Why was Bumper Snippet (Kid) planned to be on the second disc of Dangerous: Special Edition in 2001?


Proud Member
Sep 29, 2022
For anyone who has heard this "song", it's probably quite confusing why MJ and/or Sony Music decided it would be a well-received addition to the planned 2001 2CD version of Dangerous.

As the leaked acetate version of the second disc shows, the track is around 17-seconds long and includes various noises/sound effects as performed by an uncredited child.

Could these be samples MJ and his producers used during the production of Dangerous? Why were they included as a bonus track? Why include this oddity rather than an actual outtake, such as Man in Black, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, Slave to the Rhythm, etc.?

I haven't seen much discussion surrounding the track, so if anyone has any answers that would be great.
Could these be samples MJ and his producers used during the production of Dangerous? Why were they included as a bonus track? Why include this oddity rather than an actual outtake, such as Man in Black, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, Slave to the Rhythm, etc.?
Apparently, it was meant as a skit introduction on that 'Dangerous' bonus disc.
I always thought Bumper Snippet was a whole song from Bad era.
Both of them are just snippets, not whole songs.

The other one (not with the kid) comes from Michael Jackson while he is awaiting (during a recording session) the go ahead in order to start recording his vocals on a certain song.
I saw one once. He ended up as a patient in a psychiatric hospital for serious cases.
I think I heard some of the Bumper Snippet (kid) samples in Mind is the Magic, but I'm not sure. This is why I asked if anyone knew what it is and why it was planned to be included. I suppose the idea of a short intro to the second disc makes sense.