Wrong Note In "Childhood"

Jack A.

Proud Member
Oct 27, 2023
Does anyone else hear a sour note at about 2:27 in Childhood, during the orchestral solo? It sounds like hitting an extra note on the piano that wasn't supposed to be there. I never noticed this until just now, when I was listening to this song up loudly through headphones. I'm always going to notice it now, even at quieter volumes 😂
Hmm, no what I was hearing was slightly before that. Funny, I don’t hear it now without headphones - but when I was listening with headphones I could hear it clearly. I also can’t really hear a double note at 2:30. I’ll take another listen later and try again.
Apparantley the story is that Brad Buxer played the wrong note, but Michael loved how it sounded so it stayed on the song.
Apparantley the story is that Brad Buxer played the wrong note, but Michael loved how it sounded so it stayed on the song.
That’s interesting - do you know where that story originates from? (I don’t love how it sounds, haha)
That’s interesting - do you know where that story originates from? (I don’t love how it sounds, haha)
I heard on a Michael Jackson podcast from one of the people who worked in the studio with Michael. Problem is that podcast has a lot of episodes and those episode are around 2-3 hours long, so it'll be hard to find the episode/moment where it's talked about.
I heard on a Michael Jackson podcast from one of the people who worked in the studio with Michael. Problem is that podcast has a lot of episodes and those episode are around 2-3 hours long, so it'll be hard to find the episode/moment where it's talked about.
Not sure if it’s the MJCast, but i found this search engine which may be of help. It can supposedly be used to search transcripts.

Apple Podcasts has this feature too, but it’s easier if you know which episode it is

you learn something new everyday on the inter-webs.
now I think I'm gonna hear that note for the rest of my life.
Not sure if it’s the MJCast, but i found this search engine which may be of help. It can supposedly be used to search transcripts.

Apple Podcasts has this feature too, but it’s easier if you know which episode it is

Yes, it was MJcast. Thanks for mentioning that feature, because I wasn't aware of it. That'll come in really handy