Christian Members

Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

We love you too, Jaye!!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Yes, we love you. :)

I spent whole day at the fellowship hall yesterday. It was quite interesting. We had practise of one play, then we read some bible and then we played football and basketball. It was awesome playing with Christian fellows.

I was reading John 13:31-38 again. I've been thinking about that before. It's quite interesting part and it tells about many things even that isn't very huge part.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I have been reading the psalms!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Glad to see you, Chelle.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I'm going to be getting some more counseling next week. I had lunch with his ex yesterday, which was VERY beneficial. I've been looking up things about how to move on and what to do after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship and have been reading them and saving links that seem helpful. Oh, and praying and having good Christian friends give me some good verses to look up.
I can't trust guys right now except for my relatives and close guy friends. So I don't know if I can date anyone for a while. I haven't really been out on very many dates. I'm just so confused as to what real love from a guy is supposed to be and I think I just need to step back and try and get away from that for a while.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Just take some time out for you, Jaye. Take care of you!!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Hugs and prays Jaye!

I don't feel really good about the fact that my close people need counseling. It's kind of hard to say that you, Jaye, are close one because you are my internet friend but you still feel pretty close to me but my closer ones have been counseling lately also. My mother has been in dozens of counseling things after her mother died just after Michael. And my girlfriend also has been counseling because of different things but majorly because of her ex-boyfriend and her "best friend". There has been a long time since she had some kind of counseling situation but she really needed it at some point. And it seems like it helped at least a bit. But bullying haven't stopped. My mum still need counseling because she has some really bad traumas about her mother and my father's father who died early 90s.

God bless you Jaye! I hope counseling thing works out for you.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Counseling is a good thing. Glad you're getting help, Jaye!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I hope you all are having a nice Sunday.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Hello Folks...everyone having a Blessed Sunday??
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I am, thanks. Just chillin!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)


I met my girlfriend and have awesome time first time in few weeks. That thing caused pretty much awkward situtations but yesterday everything seemed to be very well and now I feel better than in long time! :)

And we also had last show here. Now I have two and half weeks break until shows in Bible Village. :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Glad to hear, evilman!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

April is soon over. What's up people? :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

April is soon over. What's up people? :)

Time sure is flyin' by, isn't it? lol Haven't been here in quite some time. Life can get crazy and hectic, but you are all in my prayers.




God bless you everyone. ALWAYS remember: because death has been conquered, there is NOTHING that can ultimately defeat you. *hands out flowers*
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Hello all!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I really don't know what to do in this case. I kind of accept homo sexuality but not bi-sexuality.

You are falling for the propaganda which says it's okay. It's not. These people have purged the school system of school prayer and any vestige of Christianity (they're the intolerant ones not us) that's why so many young people are led astray. Don't fall for it!!

To each his/her own, but as a Christian, it's not Biblical to be gay/bi. That's why God created Adam and Eve.

These are only my opinions of course, but like I said, to each their own, but I am not for it.

Earth_Song is bang on and will get rep. We can't compromise on the Bible or we are not Christians. The problem is in the music biz, there are so many homos like Elton John, George Michael, Ricky Martin, Adam Lambert, Lance Bass, and their supporters like Lady Gaga etc. who try to influence young people who don't know any better. Until 1973, the homos were said to have a mental disorder but now people who think that are said to be the ones who have the disorder. I don't hate them or wish them any harm. I pray for them to get treatment to give up the sinful lifestyle and come to Christ.

hey can you pray for my uncle who lives with me he's in the hospital and losing a lot of blood and doctors are trying to stop it

thank you so much guys, he's doing better

Glad to hear you're uncle is doing better.

I'm having my good days and my bad days...

Don't we all, don't we all.

I've been having some good days recently. My marriage was in trouble but after a lot of praying and researching and talking I think--cautiously optimistic-- that everything will work out. Anyway the kids are so excited.

I'm a health nut but I indulged a little. I had some chocolate cake!

I'm not a frequent poster so I'll take this chance to wish everyone well. God bless you all. In everything you do, invoke Christ's name.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Darth, thanks for the rep and for agreeing with me. :)

You are right, we can't compromise the Bible. It would not be biblical to do so.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I'm doing a bit better. I still have my bad moments with this whole thing, but it'll take a while, of course. I'm considering some counseling when I get back home.

My final exams are this week. Prayers that I do well on them.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

We can't re-write the Bible to suit our lives or in such a way that one feels it's okay to be sinful or to sin. The Bible is the way it is for a reason. It does not need editing. It stands the way it should, and nothing will ever come close to it.

Like Darth said, don't be fooled into thinking it's okay to condone something when you know as a Christian it's wrong.

Jaye, glad you are doing better, hun.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I'm doing just a little bit better. Yesterday, not so much.
I blocked him on Facebook; I felt bad but I feel like I had to do it for right now.

Good days and bad days. And I'm laying in bed not feeling well, too.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Well, feel better, hun.

I think it's best u don't have him on things like facebook, etc. It will get easier.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

hey everybody hope you all are having a blessed day!!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I am, and the weather is beautiful!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I am a Christian