Big Update in Raymone Case! MJ Responds

Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Really? I don't remember that. All I remember was her appearances on larry king where she said the same damn thing everyday for 5 months.

"laaaarry... Michael's innocent" :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was why she was supposedly fired. Once the trial was underway they were not allowed to talk about it to the press and she did. For a while people held their breath because the judge could have called it a mistrial. They were pretty far along at that time too. It would have been terrible for MJ.
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Wow, guess what just popped into my head...?

That Raymone's presence is like a constant reminder that MJ went through that trial and that many of the fans would like to see her gone because then it will really feel like the trial is over. Her presence is prolonging it. She's the last one lingering.

What do you guys think? Does this feel about right?
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Wow, guess what just popped into my head...?

That Raymone's presence is like a constant reminder that MJ went through that trial and that many of the fans would like to see her gone because then it will really feel like the trial is over. Her presence is prolonging it. She's the last one lingering.

What do you guys think? Does this feel about right?

yeah, i feel like that. lol
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Wow, guess what just popped into my head...?

That Raymone's presence is like a constant reminder that MJ went through that trial and that many of the fans would like to see her gone because then it will really feel like the trial is over. Her presence is prolonging it. She's the last one lingering.

What do you guys think? Does this feel about right?

yeah, i feel like that. lol

Yeh im getting that feeling also
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Im so pleased that Michael has finally got some good lawyers on this case. I havn't been online much recently for various reasons so I don't know much about the case so Im not judging but it does seem to me that she is being rather greedy....$44 million dollers is outrageous...seriously.
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

yeah, i feel like that. lol
Yeh im getting that feeling also
Maybe Michael was starting to feel the same way. He more than anyone would want it all to feel like it really is over.

Just a little ways to go, guys. Then, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

When this ends, "This Is It" will be the start of all things new. It will be much like passing over a threshold.


Thank God for the "new" era.
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Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

You know, it seems to me that when Raymone was representing Michael, things were not getting done, and lawsuits were flying. No one knew what the F was going on. Then when she was axed, and Londell took over, the lawsuits slowed down, and eventually most of them were whipped out due to swift action.

Me thinks Raymone is a terrible business woman and only used Michael to get her own career going....thus the lawsuit. He kicks her to the curb, and she's trying to make a quick million off him.

I hope she gets her ass kicked in court
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case


Me thinks Raymone is a terrible business woman and only used Michael to get her own career going....thus the lawsuit. He kicks her to the curb, and she's trying to make a quick million off him.

I hope she gets her ass kicked in court

I agree with u on that

and i hope too that her ass will be kicked!
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

I will be posting BIG NEWS very shortly. Let's just say, based on new official information, Raymone Bain really does NOT have a leg to stand on at all for any of her claims, based on a payment and release agreement she signed in 2007 (which she conveniently refrained from mentioning at all in her complaint).
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

I will be posting BIG NEWS very shortly. Let's just say, based on new official information, Raymone Bain really does NOT have a leg to stand on at all for any of her claims, based on a payment and release agreement she signed in 2007.
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

I will be posting BIG NEWS very shortly. Let's just say, based on new official information, Raymone Bain really does NOT have a leg to stand on at all for any of her claims, based on a payment and release agreement she signed in 2007 (which she conveniently refrained from mentioning at all in her complaint).

Wow omg!

Thank you tscm for letting us know :D
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

Major Court Update June 18, 2009

Today, several key motions were filed by Michael's defense to both respond to and oppose Raymone's claims. A summary of the VERY REVEALING claims as made by Michael's attorneys is included below:

- On December 27, 2007 both Michael Jackson and Raymone Bain entered into a "Payment and Release Agreement" whereby Raymone acknowledged that she was "not owed any additional monies under any other agreement from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007." As such, Michael's team claims that "any monies allegedly owed under the May 30, 2006 agreement between the parties were extinguished under the Payment and Release."

- The defense notes that this Payment and Release form is, not surprisingly, "completely and conspicuously absent from any of Plaintiffs’ pleadings and filings with this Court."

- More legal jargon which ultimately reiterates their stance that Raymone's claim is legally "not only without merit, but is frivolous."

- A deposition from Londell McMillan confirmed that Raymone Bain, as part of the Payment and Release Agreement she signed into in 2007, was paid $488,820.05 and was fully satisfied, with total acknowledgment that NO OTHER MONEY was owed to her under ANY past agreements. This makes it clear why she avoided mentioning that release agreement in her complaint.

- The actual payment and release agreement states, in part:

Mr. Jackson shall render a payment made payable to you [Plaintiffs] in the amount of four hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty dollars and five cents ($488,820.05) as full and final satisfaction of any and all monies, known or unknown, to be owed to you by the Jackson Parties with respect to any and all agreements whether verbal or written that you may have entered into with the Jackson Parties from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007 (the "Payment").

Except as otherwise set forth herein, in consideration of the Payment and other consideration provided herein, you [Plaintiffs] on behalf of yourself, your respective predecessors in interests, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable, do hereby absolutely, fully and forever release, relieve, waive, relinquish and discharge the Jackson Parties and each of their respective predecessors in interest, successors and assigns, representatives, partners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, members, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, insurers, donees and licensees and each of them as applicable of and from any and all manner of action or actions, suits debts, liabilities, demands, claims, obligations, costs, expenses, sums of money, controversies, damages, accounts, reckonings, and liens of every kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected which you shall or may have, own or hold, or which they at any time heretofore had owned or held against the Jackson Parties by reason of, arising out of or in connection with any matter whatsoever.


This agreement contains the entire understanding between and among the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior understandings, agreements, representations, covenants, warranties, and releases, express or implied, written or oral, between any of the parties...

The defense argument goes on to describe how the court will have to uphold the agreement put in place by Raymone and Michael Jackson in 2007, and how her claims exist based on "hearsay lacking any evidentiary support." Also, information and past court cases are cited as to why she cannot freeze any of Michael Jackson's assets or accounts without first obtaining a judgment, which again would be very unlikely given the release agreement acknowledging that she was owed nothing more regardless of any past agreements.

In conclusion, with this BINDING AGREEMENT now revealed and on the table, Raymone has "no viable case against the Jackson Parties and are therefore unlikely to succeed on the merits."
Re: MJ appoints lawyers in Raymone Bain case

I will be posting BIG NEWS very shortly. Let's just say, based on new official information, Raymone Bain really does NOT have a leg to stand on at all for any of her claims, based on a payment and release agreement she signed in 2007 (which she conveniently refrained from mentioning at all in her complaint).

That is such a tightly written release agreement that she signed in 2007. What on earth was she thinking with this lawsuit? Did she think that Michael and his lawyers would have forgotten that one important item? It will be interesting to see how this is explained to the courts; I'm sure a judge will want an explanation as to why this was not mentioned at all; it would be one thing to try to argue it's not valid but another to not even bring it into the mix. I'm not sure if that is going to go over very well in court.

And it is a very interesting agreement. Didn't she claim that she was never terminated by Michael and that he just stopped contacting her (correct me if I'm remembering wrong)? If so, how would that be possible with this agreement. And if you actually thought that you would be owed on future activity, why sign such a thing without making it clear about future earnings? Sometimes it is best to leave well enough alone and live and let live.

Thanks, TSCM, for the information.
Also, hopefully, this will put to rest not only this lawsuit in due time but also those who claim that Michael doesn't know how to handle his business, needs to get his act together, needs a trustworthy team, or never learns from the past. Evidently, he clearly has learned and knows how to handle his business.

He took care of what was needed. He can't help if someone tries his or her hand at a lawsuit. That is not a sign of him or his team dropping the ball. It appears that he had his legal team working for him as they should.
Thank you for this info TSCM and thank bleeping bleep for all this because not long ago some were crying that the sky was falling and MJ needs to dole out the money to people he owes Raymone with 44,000,000 US DOLLARS --FOR WHAT?

I have no doubt this will be looked after......

Classic - EXACTLY! I echo your sentiments.
What blows my mind is that she knew that McMillan handled this (based on the reference to his deposition) and yet she thought that this would not be pulled in to the defense. I wonder if she thought that McMillan was no longer working for Michael; but, even if not, did she not think that Michael would remember this agreement?
This is simply amazing to me. And some thought that Michael didn't handle his business. Well, that Agreement was drafted by someone for the sole purpose of protecting Michael's financial interest....that is obvious. So somebody handle his business!

And Raymone has to be crazy if she thought that this little document would not surface. I guess the potential gross from this O2 arena was just too much for her to ignore. I guess she thought, "I was in the circle, so I ought to be able to claim something". Silly woman.
Raymone acknowledged that she was "not owed any additional monies under any other agreement from the beginning of time until December 27, 2007"

CRYSTAL clear. :girl_haha:
She was paid $488,820.05 and still WASN'T satisfied :doh:

thats plain greedy Raymone!

I soooooooo agree with you. Ms. Bain heard the estimates that were being thrown around as to how much MJ would be making from his deal with AEG. So she took it upon herself to see if he had forgotten about the agreement she signed and decided to sue for $44mil. I am all for ppl getting paid for services rendered but from what TSCM posted she was paid nearly a half a million for her services. That agreement is basically a receipt saying she has been paid in full.

Now Ms. Bain must pick her face up off the floor because and kick herself in the ass for signing something like that if she felt that $488,820.05 wasn't enough.

Great news. :clapping: Pretty much looks like case closed.
Raymone will be lucky if she ever gets anyone to hire her after all this. Greedy, silly woman.
Thanks for the updates. I feel her pain. She was with him through hard times and now she wants to go with him through "good" times. After years of "service" she realized that she isn't needed any more and now she hopes to get some extra extra extra money to get over that huge loss. Her life must be empty now. Once you are in you don't want out.
I hope the lawyers don't cost Michael too much, I loathe it when he only works for others.
Rodney King got 3,8 Mio. and there is almost nothing left. Most of the money he spent to his lawyers he said.
Reason for the delay in responding

In addition to the bombshell information I mentioned previously, Michael's side also explained the delay in response, and why the original notice of default should be tossed now that a formal response has been made within the allocated time the court provided.

According to the claim, Michael Jackson only became aware of this case on June 7th whereby he quickly acted to appoint the legal team he now has in charge of it. He was only informed of it through Frank Dileo who learned of it via the media, and never through a formal summons. Raymone alleged that a summons was given to a security guard and to Dr. Tohme Tohme, but none of them actually made their way to Michael. Dr. Tohme Tohme no longer has any personal nor professional association with Michael Jackson, nor did he at the time the original summons was served and he did not in any way communicate the information to Michael.

In addition, the lawyers state that "because of the existence of a valid and binding payment and release agreement between the parties, this action came as a complete surprise to [Michael Jackson]... Despite rumors and innuendos that may have surfaced before that date, Mr. Jackson did not conceive any lawsuit would be possible based on the payment and release agreement executed by Raymone K. Bain."

Michael Jackson submitted a signed declaration to these facts.

P.S., Also revealed and confirmed was the official termination of Dr. Tohme Tohme, which went into effect May 5th and disbarred him from having any subsequent affiliation with Michael Jackson or any of his numerous established entities (including MJJ Productions and the newer MJJ Kingdom).

The defense is also calling for the dismissal of Raymone's complaint based on the agreement she signed into which prevents her from profiting any further from Michael Jackson and contradicts her very claim.
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Damn, Michael sure did take care of his business. Raymone is really grasping here. Just goes to show you once again how we can't believe all that we read and hear in the media. We were led to believe that Michael was in fact served. But he wasn't.

Thanks for the updates! The more I hear about Frank Dileo the more I like him.... he was a good friend and manager for him in the past, he supported him during the trial and now he's STILL helping him and protecting him. Michael needs more people like him in his life :wub:
Reason for the delay in responding

...this action came as a complete surprise to [Michael Jackson]...

LOL I bet it did.

Raymone wasted everyone's time with this BS. I doubt she'll be able to find a job after this. NO ONE who knows about this lawsuit is going to hire her as a publicist or manager.