Murray Trial - 12 October - Day 11 - Discussion

A quick question about murray's phone calls. Do we know if this was a one time thing with him being on the phone while he was supposed to be watching Michael or have we ever heard that this is something he had done in the past. When the police took his phones and retrieved information, would this have been something they could have found out? I ask because if this was not what he usually did, then why on this particular day was he on the phone so much. Conversely if he would routinely be on his phone then he had a pattern of neglecting his patient. Just curious.
I dont know if they got phone records for previous days. anyone? it would show a pattern but whether the judge would allow older records in i dont know. i dont think its ever been mentioned
Never heard of phone records from before june 25th. Yes, that would be interesting to know
Of course it wouldn't affect the outcome and either way murray looks bad but this question is going to bother me...Did he routinely leave Michael alone? Was he just lucky on those days? Did he just do this on 25 June? And why?
Good grief, now I'm starting to think conspiracies...AARRRGH!
I'm still catching up I have to say I want to KISS Dr. Steinberg so badly!!I would usually be half asleep when Flanagan mumbles endlessly but the witness made it so entertaining. Flanagan ran out of his little tricks and even suggested his client's a LIAR LMFAO! And the look on Murry's face was priceless!