The editing process of "Dirty Diana" short film


Proud Member
Sep 5, 2017

Joe Pytka (Video director): The only guidance I had for “Dirty Diana” was they wanted Michael to look like a rocker. That’s why we made it look like that. That was the only charge, was to make it look like a rock n’ roll concert, rather than blues. In those days, they were still transitioning between rhythm and blues and rock n’ roll, so they wanted it to be harder than this other stuff in terms of performance. They wanted a concert video. Actually, we built a set in the same factory that we built “The Way You Make Me Feel.” What happened was, I wanted the set to be destroyed in a storm. If you look at the video, there’s a lot of wind and everything in the video, in the background. We were going to shoot in two days. The first day, it was going to be a normal shoot, and the second day, we were going to have a rainstorm. Lightning, thunder, everything crashing. And the story was set. And what happened was, on the first day, Michael hurt himself doing his knee slides. He didn’t put kneepads on. So he was doing knee slides without knee pads, and he could barely walk. So the second day, we couldn’t shoot.

Larry Stessel (Epic Records exec): When we were making the video and I got the first edit, it was just terrible. It was horrible! It didn’t even resemble a music video, but Joe Pytka was a brilliant commercial maker, and Michael was in Europe with Frank DiLeo. I said “Frank, I can’t let this go.” He said, “You edit it,” and I said "I can’t edit," so he goes, “One second,” and puts Michael on the phone. He asked what’s the problem, and I said “Michael, it’s just horrible!” He goes, “Do whatever you want and I’ll call Joe.”

Pytka: I fought with Epic about the edits. We had issues with the editing. They sent a young executive to deal with me, and I forget what the issue was. I re-edited the piece. They had some comments, and they wanted to have their editor in New York edit the thing, and I just told him where to shove it, and I did the changes myself.

Stessel: I went over to Joe Pytka’s office and he asked “What do you want? What do you see?” So I played him the video for “Living On A Prayer” where Jon [Bon Jovi] flies through the air. I said, “This video is so good, I’d **** him." Pytka took the video, threw it on the ground and stepped on it, said "This is garbage." I said "Well, you may think it’s garbage, but I gotta tell you something, this guy sold 12 million records, so there’s gotta be something going for it." He says, “Well, I’m not gonna do it." So I said "Great," and went into the editing room with this editor who I happen to know from working on some music videos from some Stallone movies, and we started editing it. And about a half-hour later, Pytka enters and says, “You can leave, I know what you want.” So the next day, he delivered “Dirty Diana” and it was great. It was perfect.

Pytka: Michael was brilliant in that thing. Some of the things he did, the crowd went crazy. They’re a paid audience, you know, we have a paid crowd of extras. But they go crazy, even though they’re being paid. They went nuts... Being onstage with the music, and him performing, and feeling the crowd, there’s nothing like it. You just know why these guys go crazy for performing. You just feel the energy. It’s breathtaking. I think I was so overwhelmed by that that I didn’t even turn my camera on.

Stessel: Joe did a great job. I was at the shoot and Michael stands straight, he drops to his knees, Lisa Dean rips his shirt open and he screams. That’s sexy. That’s what people want to see. Guys want to see it, girls want to see it. I said “That’s sexy shit, and you left it out of the first take. How can you do that?” It’s animalistic, it’s what people want.

Where they talking about this not used edit?

Thanks for posting this. I don't remember seeing that version of the video before.
Wow that was the first time I've heard or seen that edit of the video!! Cool stuff!!
Where they talking about this not used edit?

Yes, Larry Bridges was Pytka's editor at the time. This was the early version. It's really interesting to see what changes Pytka made to the second version, and it's even more interesting to read those interview excerpts about Pytka and the Epic exec. The exec is talking about the shot of Michael ripping his shirt of... but actually, Pytka made a much bigger change than adding and deleting shots. He changed the story. The first edit shows multiple groupies. And they sort of wander around freely during the concert. But the second version has a focus on only one groupie, supposedly 'Diana'. She is sort of stalking the car Michael arrived in. She never leaves it, she stays there while the concert is going on. In the end, she manages somehow to get IN the car, and wait for Michael there. It is much more about stalking. It's nastier, actually.

So it's interesting to speculate what happened. To me, if feels like Pytka is disappointed the second day of shooting can't happen. His idea of a stage that collapses in a storm, can't be done. He is not happy, and hands the edit of the shoot to his editor, Larry Bridges. Bridges edits the stuff. Without the collapsing stage and the thunderstorm, he creates sort of a new storyline about groupies hanging around. The beginning of the video is somewhat slow, and the end as well. Epic isn't happy, they send an exec to 'redo' the edit. This is where Pytka, annoyed at first, but too proud to let someone else do his job, takes the whole thing back into his own hands. While the exec and Larry are editing, Joe Pytka thinks about the real problem with the video, and concludes there should be more focus on Michael and Diana. When that thought pops up, he tells the exec 'I know what you want'. And delivers a superb short film.

That's my guess on what happened!
so what dirty diana really about if she stalking him? does she do more? is she sleeping with another dude or michael? i swear this song confuse me.
so what dirty diana really about if she stalking him? does she do more? is she sleeping with another dude or michael? i swear this song confuse me.
Ive always been confused about this song. The lyrics make no guidedamn sense what sooooo ever
so what dirty diana really about if she stalking him? does she do more? is she sleeping with another dude or michael? i swear this song confuse me.

It's pretty clear though... it's about a girl (Diana) who is a groupie and is offering herself to Michael. She wants to get him in her bed, but he is resisting, telling her he has a girl friend at home. She is persisting, and when Michael calls his girl friend at home to say he is coming home, Diana is yelling 'He is sleeping with me!' so Michael's girl friend can hear her say that. She is trying to sabotage Michaels relationship with his girl. So, she is a nasty person, trying to get Michael in her bed, but so far as the song goes, he doesn't give in.
It's pretty clear though... it's about a girl (Diana) who is a groupie and is offering herself to Michael. She wants to get him in her bed, but he is resisting, telling her he has a girl friend at home. She is persisting, and when Michael calls his girl friend at home to say he is coming home, Diana is yelling 'He is sleeping with me!' so Michael's girl friend can hear her say that. She is trying to sabotage Michaels relationship with his girl. So, she is a nasty person, trying to get Michael in her bed, but so far as the song goes, he doesn't give in.

thank you very much. lol. so i was pretty much right. though i thought it was other way around like she was with michael but sleeping with him or some other dude. it kind of like billie jean. lol. you know mostly all michael songs had to do with either a girl trying to sleep with him or do him no pun dirty. but thanks again for the information yes diana seem like an dirty person.