Stop supporting Sony Music

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I'm really getting sick of this nonesense... don't want to buy it, fine don't, but don't you dare steal it by downloading it, and for the love of God stop telling people what to do.
I'm not comming up with a campaign trying to convince people what to do... is different.
I'm really getting sick of this nonesense... don't want to buy it, fine don't, but don't you dare steal it by downloading it, and for the love of God stop telling people what to do.


If you are not going to buy it don't.:clapping:

If you hate Sony so much then don't buy ANY MUSIC by ANY ARTIST under SONY and its 10000000000 different labels.:clapping:

I applaud you for your passion.:clapping:

That also means that you should have enough integrity NOT TO STEAL.:2cents:
I'm really getting sick of this nonesense... don't want to buy it, fine don't, but don't you dare steal it by downloading it, and for the love of God stop telling people what to do.

Thank you! It's one thing to suggest an action, such as a boycott, and quite another to try to browbeat people into DOING it. That's what I've seen happening in this thread, and it's unpleasant. If this behavior continues, the thread will be locked, and THEN what will have been accomplished? We will NOT be recommending illegal activities on this board!

One, and-a two, and a-three. . . ... .
This thread suffers from lost of sense of reality.

After reading most of the postings here one would assume that Sony Music would release Best-Ofs to rip off the fans
--> this however is NOT the case (and it never was!)
many fans don't understand the sense of Best-Ofs by their favorite artist's label
Best-Ofs are important for music companies to maintain an artist they're promoting in the spotlight of the society, to refresh an artist's image to various generations of people (media coverage / marketing tool), to attract new consumers or to remember people of certain things (be it musical events or whatever the artist is known for)

despite some fans complaining such re-releases would harm the image of an artist, this is NOT the case

many artists's careers are extremely depended on heavy promotion of their successful back catalogue

Michael Jackson himself backed up his 1995 comeback (after the allegations) with a decade spanning compilation of his greatest hits since he took his joint with Epic, starting with Off The Wall.

And Sony released Number Ones two years after Invincible, a good chance to re-invoke him as a musical genius after several PR disasters by Michael Jackson (related to his private life) and with a new album in the works - as we know new court proceedings ruined that comeback chance.

"The Ultimate Collection" was released during this time - and it was a release worth for his fans. Of course it was NOT "ultimate" at all - but that's because it was NOT a gift to the fans, but rather a commercial release.

"VISIONARY - The Video Singles", "Thriller 25" and "King of Pop" also re-established him in the music business after the 2005 acquittal. These releases were all done because Michael Jackson didn't feel ready to release new music without a stage comeback (he still was a perfectionist and wanted to be remembered that way) which didn't happen in the years from 2006-2008.

Now his musical legacy will see commercial releases over the course of the following years/decades.
Accept it or not - it's a fact.
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Bottom line is that NOTHING will come out of threads like these, Sony will do what they feel is better for business, a few hundred fans won't change that.

The only thing I see comming out of this is fans slammin each other and arguing their way while going in circles.
I think people would complain less if we were able to just LEGALLY download off iTunes the particular song that we wanted to hear (meaning only the new song). But I have a feeling this won't be the case for this album and possibly any other GH albums unless we get an album of completely new music.

no his 91 contract eneded in 03.never bought anything from sony anyway except obviously mj stuff (proper releases not G.hits) ppl can do what they. theres slightly bigger issues if some had forgotten

My Opinion...

Its not about boycotting the whole of Sony Corporation...

Its about boycotting the re-issues of the back catalogue evey 6 months under a New name..

If New material is released on Sony, then I will but it n buy multiple copies of it. However a 2CD set forced on fans when all we want is the One New song, is coercion. Let the New song also release as a single so that we can have a No-1 single.

Also, important to seperate the Sony Publishing company from the music company.. Mike own 50% in the Publishing company & not Sony Corporation.

Another suggestion if you want to support the estate monetarily & see Mike rule the charts....then why not buy the Original Albums instead of another G.H....

This way the money still goes to the Estate & also improves the sales record of Mike..(not that it needs any addition). Why not bridge the gap between Thriller with others i.e., Bad, Dangerous, History....

Lastly, we dont know if sony wants to release new material or not.. Maybe they do and maybe the Estate does not want that to happen. Coz in 2 years time they can negotiate the release of New music with all potential companies & not just Phony....

Good points.
Bottom line is that NOTHING will come out of threads like these, Sony will do what they feel is better for business, a few hundred fans won't change that.

The only thing I see comming out of this is fans slammin each other and arguing their way while going in circles.

Yep. It should have been seen coming through that first post. heh.
It sucks to see fellow MJ fans go at it with one another.
Too good to be true, imagining that the world of MJ fans would share the same peaceful simplicities of MJ himself, to ever come to argue about things we honestly don't have much power over aside making a statement, no one will care for.
I hate to sound hopeless but... I would recommend putting all this energy towards bringing everyone together instead.
I know that sounds pretty corny...
I know Sony is evil. But there are many artists at Sony that I love. So if I see a CD or DVD I want, I'll buy it. There's nothing much too it. You either do or don't.

I think people would complain less if we were able to just LEGALLY download off iTunes the particular song that we wanted to hear (meaning only the new song). But I have a feeling this won't be the case for this album and possibly any other GH albums unless we get an album of completely new music.

Good points.

Honestly, they are making a big mistake with that. That song itself will land itself on illegal downloads sites. Stupid move by Sony, but it's their loss if anything. They need to realise people will not buy a 2 set CD for one new song and "rare demos". They have to update their buisness model. This is 2009. Not 1987.
So, you're calling people morons, telling people to illegally download music and to boycot a company that's contributing to MJ's estate? Classy move.
I am locking the thread. It's become circular. I apologize for not locking it sooner. The opening post set the tone, and it is NOT ok to call people morons, or suggest illegal downloading.

Let's move on. People will make their own decisions about this.
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