MJ One Hologram...


Proud Member
Aug 3, 2011
Didn't see any threads on this. Also didnt know this existed until now lol. Do you think this is better or worse then the 2014 one? This is clearly another impersonator.
I saw the show in 2014 and while it was a cool effect (and I cried in the end), the hologram didn't leave a big impression on me... the impersonator simply doesn't move like Michael :/
It's a nice gimmick, especially for casual fans, but come on, I doubt that anyone of us really sees Michael while watching this.
It looks nothing like MJ IMO. The moves are totally off and does not look natural.

I gimmick - but not a gimmick I would like them to make more of.
It's definitely E'Casanova. It's been the same hologram since the show premiered,including when I saw the show in February 2020 (finally before the world shut down lol). I think the effect is nice but it's definitely to appeal more to casual fans and people who don't notice major details like the more dedicated fans such as on here.
Agreed. I don't know why they can't just use source material for the hologram instead of impersonators. The Tupac hologram is now 10 years old and looks so much better lol.
The first time I saw it I burst out laughing. So bad.

If you’re gonna have MJ fade in and out surely just use real clips?
Not very good. He doesn't move like Michael. Michael always used handheld mic when performing Man in the Mirror so it would have made sense to do it like that here. It would have looked more real.
I saw the show a few months back and I enjoyed the hologram very much, I think for the casual audience the show is intended for it's fine. Very emotional.
The footage I found is so poor quality that it just looks like the Slave To The Rhythm hologram.

Also, it is say that they are not literally holograms...
The footage I found is so poor quality that it just looks like the Slave To The Rhythm hologram.

Also, it is say that they are not literally holograms...

I wasn't in the audience for the Slave To The Rhythm performance so I can't comment on that, but the MJ One hologram was very convincing - I don't need to get lost in the technicalities of if its a true hologram or not. I literally can't believe people grade it so harshly.

Yeah, I wasn't replying specifically to you or people who liked it, sorry if you thought so.
But yet I find it interesting not to confused and old technology with a futuristic one that is not involved here.
I wasn't in the audience for the Slave To The Rhythm performance so I can't comment on that, but the MJ One hologram was very convincing - I don't need to get lost in the technicalities of if its a true hologram or not. I literally can't believe people grade it so harshly.
I think the main issue is how its done. Especially when the artist has passed. The Tupac hologram worked because they actually used source footage to create it. Not some cheap impersonator. I guess its a completely different experience if you see it live but from here imo neither do MJ justice.