What's The Time?

10:39 listening to music and talkin to people on AIM
Originally posted by mjjlover4life@Aug 7 2005, 04:49 PM
11:49 am... filling out job applications

lucky you ........ im starting my new job monday :doh: why did i fill out that form :lol:

just finished watchin a movie it is called the princess and the marine. Also gettin ready to go somewere. :p
Chums :lol:

1:09 PM, listening to music and wondering how to transfer songs onto an MP3 player. :huh:
8:20pm Thinking I haven't heard the word chums for a while :lol:
Aww ^

2:24 PM, chatting on MSN.. jeez how come nobody is ever online, hmph. :lol:
11:46 PM

Just sitting here watching Harry Potter:And The Chamber of Secrets on the Disney Channel. Plus I am just getting ready to go upstairs to change the light bulb for the table lamp in the room that I am in.