Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

To be honest, I've had a rough couple of weeks that has left me very disheartened, mostly by people at school. I'm a tad on edge, more volatile and more quick to give in. The only thing that slightly intimidated me was the way you pounced on the "vibes" part, when I did actually give a reason for my suspicions. If I weren't under the extreme stress I'm under now, I probably would've started to counter-argue. At the moment, I'm currently home from school just to compose myself from the mocking I've endured, so when I feel like that I'm more... Susceptible to feeling bad, if you get my drift.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Someone asked t.r. on his twitter if the cascios have a video of mj recording and he told that they have.
I dont know if to belive or not.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Someone asked t.r. on his twitter if the cascios have a video of mj recording and he told that they have.
I dont know if to belive or not.

say what? :bugeyed

(even I don't expect that)

edit : I read the question sent to Teddy. The first part asks " do the cascio have videos of Michael recording the songs in the studio ?" and The second part of it asks "do they have proofs to backup the story that is really MJ singing the songs". perhaps he's saying "yes sir they do" to the second part (proof in general). because he did previously mentioned proofs but not a video.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Here's the quote:

marcoballetta marco_balletta
@TeddyRiley1 Hi Teddy, do the cascio have videos of Michael recording the songs in the studio ? I know u believe (cont) http://tl.gd/9cfdnc
20 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply in reply to ?

@marcoballetta Yesir they do.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I'm sure Sony has SOMEthing to ensure it's credibility. There's a reason these songs sound different than the usual MJ tracks, but it's not that he's an entirely different person. Again, if we're to use our logic and reasoning, there's absolutely no reason to fake these tracks.

I'll say it again, why not fake 20 tracks? Why not be more vague and say something along the lines of, "He stayed and recorded long hours with the Cascio's and produced many many songs..." ... or "Dozens of songs..."

You see my point? Why only 12? That makes it quite limited, don't you think? Only 12 songs? That's only ONE extra album of material, is that worth risking everyone's career over? It's not like this is hooking them up for life and they'll be able to release Michael Jackson albums with these fake tracks forever... They only have a few more left!!! What was the point of that????!!!????!

Eddie goes from guy who hangs out with MJ regularly, records with MJ, has deep conversations with MJ, to an evil guy who betrays his good friend(who he misses dearly) for money! That doesn't make sense to me!!!

I'll admit, though, the latest comparison video was quite well done. Although I still say it looks like a spam message with that weird title.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I'm sure Sony has SOMEthing to ensure it's credibility. There's a reason these songs sound different than the usual MJ tracks, but it's not that he's an entirely different person. Again, if we're to use our logic and reasoning, there's absolutely no reason to fake these tracks.

I'll say it again, why not fake 20 tracks? Why not be more vague and say something along the lines of, "He stayed and recorded long hours with the Cascio's and produced many many songs..." ... or "Dozens of songs..."

You see my point? Why only 12? That makes it quite limited, don't you think? Only 12 songs? That's only ONE extra album of material, is that worth risking everyone's career over? It's not like this is hooking them up for life and they'll be able to release Michael Jackson albums with these fake tracks forever... They only have a few more left!!! What was the point of that????!!!????!

Eddie goes from guy who hangs out with MJ regularly, records with MJ, has deep conversations with MJ, to an evil guy who betrays his good friend(who he misses dearly) for money! That doesn't make sense to me!!!

I'll admit, though, the latest comparison video was quite well done. Although I still say it looks like a spam message with that weird title.

If they have proof, then please please please release them. I beg them. Please release them is some ways. Simply saying "yes, they do." is not enough. They do have what? Video? Work tape? What?

Twelve songs are not that limited. Many producers dreamed to have one song with Michael Jackson.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I'm sure Sony has SOMEthing to ensure it's credibility. There's a reason these songs sound different than the usual MJ tracks, but it's not that he's an entirely different person. Again, if we're to use our logic and reasoning, there's absolutely no reason to fake these tracks.

I'll say it again, why not fake 20 tracks? Why not be more vague and say something along the lines of, "He stayed and recorded long hours with the Cascio's and produced many many songs..." ... or "Dozens of songs..."

You see my point? Why only 12? That makes it quite limited, don't you think? Only 12 songs? That's only ONE extra album of material, is that worth risking everyone's career over? It's not like this is hooking them up for life and they'll be able to release Michael Jackson albums with these fake tracks forever... They only have a few more left!!! What was the point of that????!!!????!

Because 12 songs seems like a reasonable amount based on the length of time Michael supposedly worked with them. It would make their story even less believable if they had registered dozens and dozens of songs. Besides, there's only so much you can do with copying and pasting ad libs from previously released tracks. We also have to consider the possibility that additional fake tracks may have been registered at a later time if they had managed to slip these by without the controversy.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^ That seems a bit of a stretch to me. If Michael was coming up with ideas every day they could have easily recorded dozens of demos. If Michael was in one of his super serious recording moods. How do you think he recorded hundreds of demos for other albums? You think he was just lying when he said that?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^ That seems a bit of a stretch to me. If Michael was coming up with ideas every day they could have easily recorded dozens of demos. If Michael was in one of his super serious recording moods. How do you think he recorded hundreds of demos for other albums? You think he was just lying when he said that?

TBH, I'm not sure why they registered 12 songs instead of 15, 20, etc., All I know is that I don't hear Michael on any of the songs that have been made public so far, apart from the ad libs.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

TBH, I'm not sure why they registered 12 songs instead of 15, 20, etc., All I know is that I don't hear Michael on any of the songs that have been made public so far, apart from the ad libs.

You mean apart from Monster, BN and Keep your head up? All the other songs sound exactly like Michael to me.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^ That seems a bit of a stretch to me. If Michael was coming up with ideas every day they could have easily recorded dozens of demos. If Michael was in one of his super serious recording moods. How do you think he recorded hundreds of demos for other albums? You think he was just lying when he said that?

No, Michael wasn't lying when he said he recorded hundreds of songs. He didn't say he recorded hundreds of COMPLETE songs or hundreds of NEAR COMPLETE demos.

If you follow Gearslutz blog, you will see the engieer who personally worked with Michael in the HIStory session said there aren't that many complete songs not included in HIStory. Michael recorded many bits and pieces. He might have tons of ideas, but he didn't get the chance to materialize those ideas. I'm sure there are many songs in that stage.

During the mid-90's, when Michael was working on HIStory. He worked on about 50 songs and completed no more than 20 songs. He was working with top notch producers such as Jimmy Jam and Austin Dallas. He was very productive and concentrated and in a serious "recording mode". He didn't complete 50 songs. Why would it be believable that Michael would complete more than 12 songs in a basement studio with a no-name producer? He wasn't in a serious recording mode. If he was, I wonder why he didn't record in a better equipped studio.

He might work on hundreds of songs for other albums. But, he didn't say he laid down vocals for hundreds of songs. Don't forget Michael Jackson was not just a vocalist, he's a musician and song-writter himself.

He worked on Hollywood Tonight on and off for 10 years and he still had not complete all the vocals. There are songs that he liked a lot that he didn't work on the vocals. So, it's actually quite surprising to see Michael Jackson completed almost all vocals on Breaking News, Monster, KYHU and the remaining Cascio tracks.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I understand, but you do realize this could simply be to the circumstances of the recordings and not that they faked these harmless songs?

I think it'd be kind of funny if what some people think are copy-and-pasted ad-libs are really not, because it wouldn't surprise me if at least a few were actually from these Cascio takes and not c&p jobs.

I'm not sure, of course, we'd have to see more evidence, but for some reason I think some people might be hearing copy-and-pastes where there isn't. I know some are proven, but are they all sourced? I'm interested in seeing a list of that(the copy-and-pasted ad-libs and where exactly they are from)...

I think it's ridiculously obvious that these tracks sound different in places. Anyone, and I mean anyone, will notice it. Maybe not at first, but if you listen to these tracks more than once you will have to notice that shaky vibrato and a little weirdness to these songs... That seems like a dead giveaway to me.

It doesn't make sense to me that Sony would release these songs that are so obviously weird and processed and noticeable difference even your grandma can hear, if they weren't damn sure it's Michael on them. That's my opinion.

And again, they are harmless tracks. They aren't evil, they aren't bad at all. They sound strange in places, but I can't imagine someone taking a track I've recorded unfinished vocals for and trying to make it ready for a final release, unless that recording was flawless. I don't know, I hear Michael on them and the parts that throw me off are that robotic vibrato.

Even Bumper said, the voice sounds "alien" and "unearthly". Couldn't this be due to vocal enhancement effects?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I haven't boycotted the album ;)

I bought it, but I just don't listen to the Cascio ones, because there are genuine MJ tracks.

Also really, if we were really true MJ fans, we would never bought the album, because Michael wouldn't have wanted them released, being the perfectionist he is.

But we being us, we wanted the music :p
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I bought it the first week just to support him being number one. :) I think his album was the best of 2010 even with all the amazing music that came out that year. I felt I had to support him no matter what... even though I probably should have bought another Christmas gift with that ten dollars maybe. :D
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Video footage, you say? I'd imagine that they'd use such footage for a music video, which is why I wished that "Monster" would've been a single.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

There's no video footage. It would have been released ages ago if there was to prevent all this from happening. Think about it..
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Not necessarily. Why flat-out release video footage when you can include it in a music video for a song? Plus, I'd imagine that the footage is private. Just because someone chooses not to release something doesn't mean they don't have it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

You mean apart from Monster, BN and Keep your head up? All the other songs sound exactly like Michael to me.

Hello Kasi. Sorry for any confusion. I am only talking about the 3 Cascio songs on this album along with snippets I've heard for Stay. Unfortunately, I do not hear Michael in any of the Cascio songs I have heard so far. All of the other songs on the 'Michael' album sound exactly like Michael to me too (thank goodness). :)
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Couldn't sleep last night. I have two fool-proof methods of sleeping - either sleeping in front of the TV or playing some slow music. I decided to listen to 'Someone In Ihe Dark' on loop on my iPod. Even at 3am in the morning I was able to laugh... that the idiot on 'Keep Your Head Up' could ever think he could sound like the vocalist on 'Someone In The Dark'... Pathetic.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Not necessarily. Why flat-out release video footage when you can include it in a music video for a song? Plus, I'd imagine that the footage is private. Just because someone chooses not to release something doesn't mean they don't have it.

None of the Cascio tracks will be released as single, why would they randomly include some Cascio footage in a music video that isn't even going a long with the song?

Private footage? Ever since the streaming of Breaking News, people were accusing the Cascio's of being liars, using deception and betraying Michael because of all this vocal stuff. They would have shown the footage to put an end to it all from the beginning. Sorry, but there's no footage.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Couldn't sleep last night. I have two fool-proof methods of sleeping - either sleeping in front of the TV or playing some slow music. I decided to listen to 'Someone In Ihe Dark' on loop on my iPod. Even at 3am in the morning I was able to laugh... that the idiot on 'Keep Your Head Up' could ever think he could sound like the vocalist on 'Someone In The Dark'... Pathetic.

Welcome back Sam!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

There's no video footage. It would have been released ages ago if there was to prevent all this from happening. Think about it..

Exactly...Instead, Sony let the album sink like a rock. If they had any proof, they would have shown it to help prevent that from happening...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Dude! Didn't think you'd be back so soon ;)

After listening to 'Someone In The Dark' for about an hour last night I just had to address it x
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

After listening to 'Someone In The Dark' for about an hour last night I just had to address it x

Of course ;) I think you were itching to talk about the HT video, too...haha...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

If SONY has video of MJ singing the Cascio songs - they have made a EPIC MISTAKE by not releasing it!!!

If they really do have footage - why wasn't it in the "Making of Michael" ?? Why not release it as soon as controversy started? When people doubted it was MJ it should have been released immediatly!!

I do believe it is MJ on BN, KYHU and Monster - but I doubt very much that video of the recording session exists!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

If SONY has video of MJ singing the Cascio songs - they have made a EPIC MISTAKE by not releasing it!!!

If they really do have footage - why wasn't it in the "Making of Michael" ?? Why not release it as soon as controversy started? When people doubted it was MJ it should have been released immediatly!!

I do believe it is MJ on BN, KYHU and Monster - but I doubt very much that video of the recording session exists!

They're probably still filming it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Couldn't sleep last night. I have two fool-proof methods of sleeping - either sleeping in front of the TV or playing some slow music. I decided to listen to 'Someone In Ihe Dark' on loop on my iPod. Even at 3am in the morning I was able to laugh... that the idiot on 'Keep Your Head Up' could ever think he could sound like the vocalist on 'Someone In The Dark'... Pathetic.

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Even if footage of MJ singing the Cascio songs was released I bet all the non-believers would just pass it off as an impersonater.

That being said, I don't think footage exists, Sont would have released at least just a short snippet just to prove it is Michael singing on the Cascio songs.