Because they state that they are fans.
The reviews those gave one star to this release on Amazon usually claim to be fans. One, for example, whined and ranted about the package how crap it is, in a long post. And he/she gave it one star. So just because he/she did not like the package the whole thing deserves to be trashed like that? Surely there is also something positive in it, if you are a fan, like Michael's performance, the demos etc? But no, just because you don't like the package, trash it publicly and give it one star. Okkay. What a fan! The same with the quality of the DVD. I can understand that some don't like it but even then surely there's also something positive in the release and you just don't give it one star on Amazon - if for nothing else then to show appreciation to Michael, the artist?
I do not personally care about whether the Estate or MJ edited in some frames from other concerts. I also do not think such edits would make this release "crap". But just because someone does not obsess about such details does not mean we "would eat any crap they get with MJ's name on it". I did not like the "Michael" album, for example. But I LOVE Bad 25 and IMO it's the good direction.
I never read reviews of MJ products. There are always idiots that are biased, that piss me off.
Ok, that really sucks, if some give up BS reviews for no reason.
I'll give the deluxe edition 4 stars.
And average 3,5 stars are totaly acceptable.
I dont understand you. isnt the "negativity" here not enough? That you go an anger your self to sites that have people that give their lame reviews. And amazon is full with exaggerated reviews. I know you want to read, whats the opinion of average custumer. I think the numbers in the charts and sales, speak for them self.
I want to say, everything i have said, about the remastering, editing and etc in not directed to the estate.
Thats where people do wrong. The estate didnt replace that frames them self. They just gave the extra footage to the remasterer and didnt confess. The estate isnt responsible for the audio, which is pretty good, no matter how the 5.1 mix is. And everything that people are not satisfied, is not estates fault.
BUT, it pisses me off when some call the critism here conspiracy agains the estate. I and all the others gave you dosen of times explanation why we critisize the dvd.
Also, just because we waited 25 years for this dvd, is no reason to give 5 star or 100% positive reviews.
Reviewes must be objective.
And someone who says "dont care if ... , i'm happy to finaly have it", is someone who buys everythung with MJ on it.
Many discribe the quality of Vision as Yt video, but suddenly ignore the mistakes on this dvd. Thats not fair.