Invincible Appreciation Thread


Proud Member
Nov 18, 2012
I've just realised that Invincible rarely gets spoken about on the forum and is quite underrated so id thought id make this thread. whats your fav songs on the album?
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

Invincible gets talked about a lot on here, due to the mixed reactions it got.
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

Well......2001 it was 2001..... the most updated MJ stuff that we have is INVINCIBLE. And each and every song in this album is a materpiece. So, there is a special space in my heart for Invincible album..... each and every song in this album is a unique composition..... and the perfection ? our king gave to this album is just amazing......
In terms of energy, the songs from producer Darkchild are just so energetic.....
And romantic and heart, soul touching songs in this album are best (speechless, break of dawn.....)
The lost children is one of my fav......

And at last the best outtake from an album is from INVINCIBLE, in my opinion, is XSCAPE. Believe me...... its a song with overloaded funk ??? THE ENERGY the arrangement and the power synth is unique when it comes to 2001 (you can relate its composition to UNBREAKABLE, HEARTBREAKER AND THEARETENED). I know MJ wanted to do something special with XSCAPE, but after its leak in 2002 he became upset.......

All I can say is "it is the most underrated MJ album".
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

And my fav song from this album is...... BREAK OF DAWN
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

my favourite songs on there are 'you rock my world' and 'buterflies'. love how they appear alongside each other :) I think the latter really inspired the neo soul movement. Michael really showed his vocal range on that one too.
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

lol this is your 3rd Invincible appreciation thread :rofl:
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

Underrated album. Break of Dawn is a highlight IMO
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

Threatened and Whatever Happens never really got any radio play - which is a shame - both perfect songs.

Invincible has the very rare thing on a MJ album - fillers. - IMO.

Privacy and especially 2000 Watts are not good songs IMO. - I skip them everytime I hear Vince.

BUT - there are some great great songs - among his best work actually.

1. Speechless
2. Whatever Happens
3. Threatened
4. You Rock My world
5. Butterflies
6. The Lost Children (yes I am one of those who love this song...)
7. Don't Walk Away

Don't walk away is such a sad song - I heard it all the time when I had a break-up with a girlfriend... It just said everything so perfectly - and made me very sad evrytime I heard it. Great different song.
I also happen to like Cry very much - not on the height of Man in the Mirror or Heal The World - but still a great song IMO.
Even though some think is corny as h... I really like You are my Life. Sweet little song.

Unbreakable is faaar to long...
Heartbreaker is too long...
Invincible is tooo long... - and those songs are too similar - a bad start to an album when you halfway into the song wants to press the skip bottom to get to the next song....
Break of Dawn and Heaven can wait is great song - but are both slow, could have been placed between one of the first 3 songs.

And overall for invincible - I think there's a little too much rap - and I don't like the rap parts very much...
Re: Invincible appreciation thread

I think I came to appreciate "Invincible" much more after Michael passed away, than I did when he was still here, which is a sad thing for me to admit.

I did always love and respect the album, of course, but not as much as Dangerous and BAD.....I think I wanted Invincible to surpass those and it just didn't, for me.

My favourite song, right from the beginning was YRMW and I still love that song to bits. My next picks would definitely be Threatened, Whatever Happens and Cry.

I agree with Hess, about the rap parts.....I've never really been a fan of that. I don't think Michael needs it, to flesh out his songs, at all. "Heartbreaker" REALLY annoys me...a is too loud and too busy with all of the manufactured sounds. I'd like to hear it with a slower tempo, a cleaner, richer version, where Michael's vocals are front and centre.

"Don't Walk Away" is SO beautiful and I love Michael's voice throughout the song......he was an expert at being able to wring anguish from a song, for sure.

Invincible enthusiasts should read the section dedicated to this album, in Joseph Vogel's book "The Man in the Music".....he writes brilliantly about it and I endorse every word.
Over the years, I find myself appreciating Invincible more and more. Everytime I feel like listening to Michael, I plays songs from this album first. My favourite songs are Speechless, Don't Walk Away, Butterflies & Threatened. I admit the album has some issues such as the disorganised track listing, weak title track and pointless rap sections. But it does have some gems that need to be appreciated by the fans and public alike. I know this is a crazy fantasy but I hope Invincible gets a 25th anniversary edition in 2026.
The Lost Children is a real sweet song, and I don't think it deserves all the hate it gets.
I really love 'You Rock my World' and adore 'Butterflies'. 'Break of Dawn' is beautiful too. Think I really like it because it was the background music of a Diana and Michael montage on YouTube and I played it over and over. Think 'Cry' is pretty.

But that wasn't enough for me to rush out and buy the album-then or now.

Don't we have hundreds of "Unappreciated Invincible" threads? About as many as "Release History Tour at the Cinemas." Lol.
I think the first three tracks would have been better without the rap parts.
As you can tell from my username I love Invincible. It is one of MJ's most interesting albums to me. The production is very unique and it creates some of his coolest sounding songs. I'm glad it gets some props on this site. My favorite songs are "Invincible", "Break of Dawn", "Don't Walk Away", and "2000 Watts".
As you can tell from my username I love Invincible. It is one of MJ's most interesting albums to me. The production is very unique and it creates some of his coolest sounding songs. I'm glad it gets some props on this site. My favorite songs are "Invincible", "Break of Dawn", "Don't Walk Away", and "2000 Watts".

Although "Invincible" isn't my favourite MJ album, I certainly do appreciate it and I believe it is quite under-rated, by the music world.

I adore "Don't Walk Away", "Cry", "Threatened", "Whatever Happens"....but my absolute top song is YOU ROCK MY WORLD.

I clearly remember being so excited when this album was "on its way" grateful that Michael was releasing more songs.
I was listening to the album yesterday night and it's amazing how much it made way to -let's say- Timbaland's new sound of the early 2000s!
It has a few jams like your rock my world and threatened and whatever happens, but the rest is pretty mediocre compared to his previous efforts imo.
Also I was under the impression this was a joke thread. We've had like a million of these.
I think the first three tracks would have been better without the rap parts.

I think Heartbreaker and Invincible would have been good without the rap parts but Biggie on Unbreakable was amazing! I really think that song would have been big if they would have pushed it.

I wouldn't really mind if Break Of Dawn would have been the second song on the album. Unbreakable is so hard hitting and ferocious, I feel like the album needed to breathe after that song
Invincible is one of my favorite albums! My favorite tracks are The Lost Children, Unbreakable, Whatever Happens and Speechless. I didn't even know The Lost Children received hate, I instantly loved this song! I also love Cry, I get goosebumps everytime I listen to it. I think the album definetely has some of his best vocals in it!
Listening to the album right now and it's so wonderful. While it isn't my favorite album, it's still fantastic. Favorite songs: "Cry", "Butterflies", "Heartbreaker", and "Threatened".