"Breaking News" All General Discussion Here [Merged]

What do You Think Now???

  • Now im Sure Its Michael!!!

    Votes: 89 21.4%
  • I Still Think its Not him!!!

    Votes: 223 53.7%
  • I now think that its Michael, but still have my doubts!!

    Votes: 24 5.8%
  • Im Confused!!!!

    Votes: 79 19.0%

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Re: US Radio Airplay: Breaking News Gets Mixed Reviews

This BN and album were meant and supposed to be a BIG HIT of the year (/Id say a comeback of the century, except TII gigs in London)..., but its just a big SH*T and the biggest music controversy for at least last 20 year (except Milli Vanilli scandal with fake vocals)

BN simply can not be a HIT, it has not potential to be a radio HIT...
Re: Lyrics for BreaKING News

After crazy celebrity. I think he sings "And on the screen today we're on display"
Re: Lyrics for BreaKING News

After crazy celebrity. I think he sings "And on the screen today we're on display"

It sounds like it yes. I'll change the lyris in the first post and make the corrections red. :)

Thank you very much - this also makes more sense.
First review of new Michael Jackson single

HERE is what we know about the "new" Michael Jackson song Breaking News.

It was recorded in New Jersey three years ago with a no-name producer.

And if ***** hadn’t died it would have no doubt stayed unreleased.

Breaking News sounds like an out-take from 1991’s dated swingbeat album Dangerous.

There’s already debate - started by the media-shy Jackson family - about whether it’s even ***** singing.

Certainly bits sound like him, and bits could easily be a sound-a-like considering the vague confirmation the song was "recently brought to completion".

It’s kind of weird hearing Jackson - if it is him - singing about himself in the third person and talking about reporters wanting to "write my obituary".

On the scheme of weird things ***** did, it barely cracks the Top 100.

But ***** gets the last hee-hee with the accidentally ironic opening line "Everyone wanting a piece of Michael Jackson" christening the first of seven planned posthumous albums on Sony.

Jackson’s record label Epic, former producer Teddy Riley and manager Frank DiLeo have issued statements insisting it is Jackson’s voice on the entirety of unearthed track Breaking News.

Riley suggested any distinctions between what his fans are used to hearing from Jackson and the vocals on Breaking News might be due to the fact “they were all done by Michael in different places and different climates".

DiLeo insists he spoke to Jackson during the recording sessions at producer Eddie Cascio’s home when the pop star and his children stayed there.

Jackson’s children Prince and Paris questioned the legitimacy of the single yesterday, claiming they had been present when their father recorded them and the version released this week on his website was a fake.

"I have no doubt that the voice we are hearing on those songs belongs to Michael Jackson,” DiLeo states.

“I spoke to Michael by telephone at the Cascio's home studio several times while he was recording with them, and he was excited and enthused by the music and the experience.

“While listening to the tracks, especially the ones not heard by the general public, you can hear that he was having a great time!”
Re: US Radio Airplay: Breaking News Gets Mixed Reviews

^^^ Even though I hate the song. I dont agree with this review.

It sounds like a dated outtake from Dangerous?

If anything they have tried too hard to make the vocals sound current.

Not to mention the fact they repeatedly call him *****.
You did record with "rec what you listen" option.
That's not a direct rip.

I've downloaded the videos directly from the source (being brightcove).
Here is how my two files look on Audacity. Different. As they sound. Different.


As stated earlier, feel free to send them over by PM. It looks more like volume difference than anything else.. Again, I have no issues doing it again and again and again.. If I'm wrong then yeah, then I'll admit it, but as it looks right now, I doubt it. So again, feel free to send them over and I'll repeat it...
Re: US Radio Airplay: Breaking News Gets Mixed Reviews

The press is hating a song that criticizes the press.

Re: US Radio Airplay: Breaking News Gets Mixed Reviews

That's what people (even the fans) said about Invincible. It's okay, we can agree to disagree.
I just can't believe how the fans slag off Michael's song. If there weren't any doubts about the vocals, I wonder what people would say then. I think there is a lot of negativity towards this song because people call it a fraud. All of a sudden they question everything, from the lyrics to the way his voice sounds. There are always those who can never stop moaning, that's how it is, you can't please everybody.

Thanks for the comment about Invincible. If the media says anything about any of the upcoming releases, including this one, sounding dated or not up to MJ par, then it won't be the first time. So, if their review of things are right now, were they also right with Invincible and any other releases that they downplayed because it was the unattainable Thriller?
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Everybody listen to this at EXACTLY 2:27. Clear as day sign that they have had an impersonator fill in certain parts or sing over certain parts. You start to hear what sounds like MJ, but then it quickly switches over to the imposter! Its right there!

Seriously if you cannot hear that there is no hope for you, its clear as day.

There was no tests done! They have blatantly hired an impersonator to fill in all of the blanks!
It's clearly Michael. The acapella confirms that there is no impersonator. Open your eyes. I did. I was hesitant at first when hearing the song in full but the acapella has definitely changed my mind.

It's pure Michael.

Stop confusing yourself with these theories.

Let me guess though. I'll be slandered for even mentioning its Michael. Give it a rest.
Re: "Breaking News" All Discussion Here [Merged]

Because that was just my source's opinion... that's what he has heard. But the only people who know the truth are the Cascio's. That's why I said it's likely that there is another person singing in Breaking News (based on my own ears). There are many people at Sony who believe it's MJ 100% with some supporting vocals from that guy mentioned in the article this morning. Maybe that's the case? I'm just not going to get all worked up until I hear more info.

Great. MJ fans all over the world reacting to "his opinion". I am speechless really.
It's clearly Michael. The acapella confirms that there is no impersonator. Open your eyes. I did. I was hesitant at first when hearing the song in full but the acapella has definitely changed my mind.

...see that's the problem...you opened the wrong body part....try opening your EARS...

...if you hear Michael on that acapella....I just CANNOT agree with you there...
It's clearly Michael. The acapella confirms that there is no impersonator. Open your eyes. I did. I was hesitant at first when hearing the song in full but the acapella has definitely changed my mind.

It's pure Michael.

Stop confusing yourself with these theories.

Let me guess though. I'll be slandered for even mentioning its Michael. Give it a rest.

Listen to this at EXACTLY 2:27. Are you honestly going to tell me you cant hear it switch from MJ's voice to somebody elses?

Michael/Imposter- You
Impersonator -On.....Breaking....The News!

Its right there, as clear as day. You can clearly here it go from the imposters voice with Michael's. To Just Michael on his own singing 'keep'. Then back to the impersonator.

To add credability, this has completely changed my opinion from 'He had no part in this what so ever' to 'He's in there, but the majority of it is an impersonator'.

That one line has changed my opinion when I thought nothing could.

I suggest everyone listen, I feel its strong evidence. You can hear it quite clearly. This is my last attempt to convince anyone its an impersonator.

You hear a mix of MJ and the impersonator for a second, then you hear all impersonator.

I dare anybody to listen to that and then tell me that Michael is the only person singing the main vocals! Of course somebody is going to, but its just ridiculous.

ummm no. its called a sample, they sampled his voice from the previous verse where he said "fakin breakin the news" it got chopped up and played from a keyboard that way, any producer or engineer will tell you the same
Listen to this at EXACTLY 2:27. Are you honestly going to tell me you cant hear it switch from MJ's voice to somebody elses?

Michael/Imposter- You
Impersonator -On.....Breaking....The News!

Its right there, as clear as day. You can clearly here it go from the imposters voice with Michael's. To Just Michael on his own singing 'keep'. Then back to the impersonator.

To add credability, this has completely changed my opinion from 'He had no part in this what so ever' to 'He's in there, but the majority of it is an impersonator'.

That one line has changed my opinion when I thought nothing could.

I suggest everyone listen, I feel its strong evidence. You can hear it quite clearly. This is my last attempt to convince anyone its an impersonator.

ummm no. its called a sample, they sampled his voice from the previous verse where he said "fakin breakin the news" it got chopped up and played from a keyboard that way, any producer or engineer will tell you the same

But its clearly an impersonator mixed with clear MJ vocals.....

They have obviously dubbed it over MJ's vocals.

The 'Fakin Breaking the news' bit is clearly an impersonator to me.

When I hear 'You keep'. It sounds exactly like Michael.

Its 2 different voices mixed into one.
I wonder if there could be any difference between the files on different countries versions of Sony? Or do we think it's all pointing to one file on their server?
It's clearly Michael. The acapella confirms that there is no impersonator. Open your eyes. I did. I was hesitant at first when hearing the song in full but the acapella has definitely changed my mind.

It's pure Michael.

Stop confusing yourself with these theories.

Let me guess though. I'll be slandered for even mentioning its Michael. Give it a rest.

Actually, the acapella is the most damning evidence of all that this is not Michael, imo. Every other acapella vocal track of Michael has stomps, hand claps, finger snaps and all of the other various noises he made while recording. He couldn't be still in the studio. Why does this track not have any of that? Why is it different from every other acapella track of Michael that I have ever heard?
if that is so then you need to read my previous post where i replied to the person you agree with, educate yourselves people, learn something instead of all this bickering smh

...i did...and I don't agree with you :scratch:
im seriously UNDECIDED!!!
i swear...i want to believe its Michael...but then theres a part of me saying its not..and yet theres a part of me thinks its him...then part thinking its not!! im soooo confused!!
But its clearly an impersonator mixed with clear MJ vocals.....

They have obviously dubbed it over MJ's vocals.

The 'Fakin Breaking the news' bit is clearly an impersonator to me.

When I hear 'You keep'. It sounds exactly like Michael.

Its 2 different voices mixed into one.

the sample is him, its just that they had to stretch and bend the vocal to make it sound like he was actually saying that, when in reality he never said you keep breaking the news, sony is too big of a company to do something so careless as to hire an impersonater, this is a million dollar dare i say billion dollar company, and this is the biggest selling artist of our lifetimes, its him singing, not everyone has a good ear, just like how everyone cannot sing, people see and taste things differently, they hear things differently as well, but please keep in mind that it is a sample of mj so it is indeed him that you are hearing at the time you have specified
Actually, the acapella is the most damning evidence of all that this is not Michael, imo. Every other acapella vocal track of Michael has stomps, hand claps, finger snaps and all of the other various noises he made while recording. He couldn't be still in the studio. Why does this track not have any of that? Why is it different from every other acapella track of Michael that I have ever heard?

because those acapellas were recorded in professional studios where mics were set up to capture his stomping and various noises, its called being mic'd, this song was recorded in someone's home, and it is also a demo, do not forget that, so if thats what you are going on then i suggest you find another reason to believe that it isnt michael jackson
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