In popular culture, is Michael Jackson associated with Halloween because of his Thriller video?


Proud Member
Oct 2, 2023
Melbourne, Australia
When people hear "Halloween" in October, do they think of Thriller and its' cultural impact? There are parades of people dressed as zombies dancing to Thriller every Halloween in many cities across the world.
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somebody’s watching me’ used to in new crisps advert for halloween
I wish it was michael’s part, but it’s something..
Yes, in popular culture Michael Jackson is associated with Halloween because of his 'Thriller' music video.

But keep in mind that a large part of the world does not care about Halloween, and it does not celebrate Halloween.
Halloween has arrived in Germany and in the evening the children go from house to house in costume to collect sweets. The Halloween industry has taken off, even if it is not yet as big as Carnival/Fasnacht in Germany, but obiously there are many parties and events with the theme.
I think this one dates from 2019 but it will always be my top fave. Birney School, Michigan. A teacher leads her students through the Thriller dance for Halloween.

1m 20s

Well maybe I’m not up to date. Maybe it is happening in the cities among the young people but not in the quiet old countryside
This dates from 2011. There's loads more videos out there, in different locations, from more recent years so maybe Belgium really isn't feeling the Thriller halloween vibe. 🤷‍♀️

BRO. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. And we always play Thriller like we can not go by a SECOND WITHOUT THRILLER. Last year they played Thriller in my school during P.E. So, to answer your question, YESSS WHY DID YOU EVEN THINK OF SUCH A QUESTION OFC THRILLER IS ASSOCIATED WITH HALLOWEEN.
I'm done raging for now.
Halloween>Christmas and any other holiday
That is so depressing. I'm so, so sorry.

(candy is more delicious when it's free just letting you know)
The Americans take Halloween very very seriously as you will know.

In the UK it is celebrated but not on the scale that the US does it.
Oh absolutely. Thriller always plays on the radio on the day of Halloween and the video always used to play on Much Music here (Canadian equivalent of MTV).
Oh absolutely. Thriller always plays on the radio on the day of Halloween and the video always used to play on Much Music here (Canadian equivalent of MTV).
Thank you! Finally someone understands! I guess North America just likes celebrating Halloween
why this emoji????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
It’s a friendly wink nothing more nothing less. I will survive without halloween, don’t worry. Something like that!
Thank you! Finally someone understands! I guess North America just likes celebrating Halloween
Ghosts would also play on Much Music. One year they also played the Making of Ghosts on VH1. I don't have cable anymore so I just make it a tradition now every year to watch Thriller and Ghosts on Halloween. When I was a kid my dad would park himself in front of the tv waiting for Thriller to come on and then he would tell my sister and I to come down and watch it. He'd say "Girls! Jichael Mackson is on!" (That's what my dad always called him when we were kids hehe)

Ahhh, memories 😁
I personally never think of Thriller or its cultural impact when this day comes around. I see many zombies all throughout the year (usually looking at their phones), so the day holds no significance to me.

I'm suspicious of Halloween and its true origins. I am also very suspicious of genetically-modified toxins being given to children and adults on all the popular days programmed for us.
ooo! I really liked that! Thank you Zin! It looks like some American traditions originated in Scotland, that's really cool! I do say, I find the nut burning and the kale picking quite interesting because you normally don't associated love with Halloween. That's really fascinating thank you for sharing!
It's funny how MJ has more popularity with this than say, Marilyn Manson, or someone glaringly more, Halloween-ish.