Salute to Offset


Proud Member
Jun 1, 2023
There are a lot of artists that borrow from Michael Jackson - Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Weeknd, Chris Brown, Beyonce, Rhianna, the list goes on and on. But there are few that pay homage to the man the way Offset is currently doing. When other artists take from his legacy, they do so in a way that "makes it their own". They're directly benefitting from his legwork in a way that some people may not even pick up on and as such, they might as well often being stealing his ideas. Beyonce fans don't know that her superbowl jacket was Michael Jackson's for instance. Weeknd fans may not know Dirty Diana is a Michael Jackson song. Young fans may not know how much Chris Brown is inspired by Michael. Fans of a lot of these artists might actually laugh at Michael and think he's "weird" as the media does.

Not Offset. What Offset is doing for Michael Jackson is actually brave. It is one thing to take inspiration from Michael. But what Offsetis doing is putting Michael on a public and unashamed pedastal, celebrating his work in a way that says, "if you dont like it... fuck yourself". Offset fans are going to become Michael Jackson fans and vice versa. There will be many who think 'well, if Offset loves him so much, I need to check him out. Maybe the media is wrong?"

I think Offset is Michael Jackson's most influential fan right now.

Cool video/tribute. Wish it was attached to a good artist/song, but still nice to see.
now that I’ve actually seen the video, I take back what I posted. I don’t want michael’s name attached to this foulness. I couldn’t even make it through the entire thing. I fail to see the connection to michael. it all seems random. I think he just wants to use him for popularity. or to replace him. this isn’t an honour at all.
I think whether he's good is subjective as with everything. I don't mind the song. But regardless he's a popular musiciian who is putting MJ on his back.
I ain't gonna question your taste but it is funny to me that you don't have anything to say about this song but aren't impressed by MJs last album. And I don't wanna talk about it, I just. Idk, it tickles my brain.

now that I’ve actually seen the video, I take back what I posted. I don’t want michael’s name attached to this foulness. I couldn’t even make it through the entire thing. I fail to see the connection to michael. it all seems random. I think he just wants to use him for popularity. or to replace him. this isn’t an honour at all.
Yeah, relax. There'll be a clean edit and you don't have to hear any more curse words. Michael said them too you know. Just stick to the 80s.
(This is probably already mentioned but I’ll just say it anyways)
His music video is in the #1Billion4THRILLER playlist : )
I don't really know anything about offset, but on a purely surface level it's nice to see a modern popular artists pay tribute to MJ.
Popular? He scored a top 10 hit in 2018 and he seems well past his peak since then. Not that I have any knowledge about this guy but I just checked his wiki page.

I’m getting old though if this passes as music these days. Allright, allright this boomer will stop complaining 😁
His name is cool too actually. Also lil nas x like m , but yeah good to see that this artist appreciates and includes m.
Will he study the greats and become greater ? :unsure:
It's a chain. or a rope.