Murray sentencing hearing 29th November-/ UPDATE Judge Pastor Sentences MAXimum Penalty

Guys don't fall to the trap of some fans that are clearly pushing an agenda - whether a murder conspiracy or a hoax or a theory.
hello i asked before but no one asnwered.. Why did the defense asked for no cameras because of private letters that werent even read?????
Who is idiot lawyer with Piers Morgan and Flanagan, obsessing about MJ'S 400 million debt.? This clown is convinced the judge withholding this information from the jury, cause them to lose the case. Like the media wasn't off and running with this way before MJ'S passing.

That's a funny double standard given that the DA couldn't bring up all of Murray's financial problems. Like him about to lose his home, him failing to pay his child support, and his own rising debt, which was the reason why he took the job to being with. He even told his pastor that working with Michael would solved his money problems.

Of course, the defense won't mention that part.
So like the bodyguard said that to a fan? Mmmm why didnt he say that in court then?

No I do not know who he said it too. One of my clients who spends a lot of time on the computer told me this.

It does not matter whether Michael has a debt or not, the judge clearly brought back the focus of the case to the proceedings, which was criminal negligence. This has nothing to do with a debt. Unless they want to prove that because Michael had a debt, Muarry killed him to prevent him from worrying about it. As the judge said this case has nothing to do with if or another dr would have done it if it was not muarry.

Now Flanny thinks the doc was a mistake. I am sure they encouraged Muarry to do it, and he should sue them for giving him bad advice, which gave the judge more ammunition to sentence him. If the attorneys thought the doc was a mistake and illadvised, they would have acted more professionally in it. Rather they acted as though they were all members in it together. Maybe with the exception of Chernoff who walked out.
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hello i asked before but no one asnwered.. Why did the defense asked for no cameras because of private letters that werent even read?????

Most likely to save whatever was left of Murray's dignity since the defense knew the judge was going to throw the book at him and call him out on his crap.
Oh ok but the reason they gave ramona where the private letters of fam and patients. But they werent used. why not?
I'm not one to defend the family and I share the sentiments of everyone here re: the statement read by that lawyer they chose to represent them ( not being able to perform with him again? That was a major :doh: ) ,but in the case of Jermaine and that article,I understood his words were only that "it wasn't enough time".I believe the statement about the judge being lenient is maybe an addition by the reporter?

the bolded part. I must say I again was caught of guard that he would say something like that. Disappointment right til the end .smdh
Oh ok but the reason they gave ramona where the private letters of fam and patients. But they werent used. why not?

I can only guess they thought the judge might read them out loud since the family was allowed to give a statement. Given the judge's decision, he most likely saw no reason to read the statements out loud.

Btw xthunderx2, although I agree the statement from the family wasn't the best, I'm happy that they stood on point about Murray and didn't try to drag their half-baked theories into it. Maybe because my expectations were so low, but I was overall happy with the statement. Although, they could had left off the performing part, but it could have been worst.
the bolded part. I must say I again was caught of guard that he would say something like that. Disappointment right til the end .smdh

I do not know if the family lawyer helped them put this thing together, but sometimes I feel the family do not get the brainest people to speak on their behalf or to advise them. It could have been worst--Oxman.
I can only guess they thought the judge might read them out loud since the family was allowed to give a statement. Given the judge's decision, he most likely saw no reason to read the statements out loud.

Btw xthunderx2, although I agree the statement from the family wasn't the best, I'm happy that they stood on point about Murray and didn't try to drag their half-baked theories into it. Maybe because my expectations were so low, but I was overall happy with the statement. Although, they could had left off the performing part, but it could have been worst.

I was just glad that they didnt try and get up there themselves and make a speech. what I ment by my post was that ..right until the end that comment made them seem as though they only saw Michael as a performing buddy,,,,NOT a beloved brother.
I do not know if the family lawyer helped them put this thing together, but sometimes I feel the family do not get the brainest people to speak on their behalf or to advise them. It could have been worst--Oxman.

Oh Dear Sweet Jesus...thank God Oxman was NOT the spokes person...who KNOWS WHAT he would of said....:blink:
If the press conference gets uploaded, please post the links. I missed it and I wanna see it.
While I'm thrilled with how today went. I'm kinda confused about how I feel right now. I mean realistically we still don't fully know what happened. I mean yes obviously he gave MJ more then 25mg but I'd like to know how it fully went down. I feel like I've heard 10 different versions of how that night went down idk maybe it's just me. I didn't watch the full trial because of school. I'm also not thrilled that he'll prob only stay in 2 years but I guess we nor the judge has any control over that so guess I'll just have to accept it. Besides those two factors I've overall happy and feel like we finally got some sort of closure.
The evidenve shown in court by shaffer gives us the best idea of what happened. theres only one way aporox 2000mg gets into you

so layoya says justice was done.funny thats not what she was saying when talking to hrr followers. she says whatever gets her attention
I'm not overly concerned about not knowing the exact circumstances of how happened at this point,tbh.Considering there's no records and the only living witness is a pathological liar,I think Pros/Shafer did a very good job in trying to give us an idea.It was so hard to go through it all and trying to gather details sometimes turned into a nightmare of guessing and hurt.

I feel weird,but that's because the void is still here.Every time I read those 2 years Conrat will be behind bars,I can't help but be reminded of the over 2 years we've been waiting to get to this point.It feels as if we also were serving our own emotional jail time and only now we're finally free to begin healing.
Watching the trial unfold,pros slamming the defence no-case once and again,then verdict -Murray in handcuffs! :wild:-and sentence,with the extraordinary speech of Judge Pastor was strangely gratifying,tears mixed with happiness at the results,but the whole process was also brutally draining and cruel.

It's exhausting to walk around carrying imaginary scales and trying to always balance things in an effort to remain positive.The void is still here,but I must learn to appreciate the enormous symbolic importance of what was achieved thanks to the great job and diligence of David Walgren & Deborah Brazil and to the fairness and firmness of Judge Michael Pastor.And thanks to the relentless faith of all of us,who never doubted Michael.I must find the strength to heal,I hope we all do.

:hug: to all
Well Flanagan admited that docu was a mistake and Murray got the money for that? Funny.
As I remember before he was that adviser who was pro the interview and it was Chernoff who was against it.
Flanny has to admit also that his own hiring was a total mistake for his client .
Due to overcrowding in the prison community, it's being said that Murray will serve less than 2 years of his sentence. Shame.
It already isn't enough time.
Due to overcrowding in the prison community, it's being said that Murray will serve less than 2 years of his sentence. Shame.
It already isn't enough time.

yeah I agree,,and after watching that press conference,,Murray could serve less than six months because of that non non non PB 109 law...what a shame,,,,just a shame. At this point we are forced to except what it is.
Walgren and Brazil were interviewed this morning on the Today Savannah Guthrie.

Edit: And they were live in the studio. I wish I still worked in midtown so I could catch a glimpse of Walgren heh.
Murray is one arrogant, heartless POS.

Nothing will bring MJ back, but I am glad he got the four years. Even if he doesn't serve the full time, the guilty verdict and him spending any time in jail is enough for me.

At least some justice was served here.

I am satisfied with the verdict.
I sucked at summaries and hope someone much better than me is watching this interview.

-The interviewer asked Walgren about the harsh words the judge had about Murray.

Walgreen said that he thought the judge was very fair and was summaries what the evident and what the jury had concluded through the trial.

-Was asked about why they didn't go for Murder 2.

Said that they looked at all charges, Murder 2 being one of them, and based on the evidences and what they knew, thought that IVM was the best charge. Said it wasn't an easy decision, especially with outside interest and it took months to decide on the charge.

-To Brazel, was Murray a danger to society?

Yes, because he abused his power as a doctor and was a risk to other people because of his lack of remorsed.

-When did he get the case?

A couple months after June 25.

-Did he think the investigation could had gone better and were mistakes made?

Don't feel comfortable criticizing the corona and mistakes are always made in all investigations. Says he had never been given a perfect case and everyone did the best they could to find the truth and the overall investigation was done well to convict Murray.

-What did Mrs. Jackson say to the probation officer?

Pretty much what was said during the trial and how hurt the entire family was by Michael dying and Murray lying about comforting them.

-Was the fact this was about Michael Jackson's effect his performance?

He tried to disengaged himself and treated it like any IVM case, but was fully aware of Michael's star power.

-Did Michael's past (addiction and trial) caused in challenges?

Yes, but they did everything they could to get that kind of information out of the trial, since it had nothing to do with his death. Said they had to do allot of weeding out during the pre-trial and find the right jury that wouldn't be bias one way or another. Was happy to hear that one of the jury said that Michael's addiction didn't matter.

-What did Brazel thought of Murray's girlfriend and her 'instrument' answer?

She thought she heard her wrong, which is why she had that reaction. Also knew she had an agenda and everyone knew her relationship with Murray.

-What did you think of the recording?

He thought it was sad and disturbing. Disturbing that Murray would record his patient in that state and keep it on his phone. Says it was an app that had to be pressed to activate. He also agree with the judge that Murray didn't have good intentions with that recording and can see how it happened by accident.

-How they shot up to stardom during the trial?

How they got letters from all over the world from fans saying thanks and getting used to planes flying over their heads with banners during the trial. Comment on how fans were there to greet them during the early morning hours and their continuing presence throughout the process. It was very unique to have the fans support and have them cheering for them on some days.

-Did he considered putting Michael's kids on the stand?

Try to avoid putting them on the stand after everything they went through. He say no benefit to have them.

-Why did you show the autopsy pictures?

This was a homicide, so it was standard. They also wanted to counter any argument that the defense could bring that Michael was ill and on his death bed. They also wanted to show Michael wasn't frail, thin and was actually very healthy per the corona.

-Murray's statement, did you believe any of it?

His statement was important because they had no real source of what happened. Piece together a time line based on the evidence and phone record. The statement gave them a time line to work with. Said Murray was truthful about given propofol for two months for sleeping, but the particular events of June 25 are vague. Thinks he mostly lied in his events and said he was gone out of the room for far longer than stated in the interview.

-Did he actually tried to wean Michael off of propofol for two days before his death?

Don't know. Murray knows what happened and could had frame to story to matched the facts as they exist, talking about the two good rehearsal. But, given all the drugs given and ordered, seemed unlikely he was weaning. But, only Murray and Michael really knows what happened.

-Expert witnesses. Did they defense had a chance of finding an expert that agree with them?

Spoke to many expert from several different fields. All of them said Murray was wrong. No one said it was right, even the defense's expert.

-Murray testifying?

So many errors in his statements that he wanted to asked allot of questions. One question, however, was there any near missed before June 25. Also, how could Murray as a doctor be so reckless with someone's else life.

-About Murray not feeling sorry because he did nothing wrong.

Knew that was going in his sentencing argument. Was shocked by the statement that Murray felt he did nothing wrong and had no remorse.

I may of missed some question since I was writing this on the fly and he was much more detail than what I wrote.
2 years!? No no no! NO NO!!! That's not good enough! This is why California justice system are so screwed up.
Ramona Thank you. the "instrument" question is hilarious.