Murray Trial - 30 September - Day 4 - Discussion

I hate when they make this 15-minute break... :doh:

Love this judge. He's kinda cool, smiles so ppl don't feel intimidated, gives clear and reassuring instructions to jurors but when ppl cross the line he's uber firm. He has that "No...Nope..nah-ahn..not happening" tone when things are out of order...mostly when Chernoff or the defense team is out of order. He does not PLAY...but still has a pleasant vibe.

Me too.

cell phone records show that for 47 minutes -- after Murray said Jackson stopped breathing -- Murray made three calls: one at 11:18 a.m., to his Vegas medical clinic, for approximately 32 minutes; one to a patient whom he called to talk about test results; and, at 11:51 a.m., to a friend in Houston, for an 11-minute phone call. The friend has said that a few minutes into the call, Murray dropped the phone, and the friend could hear him administering CPR to Jackson.
Paramedic went followed a security guard into the house,up the stairs and into the bedroom. He saw Murray, Michael and a body guard.
sees murray, the patient and security when he goes into the room
the patient had pajama bottom/top, had a surgical cap covering his hair and appeared underweight to him

when he come in he saw murray and security moved MJ to the floor

Murray seemed frantic
by the time the paramedics arrived Murray and Alberto were STILL moving MJ to the ground ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...what...he saw Murray moving MJ from bed to floor when he entered the room? Wasn't MJ already on the floor by that time?
the paramedic asks about if there is a DNR , murray didnt answer that first and then said No

(what is that?)
Didn't Alvarez say they moved MJ while he was on the phone with 911? Did they have to stop or did they put MJ back on the bed and then back on the floor again? Wth?
there was just one saline bag on the IV stand. supports alberto
DNR is Do Not Resuscitate

Murray had to be prompted three times about the patien's underlying condition before he answered "nothing"

He believed that they had a good chance of restarting his heart. :(
the mother:censored: was rolling his eyes again after he said he thought they had a chance
murray said this happened when they called 911 and the paramedic got optimistic because that would mean they could be able to retrieve MJ since they got there quickly

damn u murray
medics making murray look really bad! murray said it just happened when the medic asked so he thought they could save him.took the medic ages to get a responce out of murray had to keep asking him if mj had any previous health issues. murray said no. he thought that was strange cause there was an IV pole etc there it wasnt normal
Didn't Alvarez say they moved MJ while he was on the phone with 911? Did they have to stop or did they put MJ back on the bed and then back on the floor again? Wth?

Yes he did say this and also that he was pumping him (sorry) and murray giving mouth to mouth ?????