Motions to exclude certain topics at Katherine Jackson vs AEG Trial

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It doesn't seem or feel like anybody is interested in protecting Michael or his legacy.

Words are easy to say, we need to see and feel it. Besides, I'm getting fed up with the Jacksons thinking we are stupid, what exactly does the brothers finances have to do with Michael's legacy?
Words are easy to say, we need to see and feel it. Besides, I'm getting fed up with the Jacksons thinking we are stupid, what exactly does the brothers finances have to do with Michael's legacy?

I think because they think everything that Michael accomplished is their accomplishment too. They think whatever is Michael's is theirs too. Somebody should tell them that isn't the case at all.
They think whatever is Michael's is theirs too. Somebody should tell them that isn't the case at all.

MJ told them that himself .But who cares ? -_-
Was the sun times the same paper that attacked p and p last year during granny napping. it was defo a chicago paper
Judge sets rules for lawsuit by Michael Jackson’s mother over doctor’s hiring

Matt Sayles, File/Associated Press - FILE - In this April 27, 2011 file photo, Katherine Jackson poses for a portrait in Calabasas, Calif. A Los Angeles judge set the stage Thursday, March 21, 2013, for trial of a civil suit by Michael Jackson’s mother against concert giant AEG Live. Katherine Jackson claims the company negligently hired the doctor later convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death.
By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, March 21, 9:09 PM

LOS ANGELES — A Los Angeles judge set the stage Thursday for trial of a civil suit by Michael Jackson’s mother against concert giant AEG Live.

Katherine Jackson claims the company negligently hired the doctor later convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death and failed to oversee him. She and the singer’s two eldest children are expected to testify about the singer’s last days.

Legal rulings by Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos anticipated a three-month trial that will revisit events preceding the singer’s death from an anesthetic overdose in 2009.

Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of manslaughter for administering the drug propofol, is not named in the lawsuit. But the judge agreed to allow him to be brought to court from jail to testify outside the jury’s presence. He has said he would invoke his Fifth Amendment right not to testify. But lawyers said he could possibly talk about non-criminal issues.

The judge said jury selection would begin April 2 and attorneys estimated the search for a panel could be long and difficult because of the notoriety of the parties and the estimated length of the trial.

The judge granted several plaintiff’s motions and rejected a few.

She refused to bar AEG from raising the subject of child molestation charges against Jackson from years ago. Lawyers for his mother claim it’s irrelevant because he was acquitted.

Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Kevin Boyle, argued that “There is nothing more prejudicial than dropping that bomb in court, mentioning child molestation.”

But Palazuelos said she would allow testimony that Jackson became despondent and reliant on drugs because of the charges.

She refused to approve inquiry into the finances of Jackson’s siblings and barred any testimony about a claim that Katherine Jackson was kidnapped by family members and taken to Arizona last year.

She wouldn’t permit AEG lawyers to ask questions about possible discord in the marriage of Katherine and Joe Jackson and she barred any inquiry into the identity of the biological parents of Jackson’s three children.

Katherine Jackson’s suit seeks hundreds of millions of dollars from AEG including $200 million in non-economic damages, including emotional distress.

The case centers on whether AEG did an appropriate investigation of Murray and whether they controlled him while he was preparing Jackson for a series of concerts in London.

During arguments, the question arose of why Katherine Jackson did not sue Murray. Attorneys disclosed that Jackson’s son Prince and his daughter, Paris, testified in depositions that they believed Murray was “a good person” and didn’t want him sued. But Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial, they said.

The judge said AEG could have sued Murray as well.

“The same questions can be asked of you,” she told AEG lawyers. “Why didn’t you sue him?”

“Because we’re not required to,” attorney Marvin Putnam said.

The judge called the issue “a side show.”

“He has no money and that’s why they’re not suing him,” Putnam said.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I'll keep a record of what the judge orders and update it as we get more info


unknown - Motion 1 - AEG's financial position
unknown - Motion 2 - Gongaware & Segal's personal relationship
unknown - Motion 3 - Irrelevant interactions between AEG and Michael
unknown - Motion 4 - Hypothetical evidence of TII cancellation or postponement
unknown- Motion 5 - Murray's character as it pertains to his personal life
unknown- Motion 6 - Speculative Damages
unknown- Motion 7 - Michael being drunk before 02 Press conference

Katherine Jackson

allowed - Motion 1 - Molestation charges
unknown- Motion 2 - Benefits received by KJ after MJ's death
excluded - Motion 3 - Marital discord between Katherine and Joe - non opposed
excluded - Motion 4 - Michael's siblings have or had financial problems
unknown - Motion 5 - Allowing electronic presentations on opening statements (I omitted this one)
unknown- Motion 6 - David Fournier Testimony
unknown- Motion 7 - MJ Estate did not sue AEG or anyone else in Michael's death
unknown- Motion 8 - KJ did not file a suit against Murray
excluded - Motion 9 - Biological parents of minor children - non opposed
excluded -Motion 10 - Katherine being kidnapped to Arizona
I see the judge will allow testimony that Jackson became despondent and reliant on drugs because of the charges. I hope the testimony comes from people who know about this & not experts who give their opinion on what they think happened. I notice there are several experts.

So AEG could have sued Muarry as well. I did not know that. I get the feeling that the judge is siding with the family & think AEG was responsible. I also think she believes in the media reports about this rabid druggie.
I get the feeling that the judge is siding with the family & think AEG was responsible. I also think she believes in the media reports about this rabid druggie.

Me, too. Even though she did dismiss all but one claim, she comes off as biased in the family's favor, although not in MJ's.
interesting question I just read on twitter...why is Prince's depo sealed...but Paris's is not?...Maybe he answered more questions about AEG's involvement...and is more likely to be testifying?
interesting question I just read on twitter...why is Prince's depo sealed...but Paris's is not?...Maybe he answered more questions about AEG's involvement...and is more likely to be testifying?

I haven't reported from Paris's deposition. It was quotes from interrogatories - in other words answers to written questions
This judge is terrible, biased IMO. She seems to believe the tabloid that MJ is the druggie as the fact. Unprofessional!
During arguments, the question arose of why Katherine Jackson did not sue Murray. Attorneys disclosed that Jackson’s son Prince and his daughter, Paris, testified in depositions that they believed Murray was “a good person” and didn’t want him sued. But Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial, they said.

^^^^ Wow. I dread to think how much the Jacksons have hammered home the 'bigger hand' speech.
They have had 3 years to hammer in PPB heads all sort of things.

I cannot get over this:
"Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial" for reason not sue CM.

This should make it clear for all those people who had 101 explanation why KJ didn't want restitution. $$$$$$$$$$$$ which CM don't or will never have, but AEG have plenty.

KJ fought against depositions for her grown lazy ass cubs, but she doesn't have problem throwing PPB to lions den, and she doesn't want hear from MJ's real killer.

Truly sickening that when CM was in trial, even his defense lawyers didn't want to call kids to testify, granny dearest don't have that problem.
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Judge is so biased its ridiculous.every ruling goes for them. attack mj but u cant mention anything about the family. this judge makes melvile look good.asking aeg why they didnt sue murray as an excuse for kj not. is the judge stupid or what

at least kj finally admits its all about the money.

the kids did believe at the begining that cm was a good man. it doesnt mean they do now. i think we need to be careful as to how that statement reads.
They have had 3 years to hammer in PPB heads all sort of things.

I cannot get over this:
"Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial" for reason not sue CM.

This should make it clear for all those people who had 101 explanation why KJ didn't want restitution.
$$$$$$$$$$$$ which CM don't or will never have, but AEG have plenty.

KJ fought against depositions for her grown lazy ass cubs, but she doesn't have problem throwing PPB to lions den, and she doesn't want hear from MJ's real killer.

I'm almost speechless this morning. I guess we have to remember that at the moment we are only getting tidbits, we don't know everything said in deposition. I hate, hate this manipulation from the family towards the children and the press.
bubs said:
Truly sickening that when CM was in trial, even his defense lawyers didn't want to call kids to testify, granny dearest don't have that problem.

^Oh this trial is going to be tons worse than murray's trial where pastor was really strict as to what was going to be allowed. Mrs j must be happy she got all the things excluded that affected her - her parody of a marriage, all her living children's financial mishaps, so all the focus is now firmly on mj's drug history, the child molestation issues, and the state of his finances in his last years which led to him having to tour again.

And i'm not liking the judge - what did she mean by the 'notoriety' of the parties involved - i'm just going to assume she meant murray. But for those seeing her impression of mj as rabid drug addict and thinking that's from personal prejudice, it won't be it'll be from all the court files lodged for this lawsuit. So we know what will be coming in the next months. What an absolutely catastrophic misjudgement this aeg trial is from the jacksons - what effect is this going to have on ppb and their memories of their dad.
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How does this work?

Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of manslaughter for administering the drug propofol, is not named in the lawsuit. But the judge agreed to allow him to be brought to court from jail to testify outside the jury’s presence. He has said he would invoke his Fifth Amendment right not to testify. But lawyers said he could possibly talk about non-criminal issues.

I have heard of this happening before, does the judge decide what part of his testimony is relevant to the jury?
^Oh this trial is going to be tons worse than murray's trial where pastor was really strict as to what was going to be allowed. Mrs j must be happy she got all the things excluded that affected her - her parody of a marriage, all her living children's financial mishaps, so all the focus is now firmly on mj's drug history, the child molestation issues, and the state of his finances in his last years which led to him having to tour again.

I don't like this judge at all. The bolded part above is the very reason for this lawsuit and it should have been allowed.

This week we have seen media running with the story of paternity thingy, and now they got another one to run with. Now tabloids are filled with crap about MJ's molestation to be "included" to this trial.

I cannot fathom, how kids are feeling at the moment as Paris in her deposition said that she is aware of media reports of her dad's alleged drug use. Soon enough she will be reading articles that MJ is not her dad, stories of 2005 case and god knows what else:-(

I cannot believe how tabloids let family to get away with this mockery. I see none of them reporting anything about them, just kids and MJ.
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elusive moonwalker said:
the kids did believe at the begining that cm was a good man. it doesnt mean they do now. i think we need to be careful as to how that statement reads.
Yes, but it says they don't want to sue him, so the implication is that they're not blaming him for the death. They're prepared to testify in the courtcase to sue aeg for mj's death. It's scary if they're clueless as to what went down in the murray trial and the true nature of murray.

And as for that judge, why would aeg sue murray? They didn't suffer any damages. They got all the mj production costs back from the estate, sold the tii footage for $millions, i think half of the ticket receipts didn't need to be returned because people wanted to keep the tix as sourvenirs. So as phillips tactlessly admitted at the time, they were quids in.
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yeah i re read that that statement after i posted and i take it back. it does seem that the kids are talking about after the event. so going by that it looks like a good dose of brainwashing and the jacksons trying to pass the buck as to why they didnt sue.

Yes, but it says they don't want to sue him, so the implication is that they're not blaming him for the death. It's scary if they're clueless as to what went down in the murray trial.
Any idea on when u can get the rest of the rulings ivy? as normal the media cant do the most basic of reporting
Any idea on when u can get the rest of the rulings ivy? as normal the media cant do the most basic of reporting

depends on how quickly they will be added to the online system but let me say this they are currently 4 days behind given the volume of motions being filed.
I said this judge was clearly biased when she refused to punish the Jacksons for leaking the emails when it was beyond clear who did it and Mann even admitted it was him. We can only hope the jury will see through all this BS.

And yes, it's pretty sad to see the obvious brainwashing of the kids, making them believe "poor Murray" is the good guy here. SAD.
I said this judge was clearly biased when she refused to punish the Jacksons for leaking the emails when it was beyond clear who did it and Mann even admitted it was him. We can only hope the jury will see through all this BS.

And yes, it's pretty sad to see the obvious brainwashing of the kids, making them believe "poor Murray" is the good guy here. SAD.

We know they spend time with Latoya, Paris said in her deposition that LaToya promised them to find out who killed MJ.
We all know that LaToya speaks Jacksonese, and she likes to make up things. Unfortunately kids being so young, they most likely believe LaToya's conspiracy theories, + they have countless other cousins and aunties, uncles, all of them pushing their own agenda to their heads.
We all know that LaToya speaks Jacksonese, and she likes to make up things. Unfortunately kids being so young, they most likely believe LaToya's conspiracy theories, + they have countless other cousins and aunties, uncles, all of them pushing their own agenda to their heads.

I don't know if this is wishful thinking (maybe a LITTLE bit), but I have a feeling, just like Michael did before them, his children will learn just how their family get's down and will eventually detach from them at some point.

Although they are very bright, they are still young, but they ain't gonna be young forever. They will grow AND learn, just like their father did, in my opinion.
^Hope so.

bubs said:
We all know that LaToya speaks Jacksonese, and she likes to make up things. Unfortunately kids being so young, they most likely believe LaToya's conspiracy theories, + they have countless other cousins and aunties, uncles, all of them pushing their own agenda to their heads.
^ I agree. I think that quote of p and p saying they thought murray was a good person and didn't want to sue him, would be an answer to the aeg asking them both why are you not sueing the man who was convicted of the manslaughter of mj. From that quote you could argue that prince and paris have taken the same view of the trial as jerms and latoya - ie a cover up. It's not down to their being uberforgiving as their forgiveness doesn't seem to extend to randy phillips and aeg. I guess mrs j when asked the question why she wasn't sueing murray couldn't admit he was a good person and had to concede it was financial.

I cannot believe how tabloids let family to get away with this mockery. I see none of them reporting anything about them, just kids and MJ.

Oh they won't say a word. They'll be sending bouquets to the jacksons - this is exactly the typeof trial they were prevented from having by judge pastor - all the drugs, the child abuse trial, the money issues. It's manna from heaven for the tabs - they're the only winners i can see, as well as the lawyers.
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