"Breaking News" All General Discussion Here [Merged]

What do You Think Now???

  • Now im Sure Its Michael!!!

    Votes: 89 21.4%
  • I Still Think its Not him!!!

    Votes: 223 53.7%
  • I now think that its Michael, but still have my doubts!!

    Votes: 24 5.8%
  • Im Confused!!!!

    Votes: 79 19.0%

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Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Guys, you know what this song lacks? MJ's trademark ad libs! And I don't mean he he heee. We know Malachi does hee hee very well. I think the REAL MJ would add much more ad libs here
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

To those who (for whatever reason) are claiming this is real, ANYONE with an ear for Michael's voice can tell it's not him. I would accept that those who haven't ventured past the occasional playing of Thriller or Billie Jean MAY think Michael somehow lost all magic in his voice, but even then i'd be disappointed they fell for it.

When Hold My Hand came out a few years back, was there a doubt in the world that it was Michael? None. Not at all. We complained he didn't sing enough in the track, but it WAS Michael, no ifs, no buts.

What I do know:
The family was right. And as fun as it is with everyone jumping on particular pre-release bandwagons, if the Family or ANYONE has something to say regarding the validity of a track, wait to listen to it yourself before you blast the person making the claim. ESPECIALLY his family. Now the ones who, only 10 hours ago were hating Joe, and wondering who swapped Katherine's vitamin pills for mind control drugs are crying the loudest. I'm outraged, disappointed and borderline depressed about this song now, but really guys... be careful with jumping to conclusions before WE hear it ourselves.

What I think I know:
Teddy Riley knows more then he's letting on, and we'll find out what that is very soon.

What I wish:
Janet be given creative control of Michael's work. I dont feel I need to justify that, she's a megastar in her own right and was the closest sibling. She knows music, and Michael himself better as a COMBINATION then anyone in the world.

In the end... before anything is released, I want the rubber stamp approval of Michael's kids, Katherine and Janet.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Now this is how it should be, where you don't even have to question.

He wasn't gonna sound like Thriller or Dangerous MJ...he no longer had a 25 yo voice. Fact.

He sounded like the Michael we know in the This Is It rehearsals.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I respect your opinion - you obviously believe that it isn't his voice.
I on the other hand do believe it is his voice, with backing vocals added to the mix.

I still don't take the families judgement ahead of anyone elses, being a blood relative means nothing with regard to recognising someones voice if it has been altered in the studio. Would the family have recognised Michael's digitally altered voice in 2000 watts? Is that song any less MJ for sounding different?

I get what you say about listening to all his albums and recognising his voice, I too have listened to all his albums over the years - i recognise his voice in this. Two different fans, listening to all his records, coming to two different conclusions.

I respect the considered way you responded to my post Dutchie, so I am sure you won't come back with ' i'm a bigger fan than you' petty argument.

I just think there is no clear cut answer here - we have to just go on trust. I trust the estate and Teddy and I trust my instinct that it is him - albeit with other vocals. To me that is enough - I still feel it is his vision and one of the song he 'intended to bring to fruition'.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I don't usually post on forums but I felt compelled to comment on this.

What annoys me is fans that outrightly declare that this is a fake track and that 'real' fans would know. Clearly there are some that believe this is real and some that don't and both are valid opinions because nobody will know for sure.

I believe that Michael Jackson features heavily on the track that this was a demo he recorded with incomplete vocals. This has then been produced by Teddy Riley and backing vocals added to create layered vocals throughout.

Did fans believe that there was a full album, completed and ready to go before MJ died? Clearly a lot of the tracks are going to have been 'worked on'.

From reports, the Jackson family appear to be divided on the vocals, they are just the same as fans, listening to the track and having an opinion on it. There view is no more valid then anyone here, just because they are related to him does not mean they know his voice inside out. I could sing, it could be altered in the studio and my Mum would not know it was me.

When I first heard 2000 watts, i kept waiting for MJ to start singing because i didn't recognise the voice. For any one on here to claim they definitively know its him or not is incorrect. Unless you stood by him in the studio and watched him as he sang this you can only guess.

I for one don't believe that Sony and Teddy would put out a fake track because as Teddy said, it would be in court. The reasons they wouldn't hand over tapes to anyone is likely because it would then be clear to the world that all they have done is worked on a rough demo and that goes against their marketing strategy of 'brand new album'.

Is the fact that this isn't a 'completed' MJ track a put off for people? Because sadly Michael isn't here anymore and a large proportion of his output from here on is going to be influenced by other people.

I still love the track and see it as another song from MJ - his vision completed by a producer who he trusted.
I Agree but we need to support Mj and his projects its only a couple of songs in question not the whole album and this conversery could stop sales in there tracks.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

A good move from Frank Cascio would be to share the original demo of Breaking News to compare the two versions.
Re: MTV Magnifies and Decodes New "Michael" Album Cover

I like the cover too!
But I think it would have been better if there was also a more recent picture of him on it.
I hope there will be some in the booklet.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

The track is okay, not great, on the other media subject matter scale, it's nowhere near as good as Tabloid Junkie but better than Privacy.

Hope it's not the best track on the album which I still am very excited about.

IA about the track itself. It's just okay. And I may be in a minority, but I would have preferred a different kind of song all together as the first release. i don't need to be reminded about the allegations in any regard at this point, even if it's coming from MJ. I was excited and happy, and the subject matter of this song is a downer. I mean I really like Earth Song, but if it was the first release after his passing, it would diminish my excitement of just hearing him again.

Sony made a bad call with Breaking News all around IMO.
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

This is not Michael, you can tell straight away from the vocals!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

CAn we petition this shite ??? Can we all work together with the Jacksons to get this stopped, because if this album makes it to the market with songs on it that arent even MJ it'll be one of the biggest musical disasters of all time. Imagine if a Beatles album had made it to print with a song by the Monkees on it ...

This is so far beyond a joke ...
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

arnspecs - fully agree with you - musical disaster.. thats what it will be.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

MICHAEL JACKSON data bank France : Michael Jackson does not sing on the song Breaking News available at MichaelJackson.com- There is an actual song called Breaking News recorded by Michael Jackson and members of the cascio family, but this is not the song played on MichaelJackson.com.- 2 persons are involved in this mascarade, which is an insult to Michael Jackson's legacy...

o_O ?
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

Yes, these vocals are Michaels I'm afraid to say, this is the new sound everyone was saying, and I agree, just brilliant!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I respect your opinion - you obviously believe that it isn't his voice.
I on the other hand do believe it is his voice, with backing vocals added to the mix.

I still don't take the families judgement ahead of anyone elses, being a blood relative means nothing with regard to recognising someones voice if it has been altered in the studio. Would the family have recognised Michael's digitally altered voice in 2000 watts? Is that song any less MJ for sounding different?

I get what you say about listening to all his albums and recognising his voice, I too have listened to all his albums over the years - i recognise his voice in this. Two different fans, listening to all his records, coming to two different conclusions.

I respect the considered way you responded to my post Dutchie, so I am sure you won't come back with ' i'm a bigger fan than you' petty argument.

I just think there is no clear cut answer here - we have to just go on trust. I trust the estate and Teddy and I trust my instinct that it is him - albeit with other vocals. To me that is enough - I still feel it is his vision and one of the song he 'intended to bring to fruition'.

Wishful thinking right there. Wake UP!
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I still cant help but think that this whole situation would be a LOT different if none of the family had mentioned the word 'fake'.

Im torn as I want this to be real BUT at the same time if this does turn out to be pretty much all MJ singing a lot of his fans are going to come out of this looking reeeeeaally silly!

Will be interesting to see what happens if this gets a sh*t load of airplay and the public really take to it, will peoples opinions suddenly u-turn?

If theres one thing I've learnt about MJ fans in a group, 'they' can be quite fickle.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Wishful thinking right there. Wake UP!

Interesting. Its only the people claiming it to be fake that are being rude. The people that are open to the fact this could be a real track are showing respect to the doubters.

...... A massive shame that cannot be returned.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Now we have an upbeat DUET song too lol
I like the song but remastered vocals lowers its intensity

I will wait for explanations though

I agree with this.
I am not going to scream outrage just yet.
Teddy Riley seems to be hinting that there is a reason for all of this.
(Why they would put us through all if this is something I don't understand at this point though)

I also think it's not nice to claim real fans know this is fake. I know many are upset but obviously some fans aren't as convinced that this is "completely fake" and they should be allowed to think differently.
I still think Michael is singing on some parts and other parts were added and unfortunatly are louder so it over shadows Michael's real vocals.
I'm gonna wait this one out a bit. I've been in a state of confusion for over a week, waiting a bit longer isn't going to make much of a difference anymore.
Something is going on with this.

I'm gonna wait to see what Teddy Riley is talking about.
He seems to be pretty sure this will all be cleared up soon and that the "truth" will come out.
He actually seems quite calm even though many fans are attacking him at the moment. That makes me think there's a reason behind all of this.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I respect your opinion - you obviously believe that it isn't his voice.
I on the other hand do believe it is his voice, with backing vocals added to the mix.

I still don't take the families judgement ahead of anyone elses, being a blood relative means nothing with regard to recognising someones voice if it has been altered in the studio. Would the family have recognised Michael's digitally altered voice in 2000 watts? Is that song any less MJ for sounding different?
Can you please explain to me, and to the rest of the people here (LOL) why exactly you continue to believe this is Michael's voice when so many people are telling you it's not? Are you seriously telling me you don't think Michael's own relatives can't tell the difference between his voice and someone else's when even his FANS can tell the difference?

I mean, indeed I won't resort to "bigger fan than you" comments, I really do feel it's an insult to Michael that you think that Jason Malachi (cause that's the person who is singing on the track)'s voice is Michael's voice. It's sad that you mistake crap (an amateur impersonating Michael's voice) for art (Michael's actual singing).

I am not trying to be mean to you, but it really, really blows my mind that you could think that this is Michael.

Listen to Jason Malachi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5DCJHdsi7Q

Now listen to Michael: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3sYg8fhNoI

There is a MAJOR difference. MAJOR. If you don't hear the difference, it's just really sad. For you.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Omg, I've listened to this for the 5th time and am still hearing michael.
I'm hearing his grit, and and hearing his smooth harmonies in the chorus.
Plus, the song is very Michael, the beat and the lyrics were clearly written by himself.

You can normally tell a fake song (thats normally on youtube) a mile away, and this isn't it.
Its defo Michael.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

the ONLY person whod be able to convince the public/naive believers 100% its not him has gone...and sony know this...thats why its SO SICK N SAD
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Breaking News reeks of Jason Malachi ALL THE WAY !!!

Sony Should release some REAL MICHAEL JACKSON songs as fast as possible now, to save their sorry asses.

Like these.... True MJ
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, after the pain of BN comes the sweet bliss of the REAL Michael Jackson! Hallelujah :bow: Amazing! Do You Know Where Your Children Are was stuck in my head after one listen. Oh Michael!

WOW! Love this! Another Day sounds cool, but what the f*** is that convict sh** all over it
What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Wishful thinking right there. Wake UP!

Maybe it is wishful thinking - but so far I have seen or heard nothing which changes my original feeling that it is Michael Jackson on that track.

How much is MJ and how much is production and other vocals is perhaps up for debate. But there is enough MJ on there for me to be happy with it and look forward to the album.

My opinion - great song, great production, Michael Jackson lyrics and MJ vocals.

If it turns out to be fake then I stand corrected, but doesnt change the fact that before I checked out the forum i was happy with my brand new mj track.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Interesting. Its only the people claiming it to be fake that are being rude. The people that are open to the fact this could be a real track are showing respect to the doubters.

...... A massive shame that cannot be returned.

Come on now .. We , the fans , are dying to hear new material from our man Michael Jackson. "You hear what u want to hear" Does that say anything to you ? I can clearly hear this is not Michael at all .. its just not him
Re: Do You Believe Breaking News is an authentic MJ track

No. Can't believe Sony had the guts to do this.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

Interesting. Its only the people claiming it to be fake that are being rude. The people that are open to the fact this could be a real track are showing respect to the doubters.
i agree
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

You can't compare BN with 2000 Watts. Even when we first heard it, we were amazed it was Michael, but it doesn't take long to recognize some signature Michael traits within the song.

Michael pronounces some words in his own unique way, which I think most would subconsciously or consciously recognize. We/I look for these when listening to tracks which get put up on YouTube or are leaked from time to time.

Michael isn't just about ad-libs and hiccups, its the structure of the words he sings, the way he will "grunt" or "rough up" words is another thing you can notice. In the past few years we've had Jason Malachi and even slowed Janet songs which have been made to sound like Michael. Both are decent attempts, but both fail. Both have had people swear by it being Michael, even when the creator of the particular track (slowed down Janet songs) admits how they manipulated the track to sound like Michael.

Listen to 2000 Watts again, then compare to Breaking News. They're sung almost, if not exactly the same key. Note the differences. It's ridiculous to even PLAY with the idea that Breaking News is in any way Michael.
Re: BREAKING NEWS Countdown and Reactions thread! All discussion in here. [Merged]

I am so hurt... They made a joke of his life, and now they are doing it with his MUSIC? **** you Sony!
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