What are you doing this very second?

I'm surfing on the net, checking another board (not mj related), checking my too many email adresses, chatting with a good friend (and waitin for her to be finished packing).
Also thinking about what I will eat as my brunch. :lol:
Trying to decide if I want to get that new single... the title track just is weak...

Being tired, listening to my music, resizing pictures in photoshop, and working on my website!!! :blush:
Getting ready to head out and watch the new Willy Wonka movie.
Now I am sitting here watching one of my most favorite Cosby Show episodes. While drinking a glass of coke and eating potato and macarroni salad, and a tomato, turkey, chicken, and cheese sandwich.
Drinking a glass of milk while eating a cinnamon and sugar soft pretzel with a vanilla glaze all over it for my breakfast. While watching this program called Bigfootville on the Travel Channel.
Writing and talkin on MSN and a bit pissed off and irritated.