass, and I’ll never forget just listening in awe the first time I heard it.
Great thread idea mate, totally agree on 2Bad, such an underrated track.

Smooth Criminal for me. It was the first song I ever remember and it drove me wild, that hard hitting bass, them thunderous drums and those incredible vocals, even if you couldn't understand what was being said, you knew it was bad by the fraught delivery, he embodies that story with his voice alone.

I would love to go back and hear that again brand new, I think it would blow my mind. Although listening to the multitrack acapella did kind of feel like that
I will go with Will You Be There - the first time I heard it I actually really thought the (way too) long intro was intriuquing and exiting - then came the song, the build up, the cliamxe - and then the sad malancolic spoken ending. - Genius song.
Either Break of dawn or Off The Wall! And maybe even Human Nature. Never gets boring :giggle:
Throwing Your Life Away, I was in complete awe when I heard it for the first time.
Man In The Mirror. I was in complete awe when I heard this song for the first time. I listened it on loop for weeks.
Rock with you
Because I loved how smooth the vocals are and the whole song is great