Michael's mom reported missing /Grandma's Home/TJ appointed Co/Guardian with Katherine

Victory22;3682328 said:
Janet’s boyfriend is from the Middle East. Children and women don’t have a lot of rights in some of those countries. Maybe Janet wanted to stash them there and scare the crap out of them. Make them do want she wanted them to do. I know it’s farfetched but at this point I wouldn’t put anything past those maniacs.

This just sounds like mass hysteria to be honest and is the sort of lurid speculation that fans ought to know better than to fall in to.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

^^Well it seems this drama is winding down now. Randy will not be the new guardian, and he will not be taking control of the estate. I wouldn't be surprised if Randy drew his plans with a crayon and drawing paper. This must be listed among the failed coups of history.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I think some of you people should really be ashamed of what you're posting :( Not only do some of you quote tabloids for articles and believe them to be 100% factual, but also base your opinions on that crap. When Michael was in headlines, it was frequently not for good reasons and you guys were the ones to always say not to believe the press. Now that Janet and Jermaine are in the same position, you blindy believe anything they say... Talk about double-standards.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

As for Janet I don't see why she's being worth $150 Million makes any difference. Just because someone rich it doesn't mean they wouldn't want more money. For example if you get your paycheck today and if your boss says here is a bonus are you gonna say no to that? Furthermore keeping your money and not being in a position to pay for your family can also be motive.

Furthermore not everything is about money. Power itself alone could be a great motivator.

I guess it's not too much of speculation to say that Jacksons are probably highly annoyed by the Executors and not happy with the things are.

Over the 3 years we have seen Jacksons to authorize multiple parties to use Michael's name and likeliness, enter into business deals by using name, likeliness, copyrights and trademarks. We have seen them not to separate their legacy from Michael's and believing putting Katherine into the will means taking care of them all as well as referring to Michael's property and money as their own.

Can you imagine probably how much the Estate which represents Michael and do not give them any of those above rights annoy them?
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

As for Janet I don't see why she's being worth $150 Million makes any difference. Just because someone rich it doesn't mean they wouldn't want more money. For example if you get your paycheck today and if your boss says here is a bonus are you gonna say no to that? Furthermore keeping your money and not being in a position to pay for your family can also be motive.

Furthermore not everything is about money. Power itself alone could be a great motivator.

I guess it's not too much of speculation to say that Jacksons are probably highly annoyed by the Executors and not happy with the things are.

Over the 3 years we have seen Jacksons to authorize multiple parties to use Michael's name and likeliness, enter into business deals by using name, likeliness, copyrights and trademarks. We have seen them not to separate their legacy from Michael's and believing putting Katherine into the will means taking care of them all as well as referring to Michael's property and money as their own.

Can you imagine probably how much the Estate which represents Michael and do not give them any of those above rights annoy them?

Annoy is too mild. They are livid, desperate and therefore dangerous. You have to be pretty desperate to snatch your mother, claim she had a mini stroke when she did not, and try to take away her power and position as a guardian all to gain something that does not belong to you. I see these people as dangerous because if they do these things to family, what will they do to Michael's children. How relieved the children must feel to have them away from their home.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

This just sounds like mass hysteria to be honest and is the sort of lurid speculation that fans ought to know better than to fall in to.

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I don't care what you call it I DON'T PUT ANYTHING PAST THE JACKSON's.

Suggesting that Janet wanted to force the children to go to the Middle East to try and scare them is no different to some of the ridiculous allegations levelled against Michael. Do we really need to lower ourselves to that level? Didn't Michael teach us anything?
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I think some of you people should really be ashamed of what you're posting :( Not only do some of you quote tabloids for articles and believe them to be 100% factual, but also base your opinions on that crap. When Michael was in headlines, it was frequently not for good reasons and you guys were the ones to always say not to believe the press. Now that Janet and Jermaine are in the same position, you blindy believe anything they say... Talk about double-standards.

I don't see double standards here because you have many direct sources here if you remove all the media.

Fact: Katherine left the house for attending concerts, she ended up in AZ in a spa.

Fact: Multiple Jacksons ( confirmed by Paris, Prince, TJ, Marlon etc) did not know Katherine's exact location or how to reach to her.

Fact: Katherine has not talked to children for 10 days. It might be doctor's orders, some people cutting her communications or she's willingly not communicating with anyone.

Fact: When children wanted to talk to Katherine, their request was denied (Prince's text message screenshot)

Fact: Multiple Jackson siblings came to the Calabasas residence and a disturbance happened. cops called, police report is filed, TJ requested a ban list.

Fact: Unknown security people came to the house (TJ's court filing)

Fact: A judge was highly disturbed by all of these so he ordered an independent investigation into the matter.

So in short it's one thing media fabricates stories for sales and money but it's a whole different case when you have direct sources, lawyers, court filing, police reports telling you a story with established facts.
StellaJackson;3682344 said:
Suggesting that Janet wanted to force the children to go to the Middle East to try and scare them is no different to some of the ridiculous allegations levelled against Michael. Do we really need to lower ourselves to that level? Didn't Michael teach us anything?

Stella talk to the hand. I am not Michael I am a MJ fan. I love Michael with all my heart but he was not my guru so take your sermon somewhere else. The fact is Janet wanted the children’s passports for a reason and judging by all of her other actions I have to face the possibility she may have meant to do the kids serious harm.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I don't see double standards here because you have many direct sources here if you remove all the media.

Fact: Katherine left the house for attending concerts, she ended up in AZ in a spa.

Fact: Multiple Jacksons ( confirmed by Paris, Prince, TJ, Marlon etc) did not know Katherine's exact location or how to reach to her.

Fact: Katherine has not talked to children for 10 days. It might be doctor's orders, some people cutting her communications or she's willingly not communicating with anyone.

Fact: When children wanted to talk to Katherine, their request was denied (Prince's text message screenshot)

Fact: Multiple Jackson siblings came to the Calabasas residence and a disturbance happened. cops called, police report is filed, TJ requested a ban list.

Fact: Unknown security people came to the house (TJ's court filing)

Fact: A judge was highly disturbed by all of these so he ordered an independent investigation into the matter.

So in short it's one thing media fabricates stories for sales and money but it's a whole different case when you have direct sources, lawyers, court filing, police reports telling you a story with established facts.
I said some. Also, none of those things are facts, as none of us were there to see it. We only hear what either side wants to say, and we can't claim any of it is factual. You can surely believe it is, but not know, especially when other members of the family claim otherwise. I'm seeing stuff about wanting the kids passports, highly offensive comments towards Janet... I mean, most of that stuff is written by non-trustworthy websites and some of these people commenting believe it all. It's a double-standard, no matter how you put it.
Victory22;3682347 said:
Stella talk to the hand. I am not Michael I am a MJ fan. I love Michael with all my heart but he was not my guru so take your sermon somewhere else. The fact is Janet wanted the children’s passports for a reason and judging by all of her other actions I have to face the possibility she may have meant to do the kids serious harm.

The fact is that nobody ever wanted anyone's passports, honey.
Victory22;3682347 said:
Stella talk to the hand. I am not Michael I am a MJ fan. I love Michael with all my heart but he was not my guru so take your sermon somewhere else. The fact is Janet wanted the children’s passports for a reason and judging by all of her other actions I have to face the possibility she may have meant to do the kids serious harm.

We don't know the reason why Janet was asking for the passports. There isn't any proof she did. To speculate that she wanted to cause the children serious harm is no different to the speculation that tortured Michael. There is no evidential basis for it whatsoever.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Fact: Katherine has not talked to children for 10 days. It might be doctor's orders, some people cutting her communications or she's willingly not communicating with anyone.

I dont think katherine willingly didnt wanna commucaite with the children as i've heard she didnt know what the heck had been happening outside the spa and if thats true, imo that puts that that theory out the window
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Good to see the bolded since so many feel the estate has no business protecting the heirs, but only the guardian should.

Ivy Glad to see that you posted the statement given to E where the estate indicates who requested the banning and why. Now security knows who to keep out.

It is so embarrassing that some Jacksons had to go to this elegant community and cause this revolting disturbance. This gated community have become notorious due to them. If I was a landowner or tenant there I would be very upset.

I've honestly never heard of an executor being legally required to protect the heirs of an estate (other than protecting the money and assets until they're given to the heirs, of course).

I am glad to read that TJ was involved.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

We don't know the reason why Janet was asking for the passports. To speculate that she wanted to cause the children serious harm is no different to the speculation that tortured Michael. There is no evidential basis for it whatsoever.

Whatever Stella I'm done talking to you. You keep your opinion and sure as hell am going to keep mine.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

I said some. Also, none of those things are facts, as none of us were there to see it. We only hear what either side wants to say, and we can't claim any of it is factual. You can surely believe it is, but not know, especially when other members of the family claim otherwise.

None of it? ahahahaha really now. so you think that the judge ordered an individual investigation is not a fact? katherine being away was not a fact? Katherine herself admitting that she was not communicating was not a fact? Cops being called to the house not a fact?

Ok continue to kid yourself.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

The fact is that nobody ever wanted anyone's passports, honey.

Well according to the kids security guards and Trent, yes Janet was screaming in Paris's face for their passports.

As for the person that said we're quoting tabloids and media, no we are not. Everything we know is fact now.

Does anyone remember what Rebbie said at the memorial that was mentioned earlier?? I was far too emotional at that time to remember a word of what the sisters said afterwards!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

None of it? ahahahaha really now. so you think that the judge ordered an individual investigation is not a fact? Katherine herself admitting that she was not in contact was not a fact? Cops being called to the house not a fact?

Ok continue to kid yourself.
Saying judge was highly alarmed is not a fact, you were not there. Judge ordering an individual investigation is for obvious reasons; to know what has been going on. It means nothing else than that. What does Katherine admitting have anything to do with that? You said 10 days; again, not a fact. You only know that she did no talk to Paris for some time, not factual dates, and time-frames. Cops being called, again, nothing to do with it. Facts remain unknown for reasons, time-frame and who was the bad guy here. Assumptions do not help your case.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Well according to the kids security guards and Trent, yes Janet was screaming in Paris's face for their passports.

As for the person that said we're quoting tabloids and media, no we are not. Everything we know is fact now.

Does anyone remember what Rebbie said at the memorial that was mentioned earlier?? I was far too emotional at that time to remember a word of what the sisters said afterwards!
OMG I'm so done with you delusional people. REALLY? Trent's bodyguard... He'll say ANYTHING Trent wants him to say. FFS. Ban me please, I don't want to become one of you brainless idiots.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Randy will never be the children's guardian. He is delusional to think that would ever happen. All the kids have to do is say no. The fact that the judge took Katherine's guardianship away and the fact the judge wants to talk to the kids shows that many things did happen. The truth is that what the Jacksons tried to do and their actions were down right scary to watch last week. They actually said their mom had a mini stroke which she says did not happen and then she loses guardianship because of them. They wanted to make their own mother look unfit so Randy or one of them could take over for her. The whole thing is about money.They got exposed to the world of their greed and manipulations. They also lost the respect and trust of Michael's children.
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Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Randy will never be the children's guardian. He is delusional to think that would ever happen. All the kids have to do is say no. The fact that the judge took Katherine's guardianship away and the fact the judge wants to talk to the kids shows that many things did happen. The truth is that what the Jacksons tried to do and their actions were down right scary to watch last week.

Last week was very scary indeed to watch and I will never feel the children are safe around Janet, Randy, Rebbie and Jermaine again.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

From twitter:

Paris Jackso? ?@ParisJackson
aight i gotta go offline until im out of twitter jail lol keep on keepin on guys
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

Last week was very scary indeed to watch and I will never feel the children are safe around Janet, Randy, Rebbie and Jermaine again.

I don't either. I don't see how anyone can say it was acceptable that the kids were not able to talk to Katherine for 10 days. I don't care if you like the Jacksons or the executors or whoever. It was wrong. They lost their only parent and look to Katherine to be there for them. That's not acceptable for any child and their parent or guardian. All this drama and stress for what money? Disgusting.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

OMG I'm so done with you delusional people. REALLY? Trent's bodyguard... He'll say ANYTHING Trent wants him to say. FFS. Ban me please, I don't want to become one of you brainless idiots.

and that would get you banned
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /TJ temp Guardianship/Grandma's Home

"twitter jail" is actually a term used when you tweet too much too quickly and twitter doesn't allow you tweet for 1-2 hours. If she's using the term as it's widely used it might not be a punishment.