Karen Faye- Make-up-artist for Gloria Allred

Karen keeps saying she doesn't know anything about MJ's business, yet she keeps tweeting about it constantly. Maybe she should spend some time on MJJC and get educated instead of talking shit and misrepresenting the facts.
I just dont know what to say anymore _ I hope his children dont see this :(

This from a woman who befriended Gloria Allred? And she wants to talk about who "owns" who and who is winning and losing?

She's losing, forced to have to befriend Gloria for $$$$$. No integrity at all.

I looked back and realized Gloria had even tried to have Mike's kids taken away from him after the acquittal. But he was gonna forgive and love and make peace with her? She needs to piss off.
Didnt Karen badmouth Oprah when the kids were gonna be interviewed by her (because of what Oprah thought of MJ)? But here she is teaming up with Allred.
^ Yes, so did randy. As those aeg depositions show, she is, or was, tight with randy and seems to share alot of his views on the estate, tii, aeg, sony etc. I still can't get over how harsh she was about kenny ortega and yet she's singing the praises of gloria allred.
I just dont know what to say anymore _ I hope his children dont see this :(



Qbee I do not understand the part in the blue frame. Is Karen writing about the person in a box or is it a person called Julio?
^^ No, those are just adds on the twitlonger application
this is a general tweet she sent out to all her followers

Her tweet was Final Score MICHAEL=0 (dead in a box) BRANCA/SONY=Everything. (that Michael Loved & created. Including his Mother, his children & Various family members.

In other word to her
Michael = 0 dead in a box
his mom and children = Branca/Sony
^^ No, those are just adds on the twitlonger application
this is a general tweet she sent out to all her followers

Her tweet was Final Score MICHAEL=0 (dead in a box) BRANCA/SONY=Everything. (that Michael Loved & created. Including his Mother, his children & Various family members.

In other word to her
Michael = 0 dead in a box
his mom and children = Branca/Sony

Oh gee thanks. I need to go to twitter school for real!!!
The Twitlonger is a seperate application you can use to post longer than 140 character on twitter
it places a link in your twitter post that goes to your longer tweet .
That "dead in a box" comment from her was disgraceful
I know. That's something a hater would say or someone that doesn't care about Michael. She can't say it in a different way? And she is friends with woman who tried to take Michael's kids away from him. How is that honoring Michael?
Thanks Qbee, but how could any human refer to a dead person as =0 dead in a box. This seems so hurtful to those left behind, insensitive and inhumane. Based on that alone, we can see that Karen really did not care much for Michael as she claimed, because usually when someone you like die, you refrain from describing them in such a manner.
Michael always requested that I never acknowledge his birthday. He was a JW and it made him uncomfortable. I will keep my promise, even now. - Karen Faye


Karen, Michael requested you to leave him alone stop doggin him around. Go hook up with your new bestie Gloria, does Gloria feel your makeup sucks and runs away. funny Paris said she and her brothers used to wrap up their father's favorite things as his birthday gifts. Karen needs to realize she was not close to Michael as she pretended to be.
Please even grandma is celebrating Michael's birthday now. Karen, maybe he told you not to mention his birthday because you were using the situation to give him some stupid gifts that he did not want. Rather than being unkind, he told you he is a JW. Maybe you were thinking that if you gave him gifts, he would give you some expensive ones in return.
Originally Posted by Aprilmay
Michael always requested that I never acknowledge his birthday. He was a JW and it made him uncomfortable. I will keep my promise, even now. - Karen Faye



Bwhahahahaahah didnt this woman see the times when michael would let us fans have celebration events for his bday aka his 45 bday party hello karen that did happen lol

Karen seriously is delusional
Sometimes I feel Karen got stuck in the 80s regarding Michael.