Michael In White


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
He is an actual God in this photo. This is a kind of ethereal beauty I don't even know what to do with.
He really is. The beautiful profile, his gorgeous jawline, the hollow of his neck. He's touching his hair (oh god, 🥵 ) ...

And, yes, he does look kind of other-worldly which is amazing given that this is a performance, not a posed photo. I mean, it's from Victory, isn't it, but there's a stillness and quietness and, well, you said it, ethereal quality to this that I can hardly get my head around.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT MICHAEL???????????????????

I haven't had a good 'Michael' shout-out for a while, lol. Feels good. :D
He really is. The beautiful profile, his gorgeous jawline, the hollow of his neck. He's touching his hair (oh god, 🥵 ) ...

And, yes, he does look kind of other-worldly which is amazing given that this is a performance, not a posed photo. I mean, it's from Victory, isn't it, but there's a stillness and quietness and, well, you said it, ethereal quality to this that I can hardly get my head around.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT MICHAEL???????????????????

I haven't had a good 'Michael' shout-out for a while, lol. Feels good. :D


This is from a PERFORMANCE?!

This is just a random profile shot??? No posing??? No effort to look this way ?? This is what he looks like when not paying any attention to what he looks like?!?!



This is from a PERFORMANCE?!

This is just a random profile shot??? No posing??? No effort to look this way ?? This is what he looks like when not paying any attention to what he looks like?!?!

OK, I have this really bad habit. I constantly make assumptions even though I know I shouldn't.

This looks like a gig photo to me so I'm assuming it is. He wore that top for Victory shows. The lighting makes it look like a gig photo. But maybe it isn't. Maybe it was taken before or after a show. It's definitely not a formal photo session, that's for sure. But whether the shot was taken *during* a performance, I really don't know. I was just taking it for granted bc this is what good gig photos from rock shows look like. A good photographer absolutely can catch these sort of moments, no problem. This could have been taken between songs or while a brother was doing their bit and Michael is on a short pause.

Are those guitar necks I can see in the background? They look like they might be. Or some piece of equipment. So he could be onstage. But this is just my impression after years of looking at gig photos.
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Dang it, can't work out if these are different tops to the other one or the same. Some details are a match and others are not.

I need a detailed inventory of every outfit Michael wore at every show and every photo session for his entire adult life. And then there'll be peace throughout the land. :D
OK, I have this really bad habit. I constantly make assumptions even though I know I shouldn't.

This looks like a gig photo to me so I'm assuming it is. He wore that top for Victory shows. The lighting makes it look like a gig photo. But maybe it isn't. Maybe it was taken before or after a show. It's definitely not a formal photo session, that's for sure. But whether the shot was taken *during* a performance, I really don't know. I was just taking it for granted bc this is what good gig photos from rock shows look like. A good photographer absolutely can catch these sort of moments, no problem. This could have been taken between songs or while a brother was doing their bit and Michael is on a short pause.

Are those guitar necks I can see in the background? They look like they might be. Or some piece of equipment. So he could be onstage. But this is just my impression after years of looking at gig photos.

Oh, well my response was not me genuinely questioning you! I am less concerned with whether this is actually a performance photo and more just gushing indefinitely about his beauty. I believe shots like this are possible, of course. I'm really blown away that he just looked like this as he existed lol. Like this wasn't intentional, it's just how he looked. That blows my completely mind.
Oh, well my response was not me genuinely questioning you! I am less concerned with whether this is actually a performance photo and more just gushing indefinitely about his beauty. I believe shots like this are possible, of course. I'm really blown away that he just looked like this as he existed lol. Like this wasn't intentional, it's just how he looked. That blows my completely mind.
I'm doing really well today. I keep on missing the point. Someone should give me a prize or something. :rolleyes:
I'm doing really well today. I keep on missing the point. Someone should give me a prize or something. :rolleyes:

No, no, I appreciate that you actually care about making sure you are not making empty claims about shit. Also, people always call each other out on this forum (sometimes, very rightfully so, but sometimes...eh?)... I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to do that. I was genuinely just jelly on the floor, in awe of him (as always).
No, no, I appreciate that you actually care about making sure you are not making empty claims about shit. Also, people always call each other out on this forum (sometimes, very rightfully so, but sometimes...eh?)... I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to do that. I was genuinely just jelly on the floor, in awe of him (as always).
Oh, I get it. We're having one of our moments. Cos I totally got hung up on whether it really *was* a gig photo but that's bc I LOVE gig photos like you wouldn't believe. I just love them so much. And a good rock gig photo - oh my days!

So I kind of went off on one there, lol. I got so involved in that, I forgot the first rule of 'staywilding'. She WILL be pulverised by any beautiful photo (i.e. ANY photo) of Michael and so I have to look at the conversation from that point of view. And I didn't do that. :ROFLMAO:

I was being all 'arty' and going, 'yes, but if you look at such - and - such an angle, if you look at the play of light and shade, and if we consider a multiperspectival approach to the framing of this picture, and does the photo demonstrate a committment to idiography ...'

In the meantime, you're on the floor doing your 'puddle of nonsense' thing. Which sounds like a lot more fun, tbh.
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Oh, I get it. We're having one of our moments.
😂 we have so many of those!

I forgot the first rule of 'staywilding'. She WILL be pulverised by any beautiful photo (i.e. ANY photo) of Michael and so I have to look at the conversation from that point of view. And I didn't do that. :ROFLMAO:
you may have forgotten because a lot of my "wilding" has been happening off the forum these days which, I should tell you right now, is actually because it's gotten too extreme for the forum to handle. If I "wild" on here too much, it will burn the entire place down!

I was being all 'arty' and going, 'yes, but if you look at such - and - such an angle, if you look at the play of light and shade, and if we consider a multiperspectival approach to the framing of this picture, and does the photo demonstrate a committment to idiography ...'

In the meantime, you're on the floor doing your 'puddle of nonsense' thing. Which sounds like a lot more fun, tbh.
It is fun and devastating and life-ruining and everything I could ever want lol
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