Famous Michael Jackson Quotes


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… and to be able to interpret that truth so that one may use what one is feeling and experiencing, be it joy or despair, in a way that will add meaning to ones life and will hopefully touch others as well." ~ Michael J .Jackson :heart:
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"Once the music plays, it creates me. The instruments move me, through me, they control me. Sometimes I'm uncontrollable and it just happens – boom, boom, boom! – once it gets inside you."
– Michael Jackson
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"Deep inside I feel that this world we live in is really
a big,huge, monumental symphonic orchestra.
I believe that in its primordial form all of creation is sound
and that it's not just random sound, that it's music."

– Michael Jackson
Inspired by Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin:


Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by

If you smile
With your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by

If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile



"I said you had to do it.
You said you didn't want to.
We talked about it, and we agreed that maybe
I could help.
I said you were wrong.
You insisted you were right.
We held each other's hand, and right and wrong disappeared.
I began crying.
You began crying, too.
We embraced, and between us grew a flower of peace.
How I love this mystery called We!
Where does it come from, out of thin air?
I thought about this mystery, and I realized something :
We must be love's favorite child, because until I reach out for you,
We is not even there.
It arrives on the wings of tenderness : it speaks through our silent understanding.
When I laugh at myself, it smiles.
When I forgive you, it dances in jubilation.
So We is not a choice anymore, not if you and I want to grow with one another.
We unites us, increases our strength;
it picks up our burden when you and I are ready to let it fall.
The truth is that you and I would have given up long ago,
but We won't let us. It is too wise.
"Look into your hearts," it says.
"What do you see? Not you and I, but only We."

Michael Jackson - Dancing The Dream
I heard a sentence from a leaked piece about THIS IS IT,"U cant do it today ,it is ok,but it has to be there."----MJ :0 First ,i thought it simple,then i met with the hard time when i felt it hard to achieve my dream and i wanna give it up.And these words HIT ME .We can finish the goal in a short time yet we can do it with faith.
Still My Motto :agree:



Oh, I found this quote too that made me think of our Michael :blush:


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