Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Political Analyst and Social Issues Commentator
Posted: July 8, 2009 08:11 PM

Websites, blogs and chatrooms pulsed with garish cracks about it. Legions of commentators and news reporters snuck it in every chance they got. More than a few of Michael Jackson's fervent admirers and supporters made a dismissive reference to it. Even President Barack Obama in a cautious acknowledgment of Jackson's towering contributions to American music and artistry still made reference to the "tragedy" in Jackson's life which was a subtle nod to it. And New York Congressman Pete King skipped the niceties and flatly said it.

The "it" is the never ending myth of Jackson the child molester. It still hangs as a damning indictment that feeds the gossip mills and gives an arsenal of ammunition to Jackson detractors. This is not a small point. In the coming weeks, there will be a push to bestow official commemorative monuments, honors on and a national stamp for Jackson. The taint of scandal could doom these efforts to permanently memorialize Jackson.

The child molester myth doesn't rest on Jackson's trial and clean acquittal on multiple child abuse charges in a Santa Maria courthouse in June 2005. Only the most rabid Jackson loathers still finger point to that to taint Jackson. The myth of Jackson as child abuser rests squarely on the charge by a 13 year old boy a decade before the trial and the multi-million dollar settlement out of court. The settlement, then and now, feeds the suspicion that Jackson must have done something unsavory and probably criminal, or else why settle?

Sixteen years later, though, the facts remain unchanged. The charge that Jackson molested the boy was brought by the boy's father. In interviews the boy repeatedly denied the charges. This changed only after he was administered sodium amytal, an invasive, mind altering drug that medical experts have frowned on and courts have disregarded in witness testimony.

Prosecutors, police departments and investigators in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara spent millions of dollars, convened two grand juries and probed nearly 200 witnesses that included 30 children, who knew Jackson to try to substantiate the charge. Not a single corroborating witness was found. Nonetheless, a motley group of disgruntled Jackson's former housekeepers, attendants and bodyguards still peddled the story to any media outlet willing to shell out the cash that Jackson had engaged in child sexual wrongdoing. Not one of the charges was confirmed. Typical was this exchange between one of Jackson's attorneys and one of the accusing bodyguards under oath:

"So you don't know anything about Mr. Jackson and [the boy], do you?" "All I know is from the sworn documents that other people have sworn to."

"But other than what someone else may have said, you have no firsthand knowledge about Mr. Jackson and [the boy], do you?"

"That's correct."

"Have you spoken to a child who has ever told you that Mr. Jackson did anything improper with the child?"


"Where did you get your impressions about Jackson's behavior?"

"Just what I've been hearing in the media and what I've experienced with my own eyes."

"Okay. That's the point. You experienced nothing with your own eyes, did you?"

"That's right, nothing."

When asked at the time about the charges against Jackson, child behavior experts and psychiatrists nearly all agreed that he did not fit the profile of a pedophile. They agreed that the disorder is progressive and there are generally not one but a trail of victims.

The myth of Jackson as child molester never hinged on evidence or testimony to substantiate it, but solely on the settlement. Why then did Jackson agree to it?

No charge stirs more disgust, revulsion, and pricks more emotional hot buttons than the charge of child molestation. The accusation stamps the Scarlet letter of doubt, suspicion, shame and guilt on the accused. The accused can never fully expunge it. There is simply no defense against it. Under the hyper intense media glare and spotlight that Jackson remained under, the allegation no mater how bogus would have been endless fodder for the public gossip mill. This would have wreaked irreparable damage on Jackson's ever shifting musical career and personal life.

A trial in Los Angeles in the racially charged backdrop of the Rodney King beating, the L.A. riots, and pulsating racial tensions in the mid-1990s would have been risky business. A trial in staid, upscale, and majority white, Santa Barbara County would have been even more risky.

Jackson and his attorneys knew that when it came to the charge of child molestation the presumption of innocence, or even actual innocence, is tossed out the window. Though Jackson did nothing wrong, a trial would have left him, his reputation and his career in shambles. The settlement was the only pragmatic, logical and legal way to end the sordid issue.

The settlement under extreme duress must not sully his name and place as an honored American icon. The myth of Jackson as child molester must finally be buried.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His weekly radio show, "The Hutchinson Report" can be heard on weekly in Los Angeles on KTYM Radio 1460 AM and nationally on blogtalkradio.com


-Hutchinson is correct! It's a "myth" indeed and it's something that continues to come up with the detractors when it comes to Michael. Unfortunately, I think it for people to believe MJ is innocent once and for all two people have to come forward. Unforutunately, I don't think it'll happen, but I'm glad other people can see that MJ was innocent and that he wasn't a monster like so many like to claim.
Thanks for posting the article! It just sucks because gullible people believe everything they hear in the news without thinking for themselves. It just makes me so angry that the media exploits and don't have any compassion or understanding for MJ. I really hope one day something groundbreaking comes out and dismisses the rumor of child molestation. I hope I'm alive to hear what the negative people have to say then.
the only ones who can forever dismiss this rumor are the accusers or scum themselves....im surprised they havent been hunted down by fans....where they live is common knowledge on the internet if you search hard enough!!
Thanks for posting this article, Cinnamon.

Well, I've got my trusty pail and shovel, :D and I do what I can to provide facts to doubters of his innocence. When lies get repeated so often, it's not surprising that folks start to believe them.

I don't know for sure obviously, but I think as more facts are revealed about the man, things should get better.
As long as gullibility exists, so too will this myth exist; in the eyes of the gullible, proof isn't required, just suggestions and statements from people claiming to be credible.

The truth is on Michael's side. That's all I care about.
Great article!! I've never thought otherwise and just makes my feelings even stronger!! :)
Thank you so much for posting this article. How many times have we heard that when people have actually done the RESEARCH, they find that Michael is innocent of child molestation!?!? It's only the the vile media, tabloids, and paprazzi that let this story live and feed the cravings of people who choose to be ignorant sheep.

I just keep thinking to how many people (fans, celebrities, colleagues) who've shown how much they love Michael and have told stories of Michael the person, instead of the tabloid personality. Like the author said, child molesation is one of the most heinous crimes, and if people thought Michael was guilty, then the outpouring of love for him since his death would not have occured, IMO.

Anyways, it's interesting how the author noted the state of mind Southern California was at that time period and the odds of Michael getting a fair trial were slim. Twelve years later, when Michael was falsely accused again and he was found not guilty by a conservative, jury with no African Americans. What a choice Michael and his advisors had to make back in 1993. . .

I hope and pray that this myth will be buried sooner than later.
This is so true and well-written.

Indeed, the cross Michael bore goes back to the Chandlers. Although I believe time is on Mike's side, and although he is now dead and it will not bring him back, I believe Jordy coming out and confessing what did (not) happen back then is the only thing that will clear MJ's reputation in the public for good. And you will see then an overwhelm of guilt by the people that believed and perpetuated these stories for so long..

It is my wish, but I don't think he's gonna do it. I found out after searching a little that he and his family have had an incredibly luxurious life style after 93 which they would otherwise never dream of, and which I'm sure they would never give back -with houses across the country, luxurious vacations, no need to work etc-, all built on the money they got from MJ. They will NEVER risk losing it -which I'm sure they fear-, and they won't even risk having other people come and telling them that they're cursed because their good lives are all built on lies, which eventually led to the death of a man..

You know what? I think the unconfirmed story that circulated on the web after Michael's death about Jordy retracting his story and apologizing is legit.. I think it's the closest he will come to clearing Michael's name.. He'll always remain short of a full retraction, and will 'compensate' implicitly by spreading stories of apology like this one.. that's what I believe
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This is so true and well-written.

Indeed, the cross Michael bore goes back to the Chandlers. Although I believe time is on Mike's side, and although he is now dead and it will not bring him back, I believe Jordy coming out and confessing what did (not) happen back then is the only thing that will clear MJ's reputation in the public for good. And you will see then an overwhelm of guilt by the people that believed and perpetuated these stories for so long..

It is my wish, but I don't think he's gonna do it. I found out after searching a little that he and his family have had an incredibly luxurious life style after 93 which they would otherwise never dream of, and which I'm sure they would never give back -with houses across the country, luxurious vacations, no need to work etc-, all built on the money they got from MJ. They will NEVER risk losing it -which I'm sure they fear-, and they won't even risk having other people come and telling them that they're cursed because their good lives are all built on lies, which eventually led to the death of a man..

You know what? I think the unconfirmed story that circulated on the web after Michael's death about Jordy retracting his story and apologizing is legit.. I think it's the closest he will come to clearing Michael's name.. He'll always remain short of a full retraction, and will 'compensate' implicitly by spreading stories of apology like this one.. that's what I believe

I agree with this too
Thank you so much for posting this article. How many times have we heard that when people have actually done the RESEARCH, they find that Michael is innocent of child molestation!?!? It's only the the vile media, tabloids, and paprazzi that let this story live and feed the cravings of people who choose to be ignorant sheep.

I just keep thinking to how many people (fans, celebrities, colleagues) who've shown how much they love Michael and have told stories of Michael the person, instead of the tabloid personality. Like the author said, child molesation is one of the most heinous crimes, and if people thought Michael was guilty, then the outpouring of love for him since his death would not have occured, IMO.


I hope and pray that this myth will be buried sooner than later.

Thank you for posting this, Cinnamon! And thank you, elmari, for stating this--RESEARCH, that's the critical piece. People definitely need to do *research* and stop deciding the man's innocence or guilt based on public opinion or media speculation (or simply lies).

I was not an active MJ fan for about 10 years and when I was deciding whether to return or not, which was about a year after his acquittal, the first action I took was to investigate the allegations. Before I ever registered for a fan site, got any more MJJ merchandise, or whatever, I made sure I researched the charges he had against him sufficiently so I could have peace in my mind that nothing sinister had taken place.

If for one moment I had thought that Michael had harmed a child, you wouldn't have ever caught me listening to another tune, watching another video, let alone seen me posting on here or on any fan site. I would've hosted a weeny roast for my friends in my back yard over all his burning cds, tapes, etc. that I had already possessed if I had any doubt in my mind.

People refuse to *inform* their opinions; instead, they'd rather be nasty, gullible and just plain lazy. The media has done a number on us.
This is really all it would take for people to change their mind...to read the actual transcripts from the trial.

How sad is that?
Yes, thank you for posting!

I agree with so many of you, if people who continue their hatred for him, due to these accusations, would do their research and get to know Michael, they would see that he's innocent. :cry:
Bury the Never Ending Myth of Jackson as Child Molester

by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Political Analyst and Social Issues Commentator
Posted: July 8, 2009 08:11 PM

Websites, blogs and chatrooms pulsed with garish cracks about it. Legions of commentators and news reporters snuck it in every chance they got. More than a few of Michael Jackson's fervent admirers and supporters made a dismissive reference to it. Even President Barack Obama in a cautious acknowledgment of Jackson's towering contributions to American music and artistry still made reference to the "tragedy" in Jackson's life which was a subtle nod to it. And New York Congressman Pete King skipped the niceties and flatly said it.

The "it" is the never ending myth of Jackson the child molester. It still hangs as a damning indictment that feeds the gossip mills and gives an arsenal of ammunition to Jackson detractors. This is not a small point. In the coming weeks, there will be a push to bestow official commemorative monuments, honors on and a national stamp for Jackson. The taint of scandal could doom these efforts to permanently memorialize Jackson.

The child molester myth doesn't rest on Jackson's trial and clean acquittal on multiple child abuse charges in a Santa Maria courthouse in June 2005. Only the most rabid Jackson loathers still finger point to that to taint Jackson. The myth of Jackson as child abuser rests squarely on the charge by a 13 year old boy a decade before the trial and the multi-million dollar settlement out of court. The settlement, then and now, feeds the suspicion that Jackson must have done something unsavory and probably criminal, or else why settle?

Sixteen years later, though, the facts remain unchanged. The charge that Jackson molested the boy was brought by the boy's father. In interviews the boy repeatedly denied the charges. This changed only after he was administered sodium amytal, an invasive, mind altering drug that medical experts have frowned on and courts have disregarded in witness testimony.

Prosecutors, police departments and investigators in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara spent millions of dollars, convened two grand juries and probed nearly 200 witnesses that included 30 children, who knew Jackson to try to substantiate the charge. Not a single corroborating witness was found. Nonetheless, a motley group of disgruntled Jackson's former housekeepers, attendants and bodyguards still peddled the story to any media outlet willing to shell out the cash that Jackson had engaged in child sexual wrongdoing. Not one of the charges was confirmed. Typical was this exchange between one of Jackson's attorneys and one of the accusing bodyguards under oath:

"So you don't know anything about Mr. Jackson and [the boy], do you?" "All I know is from the sworn documents that other people have sworn to."

"But other than what someone else may have said, you have no firsthand knowledge about Mr. Jackson and [the boy], do you?"

"That's correct."

"Have you spoken to a child who has ever told you that Mr. Jackson did anything improper with the child?"


"Where did you get your impressions about Jackson's behavior?"

"Just what I've been hearing in the media and what I've experienced with my own eyes."

"Okay. That's the point. You experienced nothing with your own eyes, did you?"

"That's right, nothing."

When asked at the time about the charges against Jackson, child behavior experts and psychiatrists nearly all agreed that he did not fit the profile of a pedophile. They agreed that the disorder is progressive and there are generally not one but a trail of victims.

The myth of Jackson as child molester never hinged on evidence or testimony to substantiate it, but solely on the settlement. Why then did Jackson agree to it?

No charge stirs more disgust, revulsion, and pricks more emotional hot buttons than the charge of child molestation. The accusation stamps the Scarlet letter of doubt, suspicion, shame and guilt on the accused. The accused can never fully expunge it. There is simply no defense against it. Under the hyper intense media glare and spotlight that Jackson remained under, the allegation no mater how bogus would have been endless fodder for the public gossip mill. This would have wreaked irreparable damage on Jackson's ever shifting musical career and personal life.

A trial in Los Angeles in the racially charged backdrop of the Rodney King beating, the L.A. riots, and pulsating racial tensions in the mid-1990s would have been risky business. A trial in staid, upscale, and majority white, Santa Barbara County would have been even more risky.

Jackson and his attorneys knew that when it came to the charge of child molestation the presumption of innocence, or even actual innocence, is tossed out the window. Though Jackson did nothing wrong, a trial would have left him, his reputation and his career in shambles. The settlement was the only pragmatic, logical and legal way to end the sordid issue.

The settlement under extreme duress must not sully his name and place as an honored American icon. The myth of Jackson as child molester must finally be buried.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His weekly radio show, "The Hutchinson Report" can be heard on weekly in Los Angeles on KTYM Radio 1460 AM and nationally on blogtalkradio.com


-Hutchinson is correct! It's a "myth" indeed and it's something that continues to come up with the detractors when it comes to Michael. Unfortunately, I think it for people to believe MJ is innocent once and for all two people have to come forward. Unforutunately, I don't think it'll happen, but I'm glad other people can see that MJ was innocent and that he wasn't a monster like so many like to claim.

Excellent post

Compare this with the Michael Jackson accusation with proven charges against Woody Allen molesting his children. He later married his step daughter Soon-Yi; in 1997. You will see it was all a planned psy_op involving the media at the controlling level to destroy Jackson. If not why was Allen not bashed by the Media. Both situations became public in 1993

The case that the ignored. Why?

Why did the Media forget about this? 03-20-1993

Woody Allen Tells of Affair as Custody Battle Begins

With Mia Farrow watching from a few feet away, Woody Allen testified yesterday about the disintegration of the couple's relationship, his affair with her daughter and his own views on children.
The former couple's custody battle went to trial with Mr. Allen saying Ms. Farrow cut his head out of family pictures after she learned of the affair, made threatening phone calls to him in the middle of the night and once left a note on a windowsill saying, "I jumped out the window because of what you've done to my children."
Yesterday was one of the rare occasions in which Ms. Farrow and Mr. Allen appeared in open court together since their bitter dispute began, a dispute that has focused extraordinary attention on the former lovers and shattered the carefully guarded privacy of their years together.
Mr. Allen, 57 years old, said that when he embarked on a sexual relationship with Soon-Yi Farrow Previn, 22, who was adopted by Ms. Farrow and her former husband, Andre Previn, he had hoped to keep it secret from Ms. Farrow and their three children. He also admitted giving little thought to how the affair would affect the children.
"At the very outset, it didn't occur to me that this would be anything but a private thing," he said.
Mr. Allen described Ms. Farrow, 47, who has 11 children, as a woman obsessed with motherhood, who would become fixated for a time on one child to the exclusion of the others. When their relationship crumbled early last year, he said, she would fly into rages, destroying pictures of him and Ms. Previn in front of the children. First Day of Trial
Ms. Farrow refused to speak to reporters outside the courtroom. Her lawyer, Eleanor B. Alter, would say only, "It wasn't impressive to me, but I'm biased, and I'm not the one that matters."
Mr. Allen is scheduled to return to the witness stand Monday, when he is to be cross-examined by Ms. Farrow's lawyers.
The trial in State Supreme Court in Manhattan began the day after Mr. Allen said a team of investigators at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Conn., had cleared him of Ms. Farrow's charge that he molested their 7-year-old daughter, Dylan O. Farrow, at her Bridgewater, Conn., home last year. Ms. Alter called the team's report "incomplete and inaccurate," insisting that Mr. Allen's affair with Ms. Previn had done psychological damage to Dylan.
The report was presented on Wednesday to Frank S. Maco, the Connecticut State's Attorney for the Litchfield judicial district, who must decide whether to prosecute Mr. Allen. In a statement released yesterday, Mr. Maco said he would give the report "due consideration," but he stressed that the findings of a state police investigation and other factors would also weigh in his decision.
Mr. Allen said the report agreed with his suspicion that the allegation might have been concocted by Ms. Farrow as vengeance for his affair with Ms. Previn, and in his statement, Mr. Maco agreed that the Yale-New Haven team did raise questions about "the involvement of the adoptive mother." But, he added, "There has been no evidence presented in the state police investigation that suggests that Ms. Farrow acted in any way other than that of a concerned mother."
The rift between Ms. Farrow and Mr. Allen became public last August, when she first leveled the molestation charge and he filed for sole custody of Dylan and their adopted son, Moses A. Farrow, 15, and the couple's only biological child, Satchel O. Farrow, 5. Ms. Farrow later filed a separate suit in Surrogate's Court to void Mr. Allen's 1991 adoption of Moses and Dylan.
Mr. Allen testified that his affair with Ms. Previn began a few days after Christmas 1991, when she was home from her first year in college, and Ms. Farrow learned of it on Jan. 13, 1992, after finding nude photographs of Ms. Previn in Mr. Allen's apartment.
When asked by Acting Justice Elliott Wilk whether he thought of the effect it would have on the other children, Mr. Allen said, "I felt nobody in the world would have any idea."
Justice Wilk asked, "Wasn't that enough, that you would know that you were sleeping with your children's sister?"
Mr. Allen answered: "I didn't see it that way. I'm sorry."
After Ms. Farrow discovered the relationship, "She called me a dozen times a night, raging and screaming into the phone, threatening to kill me," he said. "In any number of these calls, I could hear the children in the background, and I said, 'Please don't do this in front of the children.' "
Relationship Sours
Long before then, he said, his relationship with Ms. Farrow took a turn for the worse. In 1987, when she was pregnant with Satchel, he said, she told him, "Don't get too close to him, because I don't think this relationship is going anywhere." After the boy was born, Mr. Allen said, Ms. Farrow stopped sleeping with him, shunted Dylan aside and spent all her time with the new baby.
Mr. Allen conceded that he originally had no interest in children, while he said Ms. Farrow thought of little else. Paraphrasing, he said she had told him, "You have your work, and my big aim in life is having copious amounts of children."
But when Ms. Farrow adopted Dylan as a newborn in 1985, he said, it transformed him. "At that point, I just became what I consider a wonderful, wonderful father to Dylan. It became the single most important thing in my life."

Woody Marries Soon-Yi(Note the media's tone; it's "love")

Woody Allen marries Soon-Yi in Venice
December 24, 1997
Web posted at: 12:53 p.m. EST (1753 GMT)
VENICE, Italy (CNN) -- Ending a controversial years-long tryst, Woody Allen has married Soon-Yi Previn, who is 35 years younger than he and is the adopted daughter of his former lover, actress Mia Farrow.
Allen, 62, and Previn, 27, were married at the city-owned Palazzo Cavalli in Venice, Mayor Massimo Cacciari confirmed Wednesday. Cacciari, a longtime Allen acquaintance, conducted the ceremony in the wedding salon, a room set aside for civil weddings.
A few close friends and family members attended. Allen and Previn wore street clothes rather than wedding attire.
The pair was able to enter the Palazzo without fanfare, because the building has only one entrance -- on a canal accessible only by boat. Because non-Italians are not required to publish wedding announcements, there was no prior notice in Italy that Allen and Previn planned to marry.
Farrow and conductor Andre Previn, while on a trip to Korea, adopted Soon-Yi when she was about 8 years old.
Farrow later dated Allen for more than a decade and starred in many of his films. She discovered his relationship with her daughter after finding nude pictures of the girl, then 21, in Allen's apartment.

The affair between Allen and Previn became fodder for the tabloids when it went public in 1992.
Farrow later filed for custody of Satchel -- Farrow and Allen's natural son -- and daughter Dylan, whom they adopted. Farrow accused Allen of fondling Dylan during the custody case. The Oscar-winning director was cleared of all charges, but was barred from visiting the children without a monitor. Farrow later changed the children's names.
Allen's spokeswoman, Leslee Dart, issued a statement saying: "Six years ago, Woody and Soon-Yi decided that one day they would come back to Venice and get married. That city is very meaningful to them. Over the past six years, they have weathered a lot together, and have always been very much in love."
My heart burns fiercely with a passion to always admonish such accusations that Michael had behaved inappropriately towards children.
I had communications with a lady who had written on Michael's ''gone too soon'' site, who said that ONE DAY the truth will come out, and that Jordy will do what Darwin did on his death bed.......denounce the theory of evolution!
So Jordy will denounce and confess that Michael was and is innocent.
I just hope I live to see the day and hear it.
Let me say I am in no way wishing harm at all on Jordy, he was a victim of his parents greed, and they now live off the money Michael worked to hard to earn.......

Michael is innocent. why dont the tabloids state how much Michael has contributed to children's charities? Or talk about what he did to try to help disadvantaged and sick children?

This accusation thing fills me with 'righteous' anger......anger towards injustice!

His beautiful name is tainted by this.............and I HATE that. :-(
My heart burns fiercely with a passion to always admonish such accusations that Michael had behaved inappropriately towards children.
I had communications with a lady who had written on Michael's ''gone too soon'' site, who said that ONE DAY the truth will come out, and that Jordy will do what Darwin did on his death bed.......denounce the theory of evolution!
So Jordy will denounce and confess that Michael was and is innocent.
I just hope I live to see the day and hear it.
Let me say I am in no way wishing harm at all on Jordy, he was a victim of his parents greed, and they now live off the money Michael worked to hard to earn.......

see my post above for that
In regards to Woody Allen, there are some differences. Unless I am wrong, his relationship with Soon-Yi began when she was an adult; he did not molest her as a child.

Also, I think since it is heterosexual less frowned upon. I was watching an interview from 1995 in which the reporter asked MJ about spending time with young boys. Michael replied that he spends time with young girls too. I thought it kind of an odd defense, but in a way it is not. The fixation really is on his relationship with boys, not children. I've said before that the reasons the homosexual rumors about MJ bother me is not because it would bother me if MJ was gay, but because it feeds into the pedophilia rumor. For some reason, pedophilia is closely linked in people's minds with male homosexuality. Thus, the pedophilia issue is really a double-edged sword-- the horrors of child abuse coupled with the remaining social stigma surrounding homosexuality.

Also, although people might raise an eyebrow at extremely large age differences, it is still socially acceptable for older men to date much younger women.
In regards to Woody Allen, there are some differences. Unless I am wrong, his relationship with Soon-Yi began when she was an adult; he did not molest her as a child.

Also, I think since it is heterosexual less frowned upon. I was watching an interview from 1995 in which the reporter asked MJ about spending time with young boys. Michael replied that he spends time with young girls too. I thought it kind of an odd defense, but in a way it is not. The fixation really is on his relationship with boys, not children. I've said before that the reasons the homosexual rumors about MJ bother me is not because it would bother me if MJ was gay, but because it feeds into the pedophilia rumor. For some reason, pedophilia is closely linked in people's minds with male homosexuality. Thus, the pedophilia issue is really a double-edged sword-- the horrors of child abuse coupled with the remaining social stigma surrounding homosexuality.

Also, although people might raise an eyebrow at extremely large age differences, it is still socially acceptable for older men to date much younger women.

Not True Mia Farrow testified in court that it started when she( Soon-Yi) was a minor and it also included their other child Dillian. Read the articles which tell you Mia Farrow won custody and had their names changed. Woody also parted with millions in asettlement with Farrow. They did not bring Allen to trial because "they thougt it would damage the children" not because he was innocent. Now compare this very treatment to the Waay Michael Jackson was treated in the Media and the courts and I rest my case.

Their was and still is an agenda against Jackson.
Nice article but honestly, if people actually paid attention and read the facts, the myth would/should/could have been killed a long time ago thanks to the GQ article.
I dont think even if jordy came out and confessed...i still wouldnt forgive him
Im sorry if that sounds harsh, but HE HAD ALL THIS TIME TO CONFESS,WHEN MIKE WAS ALIVE......WHY CONFESS NOW???

It wont bring justice or bring mike back....to me, its too late.
The GQ article DEFINITELY changes people's minds. I remember when Bill Maher (The Comedian) talked about it on his old show "Politically Incorrect". He said it changed his mind about it, so that shows what the truth can do. LOL. I remember hearing him say that and I was like RIGHT ON! LOL.
I dont think even if jordy came out and confessed...i still wouldnt forgive him
Im sorry if that sounds harsh, but HE HAD ALL THIS TIME TO CONFESS,WHEN MIKE WAS ALIVE......WHY CONFESS NOW???

It wont bring justice or bring mike back....to me, its too late.

It might not make a difference to MJ personally any longer, but it would clear his name to many people and make his legacy unquestionable by any future-hater. I see alot of good in Jordy doing it, but i don't see him doing it either.. He feels too much risk, and he is someone very little..

Why Media don't talk about Woody Allen?

...or Elvis Presley (he met and started a relationship with Pricsilla when she was 14, he 24)
...or Errol Flynn ( two under-age girls accused him for rape)
.. or Jerry Lee Lewis.. (who married his 13 year old cousin)
...or Gary Glitter (who is planning on recording an album despite being convicted)
...or James Wood (who started a relationsship with his friends daughter when she were under 18).
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Vici;2046675.. or Jerry Lee Lewis.. (who married his 13 year old cousin) [/quote said:
:bugeyed OMG! i so didnt know that...