MJ legal seminar in Sept: Mesereau, Feldman, Melville, Zonan amongst speakers

thanx alot everyone !

is there a complete transcription for this seminar....T. Mesereau and Melville only !
You ever get the feeling that you live in an alternate universe? Michael is dead and these people who did another human being dirty are laughing talking has if nothing happened. Michael is laying in Forrest lawn cemetery and the guy who put him there is on vacation win his kid like nothing happened. Ugh I am going to bed this is too much

yeah it so unfair and wrong... All of those people have just gone on with their lives as if nothing ever happened, and poor Mike is dead. Just to see Murray walking around with his kid strolling down the street makes me sick to my stomach.
Law students were to learn what from this seminar on the Michael Jackson saga? (as described by Wagener on his "on second thought" website) Wasn't he supposed to be writing a book?...I guess the lesson is not to bring a case to court when you know in advance it's a "shakedown"...not to use and abuse your power as DA to put someone away for a possible 20+ years in prison when you are well aware they are innocent. Not that any of this matters anymore, cause they all had the opportunity before his death to tell the truth they are now telling and didn't. The man was put through complete hell for their own redneck amusement and media played right along. I guess they can all take a bow now.

I respect that Mesereau was there to speak his peace about the situation being Michael's attorney. I certainly don't envy his position. What was Feldman's excuse for defending the extortionist? Just doing his job? Gotta wonder what he was paid after settlement, when others are bragging of the cars they have for being involved in the case. Many have been rewarded since then, so that doesn't surprise me. Many had known even before Mesereau took the case that it was a vendetta, shakedown etc...no one listened or seemed to care. Media were not on Michael's side. Melville the drunk is living on another planet, but it's not this one. Mesereau used the word "apoplectic" to describe how media coverage was during the Arvizo trial. That's a good description. Been apoplectic for nearly 20 years now, join the club.
Another occasion, another pic. Zonen and Dimond on the left and across the table the black man in the red shirt it's Stacy Brown, the man who co-wrote Bob Jones's slanderous book "Michael Jackson: The man behind the mask", in which Jones was quoted saying he saw MJ lick Jordan's head (Jones denied the story when he testified on court). They ALL stick together.....

Maybe I missed it, but is there a date for when these pics were taken? How recent are they?
Maybe I missed it, but is there a date for when these pics were taken? How recent are they?

I think they are pretty recent. They are from Louise Palanker's blog. There are a number of pics there of "her Ronnie".
Another occasion, another pic. Zonen and Dimond on the left and across the table the black man in the red shirt it's Stacy Brown, the man who co-wrote Bob Jones's slanderous book "Michael Jackson: The man behind the mask", in which Jones was quoted saying he saw MJ lick Jordan's head (Jones denied the story when he testified on court). They ALL stick together.....


And that is who Michael's sister sang for. World stop I want to get off:doh:
^ Thanks...you know what they say "Bird's of a feather flock together". Don't think it could get anymore twisted than this.
And that is who Michael's sister sang for. World stop I want to get off:doh:

What? LaToya sang for Stacy Brown? What's up with her? She also sat down with Victor Gutierrez in Chile, didn't she? I have to say she didn't change: she is the same opportunist she always has been if she is parading around with Michael's enemies!
What? LaToya sang for Stacy Brown? What's up with her? She also sat down with Victor Gutierrez in Chile, didn't she? I have to say she didn't change: she is the same opportunist she always has been if she is parading around with Michael's enemies!

It was Rebbie not Latoya and Stacy was honored at the show he didn't produce the show (I don't believe). Still she should have known.
SAY WHAT?!:no:....:bugeyed My god they really do stick together don't they! No wonder her fugly ass was all for the fam even though she knew they where lying! ILL!:puke:

WOW! All the pieces are falling into place now.

The prosecution and their witnesses were all in cohoot, some of them sleeping together, and many got book deals and money in exchange.

And this reporter was trying to tell it to T-Mez:

"This reporter said, 'Give me some hot documents and I'll tell you who is sleeping with who in the DA's office.' I said, 'First of all, there's a gag order and I will not violate it. Secondly, I don't care who is sleeping with who.' " The audience erupted into laughter.

OMG! T-Mez could've exposed the whole DA's office for their crooked ways.

We must get this DVD for the shakedown part and piece it together with those revealing photos. This is incriminating evidence.

Can we do a chip in?
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Rebbie Jackson is friends with Stacy Brown. Now you know why I don't like her either
Rebbie Jackson is friends with Stacy Brown. Now you know why I don't like her either

She was friends with Stacy Brown. I can't believe she would be his friend after that book he wrote.
When did Ron Zonan and Louis Palanker start dating? Was it before, during, or after the trial?

If it was before, it could explain why Palanker changed her tune about the Arvizos. She said in a police interview that they were "crazy as they wanna be" and that Janet Arvizo seemed bipolar. And then she got on the witness stand and acted like they were saints.
When did Ron Zonan and Louis Palanker start dating? Was it before, during, or after the trial?

If it was before, it could explain why Palanker changed her tune about the Arvizos. She said in a police interview that they were "crazy as they wanna be" and that Janet Arvizo seemed bipolar. And then she got on the witness stand and acted like they were saints.

My guess is if they had started dating before or during the trial they wouldn't tell us that. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest if it turned out one of the witnesses is dating the prosecutor?
Yep! It sure would be. But whether they started dating before or after the trial, they were at least liking each other then.
Jay Leno and Louise Palanker were both caught on tape talking trash about the family, but when it came time for them to testify, all of a sudden, their stories changed..How suspicious.

I've been telling people from the very beginning that that trial was a conspiracy but everyone called me delusional.
I think I'm going to purchase the dvd in few weeks - I would really like to see the faces of audience when Zonan has said that it was a shakedown - and what the law students have thought, they must have been puzzled, do they still believe in justice system ? :eek: I wish Tmez gave them some hope
My guess is if they had started dating before or during the trial they wouldn't tell us that. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest if it turned out one of the witnesses is dating the prosecutor?

Oh, but you know - they probably didn't discuss the case in private. Just like the Arvizos - lived together under one roof, ate every day at the same table, and never mentioned a word about the case to each other, because they knew they weren't allowed. So Louise and "Ronnie" didn't, either, I bet. You know, not like Ron Zonen tried witness coaching by handing one of the witnesses a book with his own notes on the marigins, which Mez picked up on and kept going on and ooooon about it (those silly defense lawyers being so picky!)

I think they are pretty recent. They are from Louise Palanker's blog. There are a number of pics there of "her Ronnie".

Guys, I don't quite understand what Zonen meant with a "shakedown", like what does it mean exactly? :unsure:

It was a big lie intended to destroy Michael's image and get as much money from him as possible. Extortion.
Another occasion, another pic. Zonen and Dimond on the left and across the table the black man in the red shirt it's Stacy Brown, the man who co-wrote Bob Jones's slanderous book "Michael Jackson: The man behind the mask", in which Jones was quoted saying he saw MJ lick Jordan's head (Jones denied the story when he testified on court). They ALL stick together.....


They certainly all do stick together.:puke::puke:

This is the book review Stacy Brown wrote for DD's book:



27 of 59 people found the following review helpful:
12 Years In The Making, November 16, 2005
By Stacy Brown
(New York, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case (Hardcover)
Diane, first of all the book release party was absolutely fabulous. We all had a ball. One of the many fascinating facts I immediately encountered was you and your producer's meeting in 1993 with L.A. Department of Child Services workers who pleaded with you to not allow "another Jackson case to be swept under the rug." Most in the media - and elsewhere- never knew that there were "other" cases at the time of the Chandler investigation. It appeared that Michael Jackson had been investigated at least three other times prior to Chandler in 1993. Even after the Chandler matter was settled, many thought that there was just one other "payoff" and that was to Jason Francia. However, they were sadly mistaken. There were several others and investigators were plenty aware. Michael Jackson, the supremely talented King of Pop, proved to have lived a lie for so many years. The hatred directed toward you is only from those who just can't stomach the fact that their idol is what he is.... at the very least a person who, with reckless abandon, destroys the lives of children and others. The aptly titled Be Careful Who You Love is filled with anecdotes that some (a small some that is) still believe is Off The Wall; your accounts make for such a Thriller of a read; it exposes Michael as very, very Bad, and Dangerous to children; with its wonderfully versed chapters that highlight the racketeering, conspiracy, cover ups and recklessness, it shows a Jackson History that has spilled so much Blood On The Dance Floor and although in the California justice system he may be Invincible, you really do a great job in tackling the Essential Michael Jackson.

May Diane Demon, Stacy Brown and all the rest of them rot in the depths of hell
They certainly all do stick together.:puke::puke:

This is the book review Stacy Brown wrote for DD's book:



27 of 59 people found the following review helpful:
12 Years In The Making, November 16, 2005
By Stacy Brown
(New York, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case (Hardcover)
Diane, first of all the book release party was absolutely fabulous. We all had a ball. One of the many fascinating facts I immediately encountered was you and your producer's meeting in 1993 with L.A. Department of Child Services workers who pleaded with you to not allow "another Jackson case to be swept under the rug." Most in the media - and elsewhere- never knew that there were "other" cases at the time of the Chandler investigation. It appeared that Michael Jackson had been investigated at least three other times prior to Chandler in 1993. Even after the Chandler matter was settled, many thought that there was just one other "payoff" and that was to Jason Francia. However, they were sadly mistaken. There were several others and investigators were plenty aware. Michael Jackson, the supremely talented King of Pop, proved to have lived a lie for so many years. The hatred directed toward you is only from those who just can't stomach the fact that their idol is what he is.... at the very least a person who, with reckless abandon, destroys the lives of children and others. The aptly titled Be Careful Who You Love is filled with anecdotes that some (a small some that is) still believe is Off The Wall; your accounts make for such a Thriller of a read; it exposes Michael as very, very Bad, and Dangerous to children; with its wonderfully versed chapters that highlight the racketeering, conspiracy, cover ups and recklessness, it shows a Jackson History that has spilled so much Blood On The Dance Floor and although in the California justice system he may be Invincible, you really do a great job in tackling the Essential Michael Jackson.


seriously - that's all you've got Stacy? wow.
^^^ What is wrong with these people?
How can they all pretend that they know better than the FBI who did a real investigation and found nothing?
i think the empty chair is for Sneddon...anyway , these trashy folks will start to destroy each other once they find out that their stories against MJ will not sell anymore ... No Honor Amongst Thieves !
They certainly all do stick together.:puke::puke:

This is the book review Stacy Brown wrote for DD's book:



27 of 59 people found the following review helpful:
12 Years In The Making, November 16, 2005
By Stacy Brown
(New York, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case (Hardcover)
Diane, first of all the book release party was absolutely fabulous. We all had a ball. One of the many fascinating facts I immediately encountered was you and your producer's meeting in 1993 with L.A. Department of Child Services workers who pleaded with you to not allow "another Jackson case to be swept under the rug." Most in the media - and elsewhere- never knew that there were "other" cases at the time of the Chandler investigation. It appeared that Michael Jackson had been investigated at least three other times prior to Chandler in 1993. Even after the Chandler matter was settled, many thought that there was just one other "payoff" and that was to Jason Francia. However, they were sadly mistaken. There were several others and investigators were plenty aware. Michael Jackson, the supremely talented King of Pop, proved to have lived a lie for so many years. The hatred directed toward you is only from those who just can't stomach the fact that their idol is what he is.... at the very least a person who, with reckless abandon, destroys the lives of children and others. The aptly titled Be Careful Who You Love is filled with anecdotes that some (a small some that is) still believe is Off The Wall; your accounts make for such a Thriller of a read; it exposes Michael as very, very Bad, and Dangerous to children; with its wonderfully versed chapters that highlight the racketeering, conspiracy, cover ups and recklessness, it shows a Jackson History that has spilled so much Blood On The Dance Floor and although in the California justice system he may be Invincible, you really do a great job in tackling the Essential Michael Jackson.

Oh dear god....:puke:
Another occasion, another pic. Zonen and Dimond on the left and across the table the black man in the red shirt it's Stacy Brown, the man who co-wrote Bob Jones's slanderous book "Michael Jackson: The man behind the mask", in which Jones was quoted saying he saw MJ lick Jordan's head (Jones denied the story when he testified on court). They ALL stick together.....



I swear if I just had one of them next to me I would....:innocent::evil: