Karen Faye- Make-up-artist for Gloria Allred

I think this proves ONCE AND FOR ALL that Karen Faye was NEVER a friend of MJ. She was or of his many employees. T is well known MJ didn't socialize much with staff. He was always respectful, but he kept his distance.

I despise Karen Faye ...I can close my eyes on her asskissing Lisa Marie Presley, but no way in hell, should she get a ass for Gloria Allred. Anything for money!
When i saw what karen wrote bout being buddies with gloria allred i was utterly shocked & peeved off. That allred woman tried time & time again to get mjs kids away from him and i will never ever forgive her for that as the children's love was the only thing that kept him going throughout all the bullish that was constantly in his life. i dont understand how karen could even be friends with someone who tried everything she could to take michael's whole being away from him especially when karen does claim she "loves' him ....BULLISH KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!

If u really loved him u wouldnt even wanna be in the same room with that allred thing whatsoever and karen oh boy oh boy have u totally messed up BIG TIME this time, You disgust me
*sigh* Wow, Karen is the first one to call someone else out for being disloyal to Michael, what a hypocrite. I don't get why she didn't just stop at 'I was hired to do a job', did she really think we would be impressed by how 'cherished' GA is too her? oh that's right... she doesn't give a sh*t.

Well MJ fans, you heard her, it's up to you if you chose to follow her and stoke her ego a little more.
*Sigh* indeed. It's not about "hating", Karen. It's about principles that you surely do not have when it comes to money. You can only forgive someone if she acknowledged that she was wrong. When did Gloria Allred do that about Michael?

This is slightly off-topic, but "you can only forgive someone if she acknowledged that she was wrong" caught my eye. In my opinion, it is not necessary so. You can forgive someone who is not asking for forgiveness - just for yourself so you don't carry hate inside you. However, if this case "forgive" does not equal "forget" or "accept". What Karen did is not forgiveness. She has accepted Gloria's reasons - thus, she totally and clearly betrayed Michael.
Gloria Allred Says Public Should Remember Molestation Allegations Against Michael Jackson

Created 10/03/2011 - 4:00pm (Less than a year ago)

By Radar Staff
Civil rights attorney, Gloria Allred says the public shouldn't forget molestation allegations that were made against Michael Jackson, despite the fact that he was cleared of all charges at trial. Allred asserts that Michael Jackson's legacy will include the tawdry accusations that the pop singer molested young boys.

"Michael Jackson had the profile of a child molestor...Neverland...was like a big amusement park for children, what child would not be attracted to Neverland? Children with whom he was associated were very vulnerable," the powerhouse attorney told Radar Live on Monday.

Listen to live interview
This is slightly off-topic, but "you can only forgive someone if she acknowledged that she was wrong" caught my eye. In my opinion, it is not necessary so. You can forgive someone who is not asking for forgiveness - just for yourself so you don't carry hate inside you. However, if this case "forgive" does not equal "forget" or "accept". What Karen did is not forgiveness. She has accepted Gloria's reasons - thus, she totally and clearly betrayed Michael.

Perhaps you can forgive without the other acknowledging the wrongs he did, but IMO it's not necessarily a good thing because IMO for the healing process the other does have to acknowledge that what he did was wrong. If he doesn't, for example, if in this case Allred still keeps calling Michael a child molester then I don't see a point in forgiving her. She still verbally abuses Michael, so what is there to forgive? Also not forgiving does not mean that you hold a grudge and hate obsessively.
ETA: Blooper! it's Max Jax and not MJJC that is following KF on twitter :)
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Karen needs to be called out and unfollowed by MJ fans since she doesn't care what we think.. Let's see how far her twitter goes without MJ fans
I'm not really surprised by Karen's behavior. On a strictly professional assessment of Karen's body of work, she isn't a very good makeup artist. Her technique is quite sloppy and ameteurish so she's basically making up for her lack of skill with her stunning personality (aka butt kissing) in order to get repeat buisness.

Her work isn't good enough to be super sought after and in high demand so she has to super glue her lips to whoever's behind is willing to throw her a few dollars.
Actually my issues with karen faye are not with who she chooses to befriend or forgive. That's is her business
It is her hypocritical nature of accusing, attcking and viciously gossiping about so many others for far less and
the way she belittles and talks down to MJ fans.
Really, Karen? Like the Chandlers? Or like Daniel Kapon? If they were the poor, poor underdogs then what was Michael?

And BTW, even regardless of Michael, this woman has always been a media whore, not someone "fighting for the underdog".

Shame on Karen indeed. Her tweet made it even worse. Am I disappointed in her? Not really because I already was when she teamed up with Randy.

I just wish fans who still flatter her ego by giving her credit about Michael and following her would open their eyes at last!

I remember when even after the trial it had been shown the defense had attempted to subpoena Karen -- according to the court reporters who were there, some people still acted like butterflies shot from her ass. Karen is as flakey and fake as they come.

She only cared about the Oprah thing because Randy pretended to care. It's all bullshit. If Oprah asked her to do her make up once she'd drop everything to do it and she knows it.

I remember she came at Tatiana when Tatiana said Dileo had told her he'd heard Karen Faye was writing a book. Because Tatiana had said it Karen was calling her all kinds of names. That bloody woman had admitted and spoken openly about writing a book on her damned facebook just a year previously! There were many quotes where she spoke about working on this book. She said something recently about how she hadn't written a book because she still works in the business i.e she could risk her business relationships if they think she's out there selling their life stories for nothing. She's a flake and a phony and she lies and lies just to make herself look good.
Agree with everyone's posts. Such a hypocrite and so disloyal, and just so stupid. How can you possibly call someone like allred, a fighter for the underdog. KF's such a foolish woman, already shown up by her running her mouth about tii and then hiding out from court subpoenas when she had to say the same things in court. Why mj kept her around i've no idea, he looked tons better in his last few years than when she was safely out of the way.

I unfollowed her on twitter and quite frankly I had forgotten I was even following this b*tch since I rarely even go on Twitter. I was surprise to see she has so many people following her ass anyways. SMH It's one thing to be professional but, another to befriend people like LMP and Gloria who were OVER the top in their hate for MJ publicly and Gloria til this very day. Sorry, karen can't undertstand u looking passed the things Alred said about MJ. She does not regret one bit of what she continues to say about ur former boss. But, from my understanding Karen been talkin mess about MJ since she had a FB page back in the day?! So I guess I shouldn't be surprised, yet I am. Only because MJ truly had no one he can trust around him. And to think she will share things about MJ to Alred in private...I can just PUKE! :puke:
Well she is right about one thing we are NOT her fans but Michael's. That's good she doesn't care about us or what we think becuase we don't need her at all. Unfollow her and anything she does should be ignored. It's sad the way people show no loyalty anymore.
Gloria Allred Says Public Should Remember Molestation Allegations Against Michael Jackson

Created 10/03/2011 - 4:00pm (Less than a year ago)

By Radar Staff
Civil rights attorney, Gloria Allred says the public shouldn't forget molestation allegations that were made against Michael Jackson, despite the fact that he was cleared of all charges at trial. Allred asserts that Michael Jackson's legacy will include the tawdry accusations that the pop singer molested young boys.

"Michael Jackson had the profile of a child molestor...Neverland...was like a big amusement park for children, what child would not be attracted to Neverland? Children with whom he was associated were very vulnerable," the powerhouse attorney told Radar Live on Monday.

Listen to live interview

Thank you for reminding us.

But I can't believe how many fans take Karen Faye's opinion into account.
I hope this open their eyes finally.
Actually my issues with karen faye are not with who she chooses to befriend or forgive. That's is her business
It is her hypocritical nature of accusing, attcking and viciously gossiping about so many others for far less and
the way she belittles and talks down to MJ fans.

LOL at her considering fans who went to Immortal tour or ordered Bad25 as a "non-real fans" :lmao:

Who's bad???

I remember when even after the trial it had been shown the defense had attempted to subpoena Karen -- according to the court reporters who were there, some people still acted like butterflies shot from her ass. Karen is as flakey and fake as they come.

She only cared about the Oprah thing because Randy pretended to care. It's all bullshit. If Oprah asked her to do her make up once she'd drop everything to do it and she knows it.

[/b]I remember she came at Tatiana when Tatiana said Dileo had told her he'd heard Karen Faye was writing a book. Because Tatiana had said it Karen was calling her all kinds of names. That bloody woman had admitted and spoken openly about writing a book on her damned facebook just a year previously! There were many quotes where she spoke about working on this book. She said something recently about how she hadn't written a book because she still works in the business i.e she could risk her business relationships if they think she's out there selling their life stories for nothing. She's a flake and a phony and she lies and lies just to make herself look good.[/b]

Yeah, I remember when she said that she refused to do Tatiana and Sheryl Crow's makeup because they both had "bed breath", it wasn't so long after Frank Cascio said in one of his interviews that Michael used to tell to him in HIStory tour to ask Karen to chew mint gum before she does his makeup 'cause her breath stinks SMH.
LOL at her considering fans who went to Immortal tour or ordered Bad25 as a "non-real fans" :lmao:

Who's bad???

I guess Mike's kids and family aren't real fans then. Paris also promotes the Pepsi stuff on her twitter.
Yeah, I remember when she said that she refused to do Tatiana and Sheryl Crow's makeup because they both had "bed breath", it wasn't so long after Frank Cascio said in one of his interviews that Michael used to tell to him in HIStory tour to ask Karen to chew mint gum before she does his makeup 'cause her breath stinks SMH.
She even said Sheryl Crow had bulimia I think. Not a fan of Sheryl, but why would you reveal something so personal about someone like that? She has made negative comments about every single woman associated to him. The only woman I've seen her say anything nice about was Brooke Shields and now Gloria Allred. You know, I'm sure there are many words for the women associated to Mike but at least there's one thing they can say, they've never been subpoenaed by the man who killed MJ's defense team because of BS they spewed on twitter and they've never befriended people who tried to have Michael convicted of being a child molester and then tried to take his kids away.

Did Frank really say that about her breath? He seems to have kissed her ass lately and in his book.
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i could understand her friendship with LMP. i could understand (or try to) her friendship with Gloria IF the only thing she had done was to raise concerned about the children that on time. BUT Gloria is a person who openly claims to KNOW MJ was a child molester. how can a friend support her?
I was hired by a company to do several court shows. I worked on the first show without any knowledge of the others that would be added. I must admit I was very surprised to hear about Gloria Allred being added. I was extremely conflicted. I decided within myself, that it would be a challenge that I was adult enough to confront. Upon meeting her the first time, I did not reveal my connection to Michael. I wanted to know her better. She is a very sweet and intelligent woman who has fought her entire life for the underdog. I finally revealed myself, and she could have reviled me as much as I had hated what she did to Michael. We have had many debates regarding that time. I do understand that her heart and primary concern was with Michael's children...which it is for all of us now. There is a lot more regarding this, but not enough room on Twitter.

- Karen Faye


Oh please, why can't Karen say that she needed the money, she has to live, it's Michael fight. At least these are honest, and sound better than this self-serving statement about Allred being intelligent, etc.
Karen needs to be called out and unfollowed by MJ fans since she doesn't care what we think.. Let's see how far her twitter goes without MJ fans

I think that every single MJ fan should unfollow her! Completely ignore her now. Karen says she doesn't need fandom. Well, you've got it sister!!
Gloria Allred Says Public Should Remember Molestation Allegations Against Michael Jackson

Created 10/03/2011 - 4:00pm (Less than a year ago)

By Radar Staff
Civil rights attorney, Gloria Allred says the public shouldn't forget molestation allegations that were made against Michael Jackson, despite the fact that he was cleared of all charges at trial. Allred asserts that Michael Jackson's legacy will include the tawdry accusations that the pop singer molested young boys.

"Michael Jackson had the profile of a child molestor...Neverland...was like a big amusement park for children, what child would not be attracted to Neverland? Children with whom he was associated were very vulnerable," the powerhouse attorney told Radar Live on Monday.

Listen to live interview

If Gloria cared about Michael's kids like Karen said... why would Gloria feel the need to condem Michael again... two years after his death??!! Gloria cares nothing about Michael's kids. If she did, she would have never gave that new interview reminding the public of her implication of his guilt.
She goes where the money is, her sense of "loyalty" is quite hypocrite. Supposedly showing concern about Michael's children appearing on Oprah and now she's friends with someone as evil, venemous as Opra. She showed her true colors! :epicfacepalm:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I prefer to have one friend, than 10,000 followers ;)</p>&mdash; Karen Faye (@wingheart) <a href="https://twitter.com/wingheart/status/235045551769546752" data-datetime="2012-08-13T16:10:01+00:00">August 13, 2012</a></blockquote>
<script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

She's still having more that 10,000 followers, she shouldn't have any! :ninja:
la_cienega;3689798 said:
The only woman I've seen her say anything nice about was Brooke Shields and now Gloria Allred. You know, I'm sure there are many words for the women associated to Mike but at least there's one thing they can say, they've never been subpoenaed by the man who killed MJ's defense team because of BS they spewed on twitter and they've never befriended people who tried to have Michael convicted of being a child molester and then tried to take his kids away.

This is the real Karen Faye, she's an ass kisser, if she befriends someone, she would justify all his/her mastakes, when Oprah interviewed LMP, she defended LMP's decision and said "Lisa had no idea what Oprah did to Michael" duh, but when Michael's mom invited Oprah to hayvenhurst, KF said "MJ's mom betrayed her son" ...... Kissing ass like crazy!

If she understand LMP and Gloria's actions, why she ONLY understand rich women who pay her bills?? Now Gloria is an intelligent woman? Really? It's funny 'cause it's a known fact that evil people (most of them) are intelligent.

Did Frank really say that about her breath? He seems to have kissed her ass lately and in his book.

He used to speak so nicely about her, but I remember weeks ago on Twitter he RTed some tweets against her.

Here's the interview:

Lauren: And you saw all of his concerts?
Frank: I saw all the shows. On the Dangerous and HIStory Tours, every single night I’d sit on the side of the stage and just watch the show. Sometimes, we’d be under the stage and he’d get in the toaster and say, “Alright, Frank, I’m going to pop out of this toaster now.” He’d say, “Alright, enjoy the show. See you after the second show”, or he’d make a comment, “Go tell Turkle to put a breath mint in her mouth. I don’t want to go back there and have her kill me with her breath”, in a joking way. He loved Karen Faye. Then he would pop out of the toaster and all of a sudden he transformed into this other being. It never got old, especially when he did “Billie Jean”…it was just incredible!
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She is so disrespectful to the fans it's unbelievable. She is a two faced B*tch. She didn't want to do Tatiana or Sheryl Crow makeup? But is just fine with doin media whore Allreds make up and also befriend her? On top of that bitches about MJ kids being on Oprah but, is just so happy to tell folks she cherish Allred....O_O She is indeed twisted! Scary to see how the people that were around MJ turn so freakin FAKE! -_-
"Gloria has become very cherished to me"

Until her true colors reveal.

Once Karen finishes filling Gloria's ears with Michael's personal matters, Gloria won't have any use of Karen and will kick her behind.

I understand the need of work and hope Karen doesn't talk about Michael. Hope she understands that loyalty to a friend doesn't end when the friend dies.
Personally, I don't care how great Karen thinks Gloria is. Her attitude toward Michael's fans makes me sick. There's no excuse for that, in my opinion.
I just hope KF isn't revealing anything personal about Michael to GA. If GA hears something newsworthy, you best believe it'll show up on the news.
:( *big sigh*

It's sad the way people show no loyalty anymore.

After June 25 we know the true faces of many people who were around Michael :fear: and I'm not shocked by that. :nono:

It is very easy now to open your mouth, spewing things about Michael and bla bla bla.... when the man is not here to say anything. :doh: :( Well, actually if Michael were here these people would not dare to open his mouth to say anything. -_-

And sad to think that Michael so loved these people and trusted them (to some point) and now in return he gets this.... :no: Very, very, very sad.... :(They are all wolves in sheep's clothing. :fear:

We love you forever dear Michael :girl_give_heart: :girl_sigh: and you dear Karen :fear: :puke: :perrin: :pth:
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