Unreleased pictures of MJ from 1999 up for auction: Updated pictures, p12.

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I wish we could get some posters. I would love to have a poster 'the silver glove.'
Anyway.. Don't you guys think some of the pics are somewhat creepy (well.. since I'm not a native English speaker, not sure whether the word 'creepy' is offensive or not..)but awesome at the same time? LOL I don't know.. the pictures are airbrushed too much and Michael was wearing heavy make up so it doesn't feel like our 'innocent-looking Michael' but they look cool and stylish.
ladies and gentlemen
my version:


Yours is better IMO:)

Ah! The eyes!!!!!!!!
Ashtanga;2966751 said:
I also always wondered about that. :scratch: I'm sure it was Michael's idea. :thinking:

If it was he didn't tell his people lol

Topolino became the eccentric troublemaker of the bunch, Bani said. In an almost "diplomatic incident," the makeup artist and his assistants spread vaseline around Jackson’s eye and softly blew the shiny blue glitter onto the singer’s face. "Jackson’s staff was shocked," Bani remembered. "'You can’t blow on Michael Jackson’s face,' they protested."

I would of killed to be there, can you imagine? :D
Just wow.

These new leaked ones are just... Michael is so beautiful. Not only that, but his sadness is expressed so gloriously, it tears the heart apart because it looks so contained, yet it transmits so much. Him before that red curtain is pure dream... and the one where he is surrounded by stars, by the universe, sends this feeling of protection. The pictures look calculated, artistic, profound, simple and rich... Magic...

This makes me shed a tear, with the lump in the throat I already have.. I don't even know whether of sadness or euphoria or both... But the pictures are so fresh and polished, without being too manufactured, exposing true artistry with a soul, not lifeless. I don't feel the coldness anymore, for they have such a strong sweet scent to them, that you can sense he's close. Here... Like they've been just made. The coldness, actually, can be still felt to a point, by means of the accentuated make-up... But for the black colors he is clothed in, that looks okay... He looks as the clown trying hard to hide his emotions by means of paint. He is staring straight into the heart of the viewer. In a way slowly pleading with him for.. mercy, or better understanding. His pain and loneliness are so beautifully exposed. It's silent and peaceful and floating. He is concealing out of insecurity and slight fear, with caution behind a protective blanket of stars, yet the windows of his eyes - not too intrusive, not too mysterious - expose his inner territory accurately.

He just feels like he's here... :( The pictures are timeless and have this 'here-and-now' texture..

You expressed this beautifully. Thanks for this post. :)
bgz;2970963 said:
Someone on MJJC has this pic either in their siggy or avatar. Everytime I see the pic, something seems odd, or maybe even slightly eerie. Not that I dislike it, per se, but it does look like a mannequin to me as well. The face looks frozen, for lack of a better word. And while I like the hair, again, just something seems really "off" with it.

Wondering if there is any explanation about the blue around the eye, if there was a story behind that; what was the symbolism that Michael had in mind, if any.

That's probably me :lol: I really like all of them from this photoshoot session by Arno Bani.
mj_obsession;3020344 said:
If it was he didn't tell his people lol

Topolino became the eccentric troublemaker of the bunch, Bani said. In an almost "diplomatic incident," the makeup artist and his assistants spread vaseline around Jackson’s eye and softly blew the shiny blue glitter onto the singer’s face. "Jackson’s staff was shocked," Bani remembered. "'You can’t blow on Michael Jackson’s face,' they protested."

I would of killed to be there, can you imagine? :D

WOW! :eek:

mj_obsession;3020344 said:
If it was he didn't tell his people lol

Topolino became the eccentric troublemaker of the bunch, Bani said. In an almost "diplomatic incident," the makeup artist and his assistants spread vaseline around Jackson’s eye and softly blew the shiny blue glitter onto the singer’s face. "Jackson’s staff was shocked," Bani remembered. "'You can’t blow on Michael Jackson’s face,' they protested."

I would of killed to be there, can you imagine? :D
:lol: Oh my.
lol i like how some people tell them they cant do this or that to mj and Michael is the one who gives the orders lol its like he dont care what measure he has to take to get something done.
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The photos of the blue circling his left eye are horrific, in my view.. Michael looks like a blind prisoner of the photographer and make-up artist's extreme vision, who just blew that blue on his face, just stamped his eye. There's no need for exaggeration, however visual, in order to make some sort of a statement. Michael, unfortunately, and so eerily looks as a lifeless statue asleep, and the blue circle only emphasises at least a temporary incapacity of breaking free from others' intrusion. I don't need a reminder of lifelessness. It's chillingly glamorous and unprofound. His vision is blocked, the message in his eyes covered, he feels like having an invisible tape around the mouth and is motionless, and this whole one-eye thing is uncharacteristic of him and unsuitable. Lady Gaga would suit that just well. Including the Egyptian look, that turns Michael into this evil-looking fictitious character. He didn't need elements of creepy type, forced attempts of expressionism and hermeticism, so I understand why he decided against this project in the end, even though the chair, red-curtain and silver-hand photos are truly beautiful.
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I can totally understand (also from photographic point of view) why Michael didn't like then - and I'm certain that was the only reason we only see them now, when he's not here to say 'no' to the greed of some people. And I quite agree with what Alma says, although... well, I kind of like the blue eye photos (with some misgivings).
Moonwalker.Fan;3020311 said:
Of course, and there is a thread about the other pics released recently (a few days ago).... in Paris.

maybe the threads should be merged!

Thanks for that and your video below!
Everytime i see "the silver hand" one i just...gah. that picture is flawless. its something so mystique and captivating about it.
Just wow.

These new leaked ones are just... Michael is so beautiful. Not only that, but his sadness is expressed so gloriously, it tears the heart apart because it looks so contained, yet it transmits so much. Him before that red curtain is pure dream... and the one where he is surrounded by stars, by the universe, sends this feeling of protection. The pictures look calculated, artistic, profound, simple and rich... Magic...

This makes me shed a tear, with the lump in the throat I already have.. I don't even know whether of sadness or euphoria or both... But the pictures are so fresh and polished, without being too manufactured, exposing true artistry with a soul, not lifeless. I don't feel the coldness anymore, for they have such a strong sweet scent to them, that you can sense he's close. Here... Like they've been just made. The coldness, actually, can be still felt to a point, by means of the accentuated make-up... But for the black colors he is clothed in, that looks okay... He looks as the clown trying hard to hide his emotions by means of paint. He is staring straight into the heart of the viewer, though. In a way slowly pleading with him for.. mercy, or better understanding. His pain and loneliness are so beautifully exposed. It's silent and peaceful and floating in there. He is concealing out of insecurity and slight fear, with caution behind a protective blanket of stars, yet the windows of his eyes - not too intrusive, not too mysterious - expose his inner territory accurately.

He just feels like he's here... :( The pictures are timeless and share this 'here-and-now' texture..
Beautifully written ...and so TRUE.
I predict these pictures will bring record prices.

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The photos of the blue circling his left eye are horrific, in my view.. Michael looks like a blind prisoner of the photographer and make-up artist's extreme vision, who just blew that blue on his face, just stamped his eye. There's no need for exaggeration, however visual, in order to make some sort of a statement. Michael, unfortunately, and so eerily looks as a lifeless statue asleep, and the blue circle only emphasises at least a temporary incapacity of breaking free from others' intrusion. I don't need a reminder of lifelessness. It's chillingly glamorous and unprofound. His vision is blocked, the message in his eyes covered, he feels like having an invisible tape around the mouth and is motionless, and this whole one-eye thing is uncharacteristic of him and unsuitable. Lady Gaga would suit that just well. Including the Egyptian look, that turns Michael into this evil-looking fictitious character. He didn't need elements of creepy type, forced attempts of expressionism and hermeticism, so I understand why he decided against this project in the end, even though the chair, red-curtain and silver-hand photos are truly beautiful.

Some of the photos are interesting but they seem so cold and lifeless to me.

This proves MJ was indeed ahead of his time. He had the world's first Snuggie. A golden one at that. :D
I don't like the glove pic. Maybe because of the ugly glitter and Michael looks a bit evil lol.
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Karen Faye said Michael hated these pics and that's why he didn't want them to be released.
There's another picture similar to the one wendijane posted of him sitting on the chair, which is so endearing. Unfortunately, I haven't yet learned how to post pictures, but I believe I've seen it in the Photos forum, it's similar to how he sits in the "She's Out Of My Life" video, legs pressed together. Like a humble, harmless child - simple and trusting.

The colorful bubbles from the silver-hand picture, I think, they describe his fresh, sweet and playful spirit, it looks like a child's lofty dream. Sad, though, that bubbles burst too easily... But, then, you look at him, bold and dignified, the strength being defined especially by his firm hand on his heart. That shows how he's always true to it, that no one and nothing will take it from him, for it's his. They can take all beautiful and precious objects and tangibilities, sell them, get rich over them, destroy them even - none will matter and last eventually, even the dreams are shattered, many of them, (like bubbles), but the soul lives on. In that picture, to me, Michael, regardless of how mute and incapacitated they wanted him to be or how futile words often can be, has his concentrated eyes and hand (dipped in glitter, like little kids love to do) to speak for him. "In the end, I took care of my soul, shielded it from impurities, kept it from going astray, and did things out of the pure, honest love in it. And I'm safe.", he really seems to be saying. A true child's heart can't be taken away and stifled.

So, to me, this brings some comfort, even sweetness to the taste buds... It doesn't feel like make-belief, flourishing ideas and feelings, interpreting them for more than what they are, because they sound and look that becoming... So, I think, I, personally, am grateful for some of these pictures...
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T Like a humble, harmless child - simple and trusting.

The colorful bubbles from the silver-hand picture, I think, they describe his fresh, sweet and playful spirit, it looks like a child's lofty dream. Sad, though, that bubbles burst too easily... But, then, you look at him, bold and dignified, the strength being defined especially by his firm hand on his heart. That shows how he's always true to it, that no one and nothing will take it from him, for it's his. They can take all beautiful and precious objects and tangibilities, sell them, get rich over them, destroy them even - none will matter and last eventually, even the dreams are shattered, many of them, (like bubbles), but the soul lives on. In that picture, to me, Michael, regardless of how mute and incapacitated they wanted him to be or how futile words often can be, has his concentrated eyes and hand (dipped in glitter, like little kids love to do) to speak for him. "In the end, I took care of my soul, shielded it from impurities, kept it from going astray, and did things out of the pure, honest love in it. And I'm safe.", he really seems to be saying. A true child's heart can't be taken away and stifled.

So, to me, this brings some comfort, even sweetness to the taste buds... It doesn't feel like make-belief, flourishing ideas and feelings, interpreting them for more than what they are, because they sound and look that becoming... So, I think, I, personally, am grateful for some of these pictures...
:wub:yes...yes...grateful for your post,those words.. and i got the same feeling when i saw the s.h picture :angel:so deep to me too.
qbee;2967219 said:
I guess Im the only one that doesnt like these photos :(
at first it was a novelty to see them but they look like a manequin
no facial features or espressions from Michael _ and they all look the
same. Ive never seem MJ do a photo shoot like that _ something doesnt
seem right to me about these pics _ Just my opinion

You're not the only one, gbee, I completely agree with you on all points. I guess everything that we feel is wrong with the session is the reason it's only now that the photos are published, when Michael can't veto them :/
Jazzebel;3019097 said:
Never-Before-Seen Michael Jackson Photos Come to Light at Auction

The auction by Pierre Bergé & Associés is itself unique. Four large, single-print photographs headline the sale, flanked by 31 contact sheets showing a non-airbrushed Jackson, many with the singer&#8217;s handwritten notes. Last, there are 55 prints from the contact sheets. All will be sold without reserve or estimate, starting at &#8364;1,000 ($1,410) for the prints and &#8364;500 ($705) for the smaller lots. There will be no reprints, no mass-market posters, and no T-shirts, said Frédéric Chambre, vice president and associate at Pierre Bergé & Associés, in his office across from the historic Drouot auction rooms. The collector&#8217;s box, priced at &#8364;1,000 ($1,410), will hold a large format catalog and four silver prints of the Bani photographs.

The Arno Bani prints will go on public display two days before the December sale and Frédéric Chambre said he couldn&#8217;t quite predict how popular the event will be. "We would of course be happy if the room was full and there were 2,000 people waiting in the street," he said. "Michael Jackson is a popular item and auctions are not democratic enough for my taste. We have to give people access to this sale and the memories it revives."
See and reserve the limited edition collector&#8217;s box here.

Source: http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/36...uction/?page=1

Something seems slightly odd about these quotes:

If the auction is only selling 4 large single issue prints and 55 prints off contact sheets, and if the photographer wants something 'democratic', why
will there be no reprints, posters or t shirts (aside from bootleg I expect). That doesn't sound very democratic to me. It seems the only way to get hold of a print other than in a book is to buy the 10000euro collectors box...equally 'democratic'. Has this photographer no 'say' in how his photographs are marketed?

Also, aren't silver prints 'black and white'? Why would you pay 1000euros for black and white prints of a colour shoot?
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dont know if posted already sorry if they have

Got to go...thanks for reminding me of good times, and laughing so much with him. I should buy the photos, just for the memories....NOT
about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific
Reply Retweet . @PepzMachine I am glad we went. We were a good buffer for him.
about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to PepzMachine

Reply Retweet . @PepzMachine I said I didn't mind @ all...he asked Bush too. He MADE us come with him, even though we thought it wasn't quite right.
about 14 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to PepzMachine

Reply Retweet . @PepzMachine MJ let the photographer use his own staff. Michael wanted to see what they would come up with. He asked me if I would mind.
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to PepzMachine

Reply Retweet . @peacefulzineb Michael Bush
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to peacefulzineb

Reply Retweet . @DonnaMB73 Is it on Itunes?
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to DonnaMB73

Reply Retweet . @africanpyt I must admit they got mad@ us for laughing so much, but if you saw MJ's face during all this, you wouldn't be able to contain it
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to africanpyt

Reply Retweet . @africanpyt and being subjected to a cassette tape of French rap....it was hilarious! Ask MLB.
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to africanpyt

Reply Retweet . @africanpyt he was in the makeup chair for hours and hours, poor Michael, while the guy(?) in short shorts and flip flops put on layer&layer
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to africanpyt

Reply Retweet . @DonnaMB73 so cool...I wish they would create more new music....
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to DonnaMB73

Reply Retweet . @africanpyt In the article about the photo shoot, they talk about creating a special shower@ the studio 4 MJ
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to africanpyt

Reply Retweet . @sanshinenaja @neverletyoupart I am laughing just remembering how it was....even the near car accidents the fans created, following us there
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to sanshinenaja

Reply Retweet . @sanshinenaja @neverletyoupart You can take a guess why MJ didn't want to get into that "special shower" now, huh?
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to sanshinenaja

Reply Retweet . @sanshinenaja @neverletyoupart You should have seen MJ's face when the make up artist started putting on moisturizer, starting at his waist!
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to sanshinenaja

Reply Retweet . @sanshinenaja @neverletyoupart The photos look so much better retouched HeeHee. MJ had so many layers of make up on him.
about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to sanshinenaja

Reply Retweet . @sanshinenaja @neverletyoupart LOL...I bet MJ told them he thought they were lovely, just not to hurt their feelings SO like Michael

about 15 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to sanshinenaja

Reply Retweet . @Elle_Cf It was a very amusing scenario. MJ, MLB and I laughed so hard those two days.
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to Elle_Cf

Reply Retweet . @Elle_Cf He did bring a little radio and played French rap which made MJ laugh.
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to Elle_Cf

Reply Retweet . @Elle_Cf The make up artist even tried to come back to MJ's hotel. Michael had to ask me to "run interference" to keep him @ a distance.
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to Elle_Cf

Reply Retweet . @Elle_Cf MJ was so uncomfortable with Toppolino because he was gay and kept touching Michael in very unnecessary ways.
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to Elle_Cf

Reply Retweet . @Elle_Cf LOL, not quite the way it was. Toppolino Insisted on blowing on MJ and his breath was so bad, it just about knocked him out.
about 16 hours ago via Twitterrific in reply to Elle_Cf