Uri Geller: A Very Shady Man

Sorry but when you trust and believe in someone you dont put them under hypnosis for something else then ask a question about something else

fake blooming friend


butt hole
But all of that comes straight from Uri's mouth, right? And really...is Hypnosis that real? I mean...can it really make a person tell the honest truth?

I've never believed in all that kind of stuff, Michael may have but he didn't know what Uri did when he apparently put him under hypnosis if he did at all. I've never believed anything Uri says. If it's true, why did he not come out and say so when it was all going on. Of course standing up in court and saying "I hypnotised him" isn't going to work very much but if Uri is such a great hypnotist (sp?) then why did he not release something to the press? Unless, he knows himself that he's nothing but sell out...