Similarites between Justin Timberlakes new single " Take Back The Night " and Michael Jackson

Re: Similarites between Justin Timberlakes new single " Take Back The Night " and Michael Jackson

It's obvious there are JT fans here, that's good and it's their call. At one point I liked his stuff too but grew out of it and I'm not interested on the new material, wish him well though. But why is it OK to critique other current artists who are compared to Michael or have been either copying or influenced by, but when the same happens to JT, there's an outcry? either you critique one or none at all and since it's obvious the latter won't happen, this whole thing is just....

Re: Similarites between Justin Timberlakes new single " Take Back The Night " and Michael Jackson

Where Michael composed the most, does Thriller sound like someone else's album? Does BAD sound like someone else's album and so on? I disagreed on that part, I could see more the influences he had on his dancing (80's). At moments he could remind you of Astaire, Kelly or Fosse but he managed to give those steps a twist, change them or improve them. Do the current acts come with their own creativity? No, they don't.

Being influenced doesn't necessarily mean that your album sounds like someone else's album. I agree that Michael had his unique sound and I also agree that JT does not seem to have his own unique sound as of now. Michael was a better and more creative artist than JT. I think we all agree in that here, otherwise we would be on a JT forum, not here.
But like I said that's not something that has to concern me whether JT manages to create his own sound or not. From the POV of an MJ fan I'm glad to see that MJ continues to influence other artists.