Unreleased pictures of MJ from 1999 up for auction: Updated pictures, p12.

Lol. Who is this guy on the photo? Because for me it's not Mike anymore.
^^Is he wearing a dirty shirt? Or is that picture just scanned from a magazine that has got some dirt on it. It kinda looks like someone blew their nose on that shirt, lol

Maybe its some of that moisturiser they were reported to be slapping all over him.
Actually, I quite like this high res super glossy 'clone of Michael' look...it feels a bit futuristic in an 'everyone's been over-perfected' kind of way.

Slightly odd that his right and left eyes don't seem to be looking in the same direction..were they aiming for a 'mona lisa' look in this one? Or maybe Mike was just keeping an eye on that makeup artist.......
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I know it's not popular opinion, but I really like pics from this session. I know, it's too obvious they were retouched, at some point I started to thing if there are more photos or more like paintings... and at some shoots I kinda miss Karen Faye's final touch (lol, did I really write it?;-)), but there is something mysterious about them, especially about Michael's eyes.
My copy of MJ's Auction is under way, looking forward to get it.


I know it's not popular opinion, but I really like pics from this session. I know, it's too obvious they were retouched, at some point I started to thing if there are more photos or more like paintings... and at some shoots I kinda miss Karen Faye's final touch (lol, did I really write it?;-)), but there is something mysterious about them, especially about Michael's eyes.
My copy of MJ's Auction is under way, looking forward to get it.

Karen seems to be very upset that she was not the one who did MJ's make up for this photo shoot (from her Twitter). I am assuming this is why she said that MJ did not like these photos a few days before.

Q: Look at this photo, what they have done to Michael, your make-up was so much beautiful

KF answer: oh my...that's terrible. Now you know why Michael did not like the photos.

His makeup is clearly overdone in these photo's, especially the two on the last page where it kinda looks like Michael, but not really. For once, Karen is on to something, and doesn't deserve to be looked at as "the woman who's knows nothing". She did his makeup for the most part since day 1, so when she comments on things like his makeup and retouches, one would assume she knows what she's talking about. The person who did this to Michael should never have a career in celebrity makeup ever again.
I think this dude really wanted Michael to go for the Glam rocker look... ya know like David Bowie... But Michael was/is perfection and perfection should never be made to look any other way.

just my view...
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Karen Faye stated that Michael and $ony didn´t like these pictures. Whether this is true or not (but I believe this is true), all I can say after looking at this catalog is that I didn´t like it at all. Too much make up and airbrushing, you can see the difference especially with the Sphynx photoshoot, comparing the main picture with the other small ones :(
I flipped through the catalog. I'm not impressed. I don't know if I'll buy it.

I like the four big portraits. But, they certainly don't have enough materials to fill up a catalog. Other than the four portraits (blue eye, red curtain, silver glove and sphinx), there isn't any good quality pictures.

The way the catalog is put together appears very half-hearted.
I am ready to disregard whatever views on these photos, especially those Sony-related, and irrespective of some of the photos in the catalogue, like the Blue eye ones and the golden cloak one.

The pictures are true gems.. As the authors of the booklet say, Michael's portrayed as the sad clown trapped in his fame. He is also pictured as a mime. Hence the heavy make-up. And that makes one think of Marcel Marceau, for instance, Charles Chaplin and all the other clowns painted heavily to accentuate their expressions and conceal their inner soul. The lip-gloss enhancements are terrible, as is the futile blue eye and maybe the shots of him with his white hat on. But even the blue-eye photos have something beautiful in them: his contemplative, heart-warming and sad eyes when they're open. Even some shot of him in the golden cloak, different from that already known horrific one, for the other shots reveal a contrast between the golden material of the cloak and Michael's silvery white skin. And, when getting to adjust to his complicated stare in them (dramatized by the light effects), art will show, the face of a man who had been through hell - a pretentious, innovative style, but art, nonetheless. Also, the "Black and White" photos capture his innocence in motion.

So what if they're flawed? And he had been submitted to long hours of posing and experimenting, ending up maybe tired, upset, unhappy?.. His emotions and feelings are expressed in their truth. His obedience and patience and trust are so wonderful to know about and are captured in these pictures. There's something that can't be ignored about them. And to me, personally, they mean a lot.. They have a voice, they are silent, they are timeless, they are current, they have color, they have transparency... and a story. They bear a certain prophecy and one feels like they needed them..

If I had the money, I would purchase this catalogue. Disregarding the motives behind releasing the photos. But the key lines below some of them, which I took some time to copy, are just precious:

&#8220;I am youth. I am joy. I am a little bird that just escaped its shell.&#8221;; &#8220;a galactic voyager, Michael dances in a starry cloud like a child. &#8220;Don&#8217;t let&#8217;s ask for the moon&#8221;, he seems to say. &#8220;We have the stars.&#8221;; &#8220;he creates worlds and shoots through the skies at lightning speed. His eyes are all that can be seen, childlike and gentle, always seeking the unreachable star.&#8221;; &#8220;Silver hand on his heart, a young man in a mask becomes an otherwordly being, a fugitive from a faraway galaxy that has left him sprinkled with stardust, and where he dreams of returning one day.&#8221;; &#8220;The red curtain falls and Michael tips his hat before taking a final bow.&#8221;, or translated more literally from French: &#8220;The red curtain is fallen. [There is] Michael with a white hat, or the artist&#8217;s last salute / words: &#8220;I love you.&#8221;; &#8220;The most touching and perhaps the most captivating of portraits: the singer stands dreaming, unguarded, reflective and solemn, waiting for the stage lights to go out. Uncertainty? Relief? Loneliness? Perhaps there&#8217;s a little of all these things in the fragile and fluid ambiguity of a dark, androgynous silhouette&#8221;; &#8220; the image of a boy king (&#8230;), enveloped in a soft halo of glowing light, like the dawn or the sunset.&#8221; &#8220;Michael Jackson In The Stars&#8221;.; &#8220;Vibrant, yet impassive, childlike innocence and unrevealed dramas lie hidden behind the intense and artificial blue of a closed eye.&#8221;; &#8220;Michael Jackson, clothed in light&#8221;; &#8220; and a sad and lonely clown who did not want to grow up&#8221;; &#8220;the fragility of a lost little bird already on his way toward the wonders of Neverland.&#8221;

I, for one, just can't ignore all that. I'm reducing my dissecting eye, and I'm able to find sweet peace..
I am ready to disregard whatever views on these photos, especially those Sony-related, and irrespective of some of the photos in the catalogue, like the Blue eye ones and the golden cloak one.

The pictures are true gems.. As the authors of the booklet say, Michael's portrayed as the sad clown trapped in his fame. He is also pictured as a mime. Hence the heavy make-up. And that makes one think of Marcel Marceau, for instance, Charles Chaplin and all the other clowns painted heavily to accentuate their expressions and conceal their inner soul. The lip-gloss enhancements are terrible, as is the futile blue eye and maybe the shots of him with his white hat on. But even the blue-eye photos have something beautiful in them: his contemplative, heart-warming and sad eyes when they're open. Even some shot of him in the golden cloak, different from that already known horrific one, for the other shots reveal a contrast between the golden material of the cloak and Michael's silvery white skin. And, when getting to adjust to his complicated stare in them (dramatized by the light effects), art will show, the face of a man who had been through hell - a pretentious, innovative style, but art, nonetheless. Also, the "Black and White" photos capture his innocence in motion.

So what if they're flawed? And he had been submitted to long hours of posing and experimenting, ending up maybe tired, upset, unhappy?.. His emotions and feelings are expressed in their truth. His obedience and patience and trust are so wonderful to know about and are captured in these pictures. There's something that can't be ignored about them. And to me, personally, they mean a lot.. They have a voice, they are silent, they are timeless, they are current, they have color, they have transparency... and a story. They bear a certain prophecy and one feels like they needed them..

If I had the money, I would purchase this catalogue. Disregarding the motives behind releasing the photos. But the key lines below some of them, which I took some time to copy, are just precious:

“I am youth. I am joy. I am a little bird that just escaped its shell.”; “a galactic voyager, Michael dances in a starry cloud like a child. “Don’t let’s ask for the moon”, he seems to say. “We have the stars.”; “he creates worlds and shoots through the skies at lightning speed. His eyes are all that can be seen, childlike and gentle, always seeking the unreachable star.”; “Silver hand on his heart, a young man in a mask becomes an otherwordly being, a fugitive from a faraway galaxy that has left him sprinkled with stardust, and where he dreams of returning one day.”; “The red curtain falls and Michael tips his hat before taking a final bow.”, or translated more literally from French: “The red curtain is fallen. [There is] Michael with a white hat, or the artist’s last salute / words: “I love you.”; “The most touching and perhaps the most captivating of portraits: the singer stands dreaming, unguarded, reflective and solemn, waiting for the stage lights to go out. Uncertainty? Relief? Loneliness? Perhaps there’s a little of all these things in the fragile and fluid ambiguity of a dark, androgynous silhouette”; “ the image of a boy king (…), enveloped in a soft halo of glowing light, like the dawn or the sunset.” “Michael Jackson In The Stars”.; “Vibrant, yet impassive, childlike innocence and unrevealed dramas lie hidden behind the intense and artificial blue of a closed eye.”; “Michael Jackson, clothed in light”; “and a sad and lonely clown who did not want to grow up”; “the fragility of a lost little bird already on his way toward the wonders of Neverland.”

I just can't ignore all that. I'm reducing my dissecting eye, and I'm able to find sweet peace..
MichaelD;3024313 said:

WHOA!!! I just wish he wasn't so heavily made up...I get the point, but it's just too much...if just a smidge less..it'd be perfect
I am ready to disregard whatever views on these photos, especially those Sony-related, and irrespective of some of the photos in the catalogue, like the Blue eye ones and the golden cloak one.

The pictures are true gems.. As the authors of the booklet say, Michael's portrayed as the sad clown trapped in his fame. He is also pictured as a mime. Hence the heavy make-up. And that makes one think of Marcel Marceau, for instance, Charles Chaplin and all the other clowns painted heavily to accentuate their expressions and conceal their inner soul. The lip-gloss enhancements are terrible, as is the futile blue eye and maybe the shots of him with his white hat on. But even the blue-eye photos have something beautiful in them: his contemplative, heart-warming and sad eyes when they're open. Even some shot of him in the golden cloak, different from that already known horrific one, for the other shots reveal a contrast between the golden material of the cloak and Michael's silvery white skin. And, when getting to adjust to his complicated stare in them (dramatized by the light effects), art will show, the face of a man who had been through hell - a pretentious, innovative style, but art, nonetheless. Also, the "Black and White" photos capture his innocence in motion.


Thank you for this wonderful post. It not only describes the photographs, but most importantly - who Michael was as a person. Who he was to me.

As for the pics, I don't find MJ's make up to be too much at all. It's PERFECT. Look at the unedited photos in the catalogue.
They screwed up the photoshopping, that's all.
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Alma;3025243 said:
I am ready to disregard whatever views on these photos, especially those Sony-related, and irrespective of some of the photos in the catalogue, like the Blue eye ones and the golden cloak one.

The pictures are true gems.. As the authors of the booklet say, Michael's portrayed as the sad clown trapped in his fame. He is also pictured as a mime. Hence the heavy make-up. And that makes one think of Marcel Marceau, for instance, Charles Chaplin and all the other clowns painted heavily to accentuate their expressions and conceal their inner soul. The lip-gloss enhancements are terrible, as is the futile blue eye and maybe the shots of him with his white hat on. But even the blue-eye photos have something beautiful in them: his contemplative, heart-warming and sad eyes when they're open. Even some shot of him in the golden cloak, different from that already known horrific one, for the other shots reveal a contrast between the golden material of the cloak and Michael's silvery white skin. And, when getting to adjust to his complicated stare in them (dramatized by the light effects), art will show, the face of a man who had been through hell - a pretentious, innovative style, but art, nonetheless. Also, the "Black and White" photos capture his innocence in motion.

So what if they're flawed? And he had been submitted to long hours of posing and experimenting, ending up maybe tired, upset, unhappy?.. His emotions and feelings are expressed in their truth. His obedience and patience and trust are so wonderful to know about and are captured in these pictures. There's something that can't be ignored about them. And to me, personally, they mean a lot.. They have a voice, they are silent, they are timeless, they are current, they have color, they have transparency... and a story. They bear a certain prophecy and one feels like they needed them..

If I had the money, I would purchase this catalogue. Disregarding the motives behind releasing the photos. But the key lines below some of them, which I took some time to copy, are just precious:

&#8220;I am youth. I am joy. I am a little bird that just escaped its shell.&#8221;; &#8220;a galactic voyager, Michael dances in a starry cloud like a child. &#8220;Don&#8217;t let&#8217;s ask for the moon&#8221;, he seems to say. &#8220;We have the stars.&#8221;; &#8220;he creates worlds and shoots through the skies at lightning speed. His eyes are all that can be seen, childlike and gentle, always seeking the unreachable star.&#8221;; &#8220;Silver hand on his heart, a young man in a mask becomes an otherwordly being, a fugitive from a faraway galaxy that has left him sprinkled with stardust, and where he dreams of returning one day.&#8221;; &#8220;The red curtain falls and Michael tips his hat before taking a final bow.&#8221;, or translated more literally from French: &#8220;The red curtain is fallen. [There is] Michael with a white hat, or the artist&#8217;s last salute / words: &#8220;I love you.&#8221;; &#8220;The most touching and perhaps the most captivating of portraits: the singer stands dreaming, unguarded, reflective and solemn, waiting for the stage lights to go out. Uncertainty? Relief? Loneliness? Perhaps there&#8217;s a little of all these things in the fragile and fluid ambiguity of a dark, androgynous silhouette&#8221;; &#8220; the image of a boy king (&#8230;), enveloped in a soft halo of glowing light, like the dawn or the sunset.&#8221; &#8220;Michael Jackson In The Stars&#8221;.; &#8220;Vibrant, yet impassive, childlike innocence and unrevealed dramas lie hidden behind the intense and artificial blue of a closed eye.&#8221;; &#8220;Michael Jackson, clothed in light&#8221;; &#8220;and a sad and lonely clown who did not want to grow up&#8221;; &#8220;the fragility of a lost little bird already on his way toward the wonders of Neverland.&#8221;

I just can't ignore all that. I'm reducing my dissecting eye, and I'm able to find sweet peace..

It looks fine and its nice to read it.... but generally, 99% of people looking at these pics can say just one thing - HE WAS F*G

Which of all the non-fans=readers on the Internet can understand this ... this way?

Almost nobody!

The result is that MJ looks too gay. :doh:

The point is that Michael didnt like these pics, and over 10 years they were out of public, hidden somewhere, unknown... and all of a sudden ... that Bani (or whoever else) had the feeling that he needed to release them and sell them NOW.... :puke:
It looks fine and its nice to read it.... but generally, 99% of people looking at these pics can say just one thing - HE WAS F*G

Which of all the non-fans=readers on the Internet can understand this ... this way?

Almost nobody!

The result is that MJ looks too gay. :doh:

The point is that Michael didnt like these pics, and over 10 years they were out of public, hidden somewhere, unknown... and all of a sudden ... that Bani (or whoever else) had the feeling that he needed to release them and sell them NOW.... :puke:

How does the way someone looks make the person gay? How can you even look "too gay"?
How does the way someone looks make the person gay? How can you even look "too gay"?

Are you serious?
You really dont know how one can look "too gay"?
have you seen gay people (with heavy) make-up (and woman-like manners)? Draq queens?

It doesnt matter, if Michael didint want these pics and didnt like them, they were to be locked... somewhere..... out of public.
Well, opinions certainly can differ, but none can say what percent of people thought this and that, for you weren't beside all the people who saw them. And if all think that way, I simply don't care even if they yelled. It's perception, not reality. As I don't care whether Bani or any other is making money off them. The feeling they give off is beautiful and Michael's aura was captured well in many of those photos and that's important. If they're beautiful to some, respect their perception, don't scream it off.


Thank you, Alec.
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Are you serious?
You really dont know how one can look "too gay"?
have you seen gay people (with heavy) make-up (and woman-like manners)? Draq queens?

You are stereotyping people. Some of the most masculine looking people, such as football players, are gay. Not all drag queens are gay. Stereotyping. Not good.
Originally Posted by MichaelD

i could almost understand how a double could get away with playing Michael, here. i had to look at this three times, before i was convinced that this is Michael. i didn't feel the aura, the first time..it looked like someone different was doubling for him. i didn't see his facial shape..the lights were out in the eyes..but...i still could be convinced this is a double..i could be convinced this is a double.

the smaller pics are him. if this is him, he was caught at an interesting moment. where you could catch all the hell he has been through, in the eyes. and he's beautiful as always. the pictures are beautiful as always.
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Alma;3025243 said:
I am ready to disregard whatever views on these photos, especially those Sony-related, and irrespective of some of the photos in the catalogue, like the Blue eye ones and the golden cloak one.

The pictures are true gems.. As the authors of the booklet say, Michael's portrayed as the sad clown trapped in his fame. He is also pictured as a mime. Hence the heavy make-up. And that makes one think of Marcel Marceau, for instance, Charles Chaplin and all the other clowns painted heavily to accentuate their expressions and conceal their inner soul. The lip-gloss enhancements are terrible, as is the futile blue eye and maybe the shots of him with his white hat on. But even the blue-eye photos have something beautiful in them: his contemplative, heart-warming and sad eyes when they're open. Even some shot of him in the golden cloak, different from that already known horrific one, for the other shots reveal a contrast between the golden material of the cloak and Michael's silvery white skin. And, when getting to adjust to his complicated stare in them (dramatized by the light effects), art will show, the face of a man who had been through hell - a pretentious, innovative style, but art, nonetheless. Also, the "Black and White" photos capture his innocence in motion.

So what if they're flawed? And he had been submitted to long hours of posing and experimenting, ending up maybe tired, upset, unhappy?.. His emotions and feelings are expressed in their truth. His obedience and patience and trust are so wonderful to know about and are captured in these pictures. There's something that can't be ignored about them. And to me, personally, they mean a lot.. They have a voice, they are silent, they are timeless, they are current, they have color, they have transparency... and a story. They bear a certain prophecy and one feels like they needed them..

If I had the money, I would purchase this catalogue. Disregarding the motives behind releasing the photos. But the key lines below some of them, which I took some time to copy, are just precious:

&#8220;I am youth. I am joy. I am a little bird that just escaped its shell.&#8221;; &#8220;a galactic voyager, Michael dances in a starry cloud like a child. &#8220;Don&#8217;t let&#8217;s ask for the moon&#8221;, he seems to say. &#8220;We have the stars.&#8221;; &#8220;he creates worlds and shoots through the skies at lightning speed. His eyes are all that can be seen, childlike and gentle, always seeking the unreachable star.&#8221;; &#8220;Silver hand on his heart, a young man in a mask becomes an otherwordly being, a fugitive from a faraway galaxy that has left him sprinkled with stardust, and where he dreams of returning one day.&#8221;; &#8220;The red curtain falls and Michael tips his hat before taking a final bow.&#8221;, or translated more literally from French: &#8220;The red curtain is fallen. [There is] Michael with a white hat, or the artist&#8217;s last salute / words: &#8220;I love you.&#8221;; &#8220;The most touching and perhaps the most captivating of portraits: the singer stands dreaming, unguarded, reflective and solemn, waiting for the stage lights to go out. Uncertainty? Relief? Loneliness? Perhaps there&#8217;s a little of all these things in the fragile and fluid ambiguity of a dark, androgynous silhouette&#8221;; &#8220; the image of a boy king (&#8230;), enveloped in a soft halo of glowing light, like the dawn or the sunset.&#8221; &#8220;Michael Jackson In The Stars&#8221;.; &#8220;Vibrant, yet impassive, childlike innocence and unrevealed dramas lie hidden behind the intense and artificial blue of a closed eye.&#8221;; &#8220;Michael Jackson, clothed in light&#8221;; &#8220;and a sad and lonely clown who did not want to grow up&#8221;; &#8220;the fragility of a lost little bird already on his way toward the wonders of Neverland.&#8221;

I just can't ignore all that. I'm reducing my dissecting eye, and I'm able to find sweet peace..

I didn't know the book describes why MJ looks the way he looks in those pics! Thanks! I understand the pics now much better! Cool! I now like them more then before! :D I always like the blue eye one, the long mask (or long turtle neck rather) and the red curtain! The others not so much at first But, now I like!:wub:

You are stereotyping people. Some of the most masculine looking people, such as football players, are gay. Not all drag queens are gay. Stereotyping. Not good.
:agree: Exactly! It's sad to see people think like this still in 2010!:doh: