Coroners Report released - GRAPHIC CONTENT (Threads merged)

wow...........i wasn't able to get the report... but........ indeed, sounds graphic...
but, as a fan... we don't want to be in the dark... we need to know as much as possible to get the conclusion ourselves... sames as we did for the trial.....

sad day though...... what are the people who says michael is still alive? still believe he is? :(
It says he weighed 136 pounds at the time of death. Where did I hear it was 108 pounds? At least that's settle and confirmed.

Morbid, but it was interesting to see. Breaks my heart to see how Michael died.

By the way what does asystolic mean?
It says he weighed 136 pounds at the time of death. Where did I hear it was 108 pounds? At least that's settle and confirmed.

Morbid, but it was interesting to see. Breaks my heart to see how Michael died.

By the way what does asystolic mean?

karen faye claimed that. also a tabloid ( was it NOTW? ) had a similar number.

it means no heartbeat.
It says he weighed 136 pounds at the time of death. Where did I hear it was 108 pounds? At least that's settle and confirmed.

Morbid, but it was interesting to see. Breaks my heart to see how Michael died.

By the way what does asystolic mean?

Karen Faye is the one who said he weighed 108 lbs. I forget atm where she got that from though.
It says he weighed 136 pounds at the time of death. Where did I hear it was 108 pounds? At least that's settle and confirmed.

Morbid, but it was interesting to see. Breaks my heart to see how Michael died.

By the way what does asystolic mean?

I guess 108 pounds was when all organs were removed. It makes sense to me.
Regarding the Coroner's Report...

I just read the Coroner's 51 page report...and it made me sick. I just couldn't believe that Michael had all of these physical, emotional, and cosmetic problems for all of these years and yet for the past 50 years he looked stellar. It really shows just how much he went through to appear more than perfect to the public and to his fans, looking healthy and vibrant and beautiful as ever. Yet, in reality he was suffering from all of these medical problems and prescribtion drugs and depression and pain and physical ailments. Yet here he was at 50..about to embark on 50 solt out shows, looking and sounding greater than ever..with many of us comparing him to the Dangerous era from 20 years prior. It's just so hard to take in. This is really the first time it's hit me since june/july. Any thoughts?
btw a side note - do you think the 136 lbs puts rest to "he was too thin" argument. when you look the 2003 booking info of MJ it lists his weight as 120.
karen faye claimed that. also a tabloid ( was it NOTW? ) had a similar number.

it means no heartbeat.

So it means he was pretty much dead at the scene. He should have been pronounced dead right then and there.

And now I recall that it was Karen who said that. Not a good source I would say. Thanks for the help.
He didn't even have an IV Dosing pump which is just unheard of.

I can't believe this. Murray took none of the precautions he should have and then walked out of the room??!!

How could a doctor do that?

What is wrong with him? This just makes me sick. If he had just used proper precedures Michael would most likely still be alive. He was so reckless. It seems like he just didn't give a shit.
Me too. It does incriminate Murray though and I am glad for that. Evil bastard.

it certainly does !

From a news source

At the time of his death, Jackson was in relatively good health and had no illegal drugs in his system, according to the autopsy report obtained by The Associated Press. Jackson had a strong heart and his kidneys and most other major organs were normal, according to the autopsy.

Jackson's most serious problem was a chronic inflammation of the lungs that reduced capacity and may have left him short of breath. But the autopsy said it would not have been a direct or contributing cause of death.

Legal experts said the autopsy findings bolstered the case for prosecution and would block a potential defense that Jackson hid serious conditions that increased risk of death from drugs he willingly took.
Maybe one of the most sad day since MJ death...

All the things we learn in this autopsy, I feel so sad for him so sad.

And its clearly the end for all the hoax theories.
Guys, I really DO NOT feel that I am reading HIS autopsy. I mean, I understand that I am reading his autopsy but it feels like I am reading just a medical document and it is nothing to do with Michael. I do not know why I cannot apply this autopsy to him in my head.. Maybe later I will realize that it his. At the same time I feel sick. None of it feels real to me.
it says in the report as well that there was no infusion pump...that is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous to NOT have an infusion pump....propofol should not be infused without a pump....i guess it was given IV push??? that'll do it...:cry:

:bugeyed Yeah that sure would. How in the world.... I just don't know what to say about a lot of it. The medics and firefighters, did their job, which makes me proud... unlike the doctor....

Does anyone know if in California paramedics have to take orders from a patient's physician if the physician is present or if they call for online medical direction from the medical director? In the coroner's report it said they took direction from Dr. Murray. Just wondering what the protocol is.
I can't even read all of that. It's just going over my head once I reach pg. 21 or so. :mello:

I wish I could have a proper understanding of all of this. I could Google it all but it'd take too long.

I might ask my Physics teacher (who is also a medical doctor) if he'll sit down with me and help me out with it, but I don't know... :/ Maybe my Biology teacher will since she's like a mom to me and knows how much I love MJ.

I can't even think about this being Michael. It just DOES NOT COMPREHEND...

Though, for once, I actually feel like I'm invading his privacy. I'm usually really nosey when it comes to Michael stuff, but this time it just feels weird...
For years they called him a pedophile, and after the execution of over 100 search warrants, nothing could be found to prove it.

For years they called him a drug addict, and now here is an autopsy report that proves that he wasn't.

They started saying he could no longer sing, and "This Is It" has proven that he still could. This type of stuff just went on and on and on.

They made him live a life of total scrutiny and nothing that they were looking for was there to be found. NONE OF IT!!!

Now they all can go back to their miserable lives...they're own miserable SECRET lives.

Michael Jackson's final destination is Heaven.

Their final destination is Hell.

Amen to that.
propofol concentration in urine was 0.15 and urine bladder 550 , it is very very low percentage , it means Murray probably gave mj ONE SHOT of propofol during the last 12 hours of his life . High concentration of propofol in blood does not mean he was given a lethal dose , it means MJ died immediatley , because normaly the concentration drops within a minute or two , but 4.1 is HIGH , really HIGH and it fits within the range of blood concentration when someone's under a major procedure and not just sedation . Based on propofol concentration in his blood MJ probably died within seconds .

the oxygen tank was empty , GREAT .

if they had a motive , he would have been charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER .

wait where did the 550 come from.

Just for clarification straight from the affidavit "1040hours Murray finally administered 25mg of Propofol(Diprivan)" So for sure it is mg and not ml
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Feckin' A - Why the hell did I just read that?! :no: I was literally wincing and crying and now I feel like I'm going to vomit. Not to mention, I feel really guilty and disrespectful as that was a major invasion of privacy. I can't believe it's just out there like that for all to see - to dissect him as if he was some sort of project or experiment, just a body, not a person...:no: That was way too much. Way too much. I just want some sleep now.
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Re: Regarding the Coroner's Report...

Reading the report left me incredibly down.
I couldn't know..the things it said.
Michael wanted to be loved. He tried to make himself and his work perfect for the love of his fans. Underneath the surface he was lonely. :( People misunderstood him left, right and centre. It's no wonder he was depressed/anxious with all he had to endure.
Seeing it all in black and white really made it so real.

And, seeing what we know but what some of the world refuses to believe, that Michael suffered from VITILIGO, it really affected me. He was being TRUTHFUL all along. I wonder will the media report that though..
that is one reason i didn't watch nancy grace or read it.

But let me ask the all important question now that some of you have read it.

What do you think of Michael now? Has the report changed your view on Michael?

My answer... No.
This might help some who are reading the report and haven't taken any medical or anatomy classes.... I figure the more knowledge shared is more knowledge we all gain :)

(It's from one of my EMT textbooks)


I think if you click on it you can then make it bigger. You can save it to your comps if you need to. Hope this helps.
Re: Coroners Report released (Threads merged)

The whole autopsy report is depressive. MJ was in great health...I wish someone, anyone, had offered to help him with his insomnia before he had to resort to Diprivan/Propofol.

What a sad story!

Wouldn't you think that the doctor Michael hired to help him sleep would have looked into other safer ways of helping him with his insomnia, instead of givng him propofol? And the way he did it shows a total disregard for Michael's life.
Feckin' A - Why the hell did I just read that?! :no: I was literally wincing and crying and now I feel like I'm going to vomit. Not to mention, I feel really guilty and disrespectful as that was a major invasion of privacy. I can't believe it's just out there like that for all to see - to disect him as if he was some sort of project or experiment, just a body, not a person...:no: That was way too much. Way too much. I just want some sleep now.

:better: I know, it is awful. But that body they examined was not Michael. It was what was left of his earthly body. Once we leave our bodies, they return to the earth. They are no longer "us". Michael's true self, his spirit and soul, are free and live on.
And its clearly the end for all the hoax theories.

No. Unfortunatly. Just no.

The Conspiracy Theorists and the Hoax people will still believe whatever they believe for whatever reason they need to believe it.

I read it all, understood a lot of it, got upset and sick and figure I'll read it again when my brain recovers tomorrow. Can't believe this happened to Michael and its too sad.
I'm with you PrincessMichaela, I haven't even finished it and I'm thinking I need to stop I don't agree that it's out there for everyone to see. I know it's a public document. It's just so wrong on so many levels. :no: I cried when I started reading the court documents as well. I couldn't get past the first page because it describes the reason Murray was arrested. When I got to the word "kill", I just broke down. I'm doing it again. :cry: This is a hard day for all of us. We love you Michael. :wub:

Feckin' A - Why the hell did I just read that?! :no: I was literally wincing and crying and now I feel like I'm going to vomit. Not to mention, I feel really guilty and disrespectful as that was a major invasion of privacy. I can't believe it's just out there like that for all to see - to disect him as if he was some sort of project or experiment, just a body, not a person...:no: That was way too much. Way too much. I just want some sleep now.
Re: Regarding the Coroner's Report...

it made me sick just knowing that people invaded his little body like that. I read things that i never thought id read in my life. It made it all too real. I had to get in my car and cry.