Paris? Lisa Marie? Debbie? Janet? Macaulay? Britney? Justin?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello? Any comment on MJ or Wade??

Where are all of those "friends" and "beloved" family members?
it would be so easy for britney or justin to tell their story and experience with wade. britney and justin were always so supportive and owe so much to mj.

how great if one of them would write something because they really get attention. no one cares about jermaine or la toya or taj.
would love to see Timberlake comment on Robson
It whould be great when Diana Ross came forward to and maybe finally reveal her affair with MJ.
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Paris took a hiatus from social media recently, which prompted rumors and accusations (that she immediately denied) of a mental breakdown over Leaving Neverland. She hasn't made a statement about the accusations or the documentary though.

Lisa Marie hasn't made a statement about the accusations or the documentary.

Debbie Rowe called Robson "a liar and an opportunist" in 2013. She hasn't made a statement on the documentary.

Janet hasn't made an independent statement about the accusations or the documentary, though I'd imagine she played a part in the family statement.

Macaulay defended his relationship with Michael in January, but hasn't made a statement about the accusations or the documentary.

Britney hasn't made a statement about the accusations or the documentary.

Justin hasn't made a statement about the accusations or the documentary.

Odds are, anyone who isn't an immediate part of the Jackson family circle won't say anything because they're sparring with a double-edged sword; either stay silent and betray Michael, or make a statement and be considered a "victim blamer" by the public. That's why it seems like Macaulay is trying his hardest to avoid discussing the Robson/Safechuck case as best as he can.

Some people aren't as concerned though: Alfonso Ribeiro dismissed Wade back in 2013; Brett Barnes has been actively slamming the entire situation (plus praising Michael every year on his birthday and the anniversary of his death) for years; Sky Ferreira's grandmother (who worked for Michael) defended him back in January; Talun Zeitoun has been active on Twitter and his website; and a private investigator who interviewed Wade several times in 2005 and is friends with his brother has said that he doesn't believe a word Wade is saying.
The girl from moonwalker is defending MJ still to this day:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All the people out here believing Wade and James are weak minding people, they need to learn the truth <a href="">@michaeljackson</a> is innocent and will always be these men are broke and need money so they&#39;re going back on their word of Michael&#39;s innocence just so they can get money.</p>&mdash; Kelley Parker&#55357;&#56459; (@IamKelleyParker) <a href="">January 29, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kelley Parker, the actress who played Katie in Moonwalker &#9829;&#65039;<br><br>Hey media folks, let&#39;s see you put a spin on this - And Brett? And Mac? And Sean Lennon? Brandon? <br><br>Isn&#39;t it funny how the &quot;accusers&quot; are the ones with no careers and no money..... Funny how that works.<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJInnocent</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Casey Rain (aka S-Endz) (@CaseyRain) <a href="">January 29, 2019</a></blockquote>
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and a private investigator who interviewed Wade several times in 2005 and is friends with his brother has said that he doesn't believe a word Wade is saying.

Is there a link for this? I haven't read about the investigator yet
Even though Wade was overall a lightweight, he still had somewhat of a presence in the pop dance world from his work with Britney & Nsync, So You Think You can dance etc., so i'm not seeing how you wouldn't have folks speak up and say this douche is full of it.
The best possibility ever for friends and celebreties to speak out in MJs defense is in Tajs documentery.
This is maybe the main reson why some people are quiet now.
We can't know what happened behind the scenes.
I hope it is a lot! So much that Taj can relese the first pat of the series very soon!
I wondered about Tom Mesereau, anyone know about him these days? I know he spoke out when Wade's allegations started. I see him as kind of a hero. Love that man.

Also, anyone know about Karen Faye? I want to hear from people who knew and loved him for 20, 30 years.

Lisa Marie seems to be a little busy with her marriage troubles, something in the news about child abuse regarding her children. Apologies, I don't follow her and only know this as my friend is a Lisa Marie fan and sent me the news story a couple of weeks ago. So I'm ignorant.

I don't see why Britney or Justin would speak out against Wade; from Justin, it would look petty, and people would say he's still bitter about something that happened almost 20 years ago. Britney would never speak up on something like this... I have remained a fan of hers since 1999 and she isn't one to get involved. She certainly wouldn't say anything about Wade Robson and bring up a subject that's buried in the earth as far as she's concerned (her relationship with Justin). It might show he's a backstabber, but I'm not sure anyone would care about something like that.
We dont know who will be part of the docuseries but they are keeping that "hush hush".. we will have to wait and see
Is there a link for this? I haven't read about the investigator yet

Yup! It's in an MJ Cast interview. Click here and the video should start up right when he begins talking about Wade! It only lasts for about 4-5 minutes, but he's very thorough and direct.

My favorite bit is when he says that, after the accusations came out, he told Wade's brother, "I hope nobody asks me, because if they do, I'm gonna tell them that I don't believe a word he's saying."

I wondered about Tom Mesereau, anyone know about him these days? I know he spoke out when Wade's allegations started. I see him as kind of a hero. Love that man.

Also, anyone know about Karen Faye? I want to hear from people who knew and loved him for 20, 30 years.

Mesereau spoke to Roger Friedman late last month in defense of Michael.

I remember seeing Karen Faye make a statement on a personal social media account, but I don't remember where. If I find it, I'll post it!
Brigitte Nielsen supports Michael and deny all the allegations. It's in a tabloĆÆd The Sun, what is a good thing. The interview is clear and very affirmative.
Karen Faye - note her new profile pic.

Isn't it her child? she's talked about Ali in the past.
My guess is that a lot of those previously associated to Michael, be they friends or family, would refrain from giving statements about the 'documentary' in order to refrain from inadvertently creating more publicity for it.
In her new book, Raising Trump, Ivana Trump says she "never believed" the allegations of child molestation against Michael Jackson

Donald Trump warned his children from an early age, ā€œDonā€™t trust anyone.ā€

His first wife, Ivana Trump, was similarly wary of social climbers and spies, and discouraged young Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric from hosting playdates at their lavish Trump Tower home.

But there was one person who was allowed in the Trump Tower circle of trust ā€” the King of Pop.

In her new book, Raising Trump, Ivana reveals that ā€œthe only person who had an open invitation to come to the triplex for playdates whenever he wanted was Michael Jackson.ā€

The singer, who lived in Trump Tower at the time, was a close friend of the entire Trump family, Ivana explained.

ā€œHeā€™d stop by and chat with Donald and me for twenty minutes, and then heā€™d go up to the kidsā€™ floor to hang out with them for hours and hours,ā€ she said. ā€œTheyā€™d watch MTV, play Mario Brothers or Tetris, and build Trump Tower in Legos.ā€

ā€œMichael was a 30-year-old kid. He could relate to Ivanka and the boys better than to us,ā€ she added.

Ivana said she or the childrenā€™s nannies were always in the room during the playdates ā€” but that she ā€œnever believed the accusations that he molested those kidsā€ anyway.

In June 2005, Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges following a highly publicized, four-month trial. But the accusations would dog him for the rest of his life ā€” and even beyond his death in 2009.

ā€œMy read on him was asexual,ā€ Ivana said. ā€œHe was a child himself in a manā€™s body, tender, sweet and gentle ā€¦ thereā€™s no way he could have hurt anyone.ā€

Ivana also recalls how Jackson, at the peak of his fame, went to see young Ivanka perform in The Nutcracker.

ā€œMichael told me that she looked like an angel that night,ā€ Ivana recalls.
it would be so easy for britney or justin to tell their story and experience with wade. britney and justin were always so supportive and owe so much to mj.

how great if one of them would write something because they really get attention. no one cares about jermaine or la toya or taj.

Justin supportive of MJ?

Give me a break.

JT ripped off MJ's style and sound in '01 with Justified, then when it came to the allegations in '03 he repeatedly refused to name MJ has an influence, preferring instead to talk about Prince, when it was obvious who was the real influence. Later, after MJ died he became a little more positive and obviously was happy to feature on LNFSG.

Don't forget the time he left Janet to take all the flack for the superbowl performance.

JT's a weak snake and should never be relied on for anything.

Britney hasn't stabbed MJ in the back but she's always been a weak supporter too. flaky. She only supported when she needed to. She's not one of these people that spontaneously gives props to MJ.

But yes, both know Wade and both may be able to give some insight into his character. Because of their nature (see above) I don't think either one will say a single negative word about Wade even if they thought he was a pile of shite.
I like justin's music but youre right he did leave all the flack to janet for the superbowl incident which was not cool. Im sure justin has said michael has been an idol of his you can tell by the way he sings but whether he;; support mj from the documentary who knows
AndrewNezha;4240898 said:
My guess is that a lot of those previously associated to Michael, be they friends or family, would refrain from giving statements about the 'documentary' in order to refrain from inadvertently creating more publicity for it.

I think you may be right. Iā€™ve mentioned it to most of my friends and no one has heard or read about the documentary yet so I donā€™t think itā€™s as big of a ā€˜thingā€™ yet as we think it is. If the likes of Britney, BeyoncĆ© and Janet started posting about it, itā€™s just going to draw more focus. Hopefully if things really get bad after it airs then more people will speak up.