MJ legal seminar in Sept: Mesereau, Feldman, Melville, Zonan amongst speakers

Reading Ms. De Gossen's account of the seminar and many there breaking into laughter over various things mentioned about Michael is infuriating to me. It reminds me of Dr. S and what he said about the luncheon he attended and how angry he was at what he observed and heard. I don't know how Mesereau can even stand to be in the same room with them. Still I am grateful he takes the time to speak whenever invited. Kudos to him, I wouldn't or couldn't be so calm and cool in that situation with so much lying and disrespect. Some of it reads like a Klan rally. Mocking Michael in laughter. This ish wears on my soul it's been going on for so long now...can't imagine how Michael dealt with it for so long.
This seminar is nothing but a thinly veiled MJ persecution fest all over again. Sublimely lynching Michael under the guise of some country bar association law fraternity seminar.
Tacky if you asked me.
Ron Zonen going all hate- trigger- happy and still defending grifter Gavin till today is unnesccesary and unprofessional.
Mez shoulda brought the original team - Robert Sanger, Susan Yu and Steve Cochrane to field the floor & shut them up once & for all.
Smellville's well known to be in the prosecution back pocket with all the pro-prosecution motions he'd allowed, only this time he passed the buck and lay blame on the media.
Feldman's ego tripping and gloating did not help.
With the last hour left to Mez what is he supposed to do but to make do and get the best of the situation with whatever time left.
The DVD had better not be edited to favour the prosecution.
They were laughing at Michael, laughing at his fans, praising Gavin Arvizo.. I don't know if I could've sat through that farce of a seminar. Kudos to those fans who did.

Yet again, can I just say how much I :heart: TMez..!!


I read this from an article that was written in 2004:

In January 2000, a woman named Janet Arvizo consulted with a civil lawyer about suing Michael Jackson for having allegedly molested her son. This would have been the second child molestation lawsuit filed against Jackson, the first being the result of sexual abuse allegations that were made by a 13-year-old boy in 1993.

The problem, however, is that in January 2000, Janet Arvizo had never met Michael Jackson; neither had her son. In fact, it would still be another seven months before Jackson would even be introduced to the Arvizo family.

Three years after their initial meeting in August 2000, Janet Arvizo’s son accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse; the pop star is currently preparing to fight these claims in court. During a recent pre-trial hearing, Arvizo’s plans to sue Michael Jackson before she had even met him were made public by Jackson’s lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. According to Mesereau, Arvizo had revealed this information to investigators in June 2003, when she and her children first made accusations against Jackson.

Did Janet Arvizo set out to meet Michael Jackson with the intention of eventually filing a child abuse lawsuit against him? And if they were aware of Arvizo’s potential motives before they arrested and charged Jackson, why did authorities choose to go forward with the case?
I think some of you don't understand the importance.

Ron Zonen, part of the Prosecution in 2005, admitted in this seminar that:

it was an SHAKEDOWN or an EXTORTION for MJ!

the same prosecution admitted that HUGE STATEMENT according to this lady


And I don't know about you, but I have to watch that dvd, to see if this is true.
I think some of you don't understand the importance.

Ron Zonen, part of the Prosecution in 2005, admitted in this seminar that:

it was an SHAKEDOWN or an EXTORTION for MJ!

the same prosecution admitted that HUGE STATEMENT according to this lady


And I don't know about you, but I have to watch that dvd, to see if this is true.

i don't know what room that lady was in but Zonen said no such thing. Zonen feels the same way as he did in 2005--that Michael was a child molester who molested an innocent cancer stricken child and kidnapped him and his family so he could "silence" them..The guy's an idiot, and the fact that he is still defending those no moral having lowlives is pretty pathetic.
i don't know what room that lady was in but Zonen said no such thing. Zonen feels the same way as he did in 2005--that Michael was a child molester who molested an innocent cancer stricken child and kidnapped him and his family so he could "silence" them..The guy's an idiot, and the fact that he is still defending those no moral having lowlives is pretty pathetic.

thank you for answer, because it was hard to believe that :no:
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Dr. S is the person who heard Sneddon and company bragging about passing naked pics of MJ around SB County to humiliate him to leave. He was at this luncheon at the time and afterward his medical clinic got trashed. He sent out a newsletter to media informing them of the situation, but apparently they didn't give a flying you know what.
Dr. S is the person who heard Sneddon and company bragging about passing naked pics of MJ around SB County to humiliate him to leave. He was at this luncheon at the time and afterward his medical clinic got trashed. He sent out a newsletter to media informing them of the situation, but apparently they didn't give a flying you know what.

lol@them having naked pics of Michael to begin with..These people were so pathetically obsessed with him to the point where it was just ridiculous. I cant help but wonder how many REAL criminals had gotten off because they spent so much time going after one man..This is why I wished Measeru would have put Michael on the stand. I would love to see how he would have handled those prosecutors.
i don't know what room that lady was in but Zonen said no such thing. Zonen feels the same way as he did in 2005--that Michael was a child molester who molested an innocent cancer stricken child and kidnapped him and his family so he could "silence" them..The guy's an idiot, and the fact that he is still defending those no moral having lowlives is pretty pathetic.

But why would she lie?
i don't know what room that lady was in but Zonen said no such thing. Zonen feels the same way as he did in 2005--that Michael was a child molester who molested an innocent cancer stricken child and kidnapped him and his family so he could "silence" them..The guy's an idiot, and the fact that he is still defending those no moral having lowlives is pretty pathetic.

Huh? How do you know for sure? Where you at the seminar?! o_O
dannyboy72;3002521 said:
Did Janet Arvizo set out to meet Michael Jackson with the intention of eventually filing a child abuse lawsuit against him? And if they were aware of Arvizo’s potential motives before they arrested and charged Jackson, why did authorities choose to go forward with the case?

Also, Michael's friend, Frank Tyson (Frank Cascio) said that once when he transported the Arvizos back to their home there was Sneddon's card slipped under the door.... This was after the Bashir thing aired but before the alleged molestation happened. And then the Arvizos went back to Neverland and Gavin and Star wanted to sleep in Michael's bedroom even when Michael was not there (see Azja Pryor's comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syQsYdrVuyQ ). Make of it what you want, but IMO it was such an obvious setup, it's unbelievable!

BTW, according to the prosecution's timeline Michael started to molest Gavin AFTER the Bashir documentary aired and WHILE all the media, the child protection service and Sneddon were on his heels! Yeah, right!
Misquoting is different from "Zonen saying no such thing" like you said!

So what did he actually say according to the fans that were there that she "misquoted?":scratch:

according to fans that were there, he said that neverland was created for 10-13 year old boys, and that the only reason why michael did the bashir documentary was to boost his career and exploit Gavin for his own personal gain. He also stated that their evidence was strong and that they would have won if it weren't for "celebrity justice".
He also stated that their evidence was strong and that they would have won if it weren't for "celebrity justice".

This claim is so lame and just playing on people's jealousy of celebrities. I'd really love Zonen to explain what evidence was "strong" (I have seen them all and I'm yet to find a strong evidence against Michael in this case) and how Michael got "celebrity justice"? Explain this in detail, Ron! We are waiting!

If anything, Michael's celebrity was a huge disadvantage. If he hadn't been Michael Jackson this case would never had even gone to court it was so weak! And I can claim it without bias. And people and the media wanted to see him in jail, not because there was any convincing evidence against him, but because he was Michael Jackson and it would have been a sensational story!
This claim is so lame and just playing on people's jealousy of celebrities. I'd really love Zonen to explain what evidence was "strong" (I have seen them all and I'm yet to find a strong evidence against Michael in this case) and how Michael got "celebrity justice"? Explain this in detail, Ron! We are waiting!

If anything, Michael's celebrity was a huge disadvantage. If he hadn't been Michael Jackson this case would never had even gone to court it was so weak! And I can claim it without bias. And people and the media wanted to see him in jail, not because there was any convincing evidence against him, but because he was Michael Jackson and it would have been a sensational story!

I agree. I don't think his fame had anything to do with it. Here's a quote from one of the jurors:

"I went in there with a courage to convict a celebrity, because I really believe in doing what is right. But reviewing the evidence, witness after witness I was more convinced of the innocence, because of the motivations of financial gain and revenge, it was just amazing the way it was laid out."--Susan Drake, juror #3
according to fans that were there, he said that neverland was created for 10-13 year old boys, and that the only reason why michael did the bashir documentary was to boost his career and exploit Gavin for his own personal gain. He also stated that their evidence was strong and that they would have won if it weren't for "celebrity justice".

:toofunny: :toofunny: Im sorry but what ron said is laughable!

Um hello there have been plenty of girls who had been at neverland, not just boys lol

So he thinks that they lost cuz of "celebrity justice"........ron you are in fairyland buddy! :lmao:
I agree. I don't think his fame had anything to do with it. Here's a quote from one of the jurors:

"I went in there with a courage to convict a celebrity. Because I really believe in doing what is right. And witness after witness I was more convinced of the innocence, because of the motivations of financial gain and revenge, it was just amazing the way it was laid out."

Actually to believe the Arvizos the first thing we have to believe is the prosecution's timeline. Which is ridiculous in itself! Because what they claimed was that first the Bashir documentary aired. Then there was a huge media uproar, the child protection services started an investigation, Sneddon started an investigation - just based on the Bashir documentary, nothing happened yet, not even according to prosecution timeline! So what you have to believe is that Michael - although he hasn't touched him for three years -started to molest Gavin in the middle of all these investigations! How stupid did the prosecution think people are that they wanted us to believe this?

BTW, they first wanted to claim that Michael started to molest Gavin before the Bashir docu aired, but when Mark Geragos told in a TV show that Michael has a rock solid alibi for the dates they first named, they moved the dates forward! How is that?

And this is just one of the many, many things which prove this whole case was craziness beyond belief.

We can talk about J.C. Penney, we can talk about the lots of lots of proven lies and inconsistent statements the Arvizos made on the stand and so on.

If Zonen really believes this was a strong case, then I have to question his level of intelligence. Really.
According to Aprodiate Jones, what convinced her of michael's innocence was watching Gavin's police interview. She found it odd that Gavin, a 13 year old boy, told police he didn't know what an "erection" or an "ejaculation" was. He also told the police, "Please don't tell my mom. She doesn't know anything about this"--yet his mom was outside waiting for him and this was AFTER they met with numerous civil lawyers. He also told the police, "I was scared to be at Neverland"--yet on the witness stand he told jurors that he was happy to be there. If someone really molested you, then why lie about little things like that? If your really a "victim", and if your telling the truth about being molested, then what's there to lie about? This convinced Aprodiate that the boy on the tape was not a victim of molestation, but was someone who was trying to ACT like a victim of molestation.
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According to Aprodiate Jones, what convinced her of michael's innocence was watching Gavin's police tape. She found it odd that Gavin, a 13 year old boy, told police he didn't know what an "erection" or an "ejaculation" was. He also told the police, "Please don't tell my mom. She doesn't know anything about this"--yet his mom was outside waiting for him and this was AFTER they met with numerous civil lawyers. He also told the police, "I was scared to be at Neverland"--yet on the witness stand he told jurors that he was happy to be there. If someone really molested you, then why lie about little things like that? If your really a "victim", and if your telling the truth about being molested, then what's there to lie about? This convinced Aprodiate that the boy on the tape was not a victim of molestation, but was someone who was trying to ACT like a victim of molestation.

Obviously the prosecution tried to portray Gavin and his brother Star as some innocent, little boys unaware of things like sexuality and alcohol. On the stand however Mesereau exposed them. For example, Gavin claimed Michael told him that boys have to masturbate otherwise they might go crazy and rape women. However it turned out it was actually Gavin's grandmother who told him this! On the stand Gavin tried to dig his way out of this hole by claiming BOTH Michael and his grandma said the exact same thing! Yeah, right.

Also, a cousin of Michael, 12-year-old Rio Jackson testified he caught Gavin and his brother Star masturbate to a porn movie on TV when they were in the guesthouse. They even invited Rio to join! (So who is a molester?) Rio was shocked and ran off to report it to his big sister, Simone.

A maid testified she once caught Star Arvizo with a porn magazine in the park. When she asked him where did he get that from he said he brought it from home. Star once also wrote some vulgar text on a wall in Neverland. Another maid testified she saw a porn magazine in Star's backpack while she was cleaning the guest house.

Oh those innocent Arvizo boys!

During these incidents Michael was never there. In fact Rio Jackson testified Michael didn't spend much time at the Ranch during that time when the alleged molestations happened!

Mesereau also exposed Gavin as someone who used to talk back and stand up to teachers in school (that before he even met MJ). For example:

MESEREAU: Well, you got up in class and accused Teacher Geralt of having his balls in his mouth, right?

GAVIN A: His balls in his mouth?


GAVIN A: No, because I was never in one of his classes.

MESEREAU: Do you deny doing that?

GAVIN A: I don't even remember ever doing that. (p 1822 lines 14-22)

Later he admitted the incident:

GAVIN A: Actually, all of the students in there were kind of cheering me on because they all knew how Mr. Geralt is, and no one's ever stood up to him before.

MESEREAU: But you stood up to the teacher, right?

GAVIN A: I was already standing up, so --

MESEREAU: Excuse me? I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said.

GAVIN A: I guess so.

MESEREAU: You did stand up to Teacher Geralt, right?

GAVIN A: Yes. (p 1824 lines 7-17)

MESEREAU: You confronted him, right?

GAVIN A: Yes, after he had brought himself down to my level by doing those things. By not -- see, because I believe teachers are higher than me because I'm just a student. When a teacher does something like that and makes fun of me and tries to say I'm on drugs, he's no longer the level of a teacher, he's come down to my level.

MESEREAU: And you were angry about that, right?

GAVIN A: Um, I felt as if he was -- didn't deserve respect as a teacher.

MESEREAU: Didn't deserve respect as a teacher?


MESEREAU: Okay. So you did not respect him because you didn't think he deserved it, right?

GAVIN A: I didn't respect him as a person. (p 1824 18-28; p 1825 lines 1-5)

GAVIN A: I don't really remember what I said. It probably happened, because a lot of times there was -- I would stand up to the teacher. A lot of the kids would kind of congratulate me, and then --

MESEREAU: You were kind of a hero for standing up to teachers?

GAVIN A: Sometimes. (p 1830 lines 11-17)

Just think about it. Is this kid, who was a "hero" for classmates for standing up and talking back to teachers, so innocent and so easily victimized and molested? Gimme a break!
according to fans that were there, he said that neverland was created for 10-13 year old boys, and that the only reason why michael did the bashir documentary was to boost his career and exploit Gavin for his own personal gain. He also stated that their evidence was strong and that they would have won if it weren't for "celebrity justice".
:toofunny: :toofunny: Im sorry but what ron said is laughable!

Um hello there have been plenty of girls who had been at neverland, not just boys lol

So he thinks that they lost cuz of "celebrity justice"........ron you are in fairyland buddy! :lmao:
He also believed Neverland has NO CLOCKS and they had to SCALE the walls of Neverland to escape :lol:
Also, Michael's friend, Frank Tyson (Frank Cascio) said that once when he transported the Arvizos back to their home there was Sneddon's card slipped under the door.... This was after the Bashir thing aired but before the alleged molestation happened. And then the Arvizos went back to Neverland and Gavin and Star wanted to sleep in Michael's bedroom even when Michael was not there (see Azja Pryor's comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syQsYdrVuyQ ). Make of it what you want, but IMO it was such an obvious setup, it's unbelievable!

BTW, according to the prosecution's timeline Michael started to molest Gavin AFTER the Bashir documentary aired and WHILE all the media, the child protection service and Sneddon were on his heels! Yeah, right!

So obvious! They all know they're lying. God don't like ugly. I just hope in my lifetime I will seem all suffer one by one. Evan Chandler already blew his head off. Let's hope some of the others do to
Glad that Mesereau was there to let the audience know that he destroyed every single witness on the stand and they all crumbled. That should prove to anyone that they were liars. The truth doesn't crumble only lies do.
I was at that seminar. Mesereau had to wait two hours before he could speak and
he shot down Zonen and Feldman within 30 seconds. He was extremely impressive.
Zonen looked and sounded like he still hasn't accepted the loss at trial
The absence of Sneddon was glaring.
I was at that seminar. Mesereau had to wait two hours before he could speak and
he shot down Zonen and Feldman within 30 seconds. He was extremely impressive.
Zonen looked and sounded like he still hasn't accepted the loss at trial
The absence of Sneddon was glaring.

How long did Mesereau speak?